[Lingtyp] Clause chaining in the languages of the world

Hannah Sarvasy H.Sarvasy at westernsydney.edu.au
Thu Nov 28 12:08:23 UTC 2024

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the publication of Clause chaining in the languages of the world, edited by me and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and with contributions from 35 scholars, with Oxford U. Press:
I attach a flyer with a discount code for the book. But since the price is still prohibitive for many: if you would like access to any particular chapters, please let me or Sasha know, and we will see what we can do!
Table of Contents
1:Clause chaining in the languages of the world in typological perspective, Hannah S. Sarvasy and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
Part I. General issues in clause chaining
2: Prosody in clause chaining constructions, Matthew K. Gordon
3:The acquisition of clause chaining, Hannah S. Sarvasy and Soonja Choi
4:Clause chaining and switch-reference in language contact and language history, Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
Part II. Clause chaining in languages of New Guinea
5:Clause chaining in Greater Awyu languages of West Papua, Lourens de Vries
6:Clause chaining and switch-reference in Ndu languages, Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald
7:Clause chaining in Finisterre Papuan languages, Hannah S. Sarvasy
8:Clause chaining and other means of clause linking in Doromu-Koki, Robert L. Bradshaw
9:Clause chaining in Eibela, Grant Aiton
10:Clause chaining in Matukar Panau (Oceanic, Papua New Guinea), Danielle Barth and Malcolm Ross
Part III. Clause chaining in North American Indian languages
11:Clause chaining in Muskogean languages, George Aaron Broadwell
12:Clause chaining in Uto-Aztecan: A Northern Paiute perspective, Maziar Toosarvandani
13:Delineating typological categories: Central Alaskan Yup'ik, Marianne Mithun
Part IV. Clause chaining in South American Indian languages
14:Clause chaining in Aguaruna (Chicham), Simon E. Overall
15:Clause chaining in East Tukanoan Kotiria and Wa'ikhana: Structural and pragmatic features, Kristine Stenzel
16:Object-oriented switch-reference in Pano, Roberto Zariquiey and Pilar M. Valenzuela
17:Switch-reference and clause chaining in Northern Jê, Rafael Nonato
Part V. Clause chaining in languages of Eurasia
18:Clause chaining in Kurtöp, Gwendolyn Hyslop
19:Clause chaining in Dzongkha, Stephen Watters
20:Clause chains and related structures in Macro-Tani languages, Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi
21:Clause chaining in Adyghe (West Caucasian), Diana Forker
22:Clause chaining in Tsova-Tush and East Caucasian, Felix Anker
23:Clause chaining in Turkic, Lars Johanson, Eva A. Csató, and Birsel Karakoç
24:The development of clause chaining in Turkish, Ayhan Aksu-Koç and Hale Ögel-Balaban
25:Clause chaining in Buryat (North Mongolic), Elena Skribnik
26:Clause chains and intonation units in Japanese narratives, Patricia M. Clancy
Part VI. Clause chaining in languages of Eastern and Southern Africa
27:The Amharic converb in clause chaining, Mengistu Amberber
28:Converb constructions and clause chaining in Cushitic, Yvonne Treis and Martine Vanhove
29:Clause chaining in Bantu languages, Kristina Riedel and Hannah Gibson
With very best wishes,
Hannah Sarvasy

Senior Researcher
MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development
Western Sydney University

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