[Lingtyp] Online extraction of glossed examples from ELAN files: testers needed

Sebastian Nordhoff sebastian.nordhoff at glottotopia.de
Thu May 30 14:33:30 UTC 2024

Dear all,
for the project Open Text Collections, I have developed a web converter
which takes ELAN files as an input and extracts all sentences with
glosses and translations. These are then made available as csv (CLDF),
tex, and pdf, and can be opened in Overleaf to make adjustments.

The converter has been used on a variety of heterogeneous eaf files from
different collections of ours, and now produces quite good results. I
feel that we can now scale it up to a wider audience. The final goal
would be to have it available for everybody, but it will need some more

If you have some ELAN files on your hard drive and would in principle
like to have the linguistic content in there available as linguistic
examples to paste them into your papers, this web service might be very
interesting for you. Just reply to me in person and I will give you the
access details.

Best wishes

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