[Lingtyp] Salos 2024 conference - 2nd call for papers

Danguole Kotryna Kapkan danguolekotryna at gmail.com
Tue May 7 09:27:20 UTC 2024

*Empirical data in linguistic research and where it leads: a variety of
approaches from fieldwork to R*

*Academia Grammaticorum Salensis Vigesima Prima conferenceJuly 26th, 2024 –
Salos, Lithuania*

The 21st International Salos Linguistics Summer School and Conference takes
a turn towards methodological topics. This year, with an eye on the
synergistic link to the preceding summer school, the Salos Linguistics
Conference aspires to encourage discussions on how data selection,
treatment, and analysis shape linguistic research outcomes. The use of
empirical data in today’s linguistics varies greatly; thus, we invite
scholars from all frameworks of linguistic research to give talks on a
variety of methodological questions. Moreover, in line with the traditional
openness of the Salos community, we also welcome presentations that
showcase results from all frameworks of linguistic research, ideally
presented in light of the empirical data chosen for the study or with a
reflection on how the results may have been shaped by the choice and
treatment of the data.

The topics for abstracts include, but are not limited to, the following

- methodological issues of linguistic fieldwork
- issues related to data annotation
- empirical database development projects and their reusability
- issues of application of statistical methods for linguistic analysis
- studies on little/poorly-documented languages and language varieties,
such as - dialects and other non standard varieties, along with research

*The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended until May 31st.*

Please apply by submitting your abstract here:

More information can be found here:

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by June 16th.
Registration for participants without a paper will begin in June.

Danguole Kotryna Kapkan (she/they)
PhD candidate
Centre for General Linguistics
Vilnius University
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