[Lingtyp] Abstract Submission Deadline Extension: ICLC11 - 11th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (Prague, 17-19/09/2025)
Nadvornikova, Olga
Olga.Nadvornikova at ff.cuni.cz
Sat Mar 1 09:44:34 UTC 2025
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 11th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-11) (https://iclc11.ff.cuni.cz/), which will take place on September 17–19, 2025, at Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Prague, we would like to inform you that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to March 10, 2025.
The conference focuses on comparative research involving two or more languages and aims to bring together scholars from various linguistic disciplines and theoretical-methodological approaches, including contrastive linguistics, typology, language acquisition, translation studies, corpus linguistics, and more (see the previous edition in Mannheim: https://iclc10.ids-mannheim.de/).
The language of the conference is English.
You can find all details regarding submission requirements and deadlines below and on the conference website:
We look forward to receiving your proposals and to welcoming you to the conference.
On behalf of the ICLC-11 Organizing Committee,
Olga Nádvorníková
Call for abstracts ICLC11 - International Contrastive Linguistics Conference
We invite abstracts on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
(1) Comparison of phenomena in two or more languages focused on any area and level of linguistic analysis:
* lexicon
* phonetics and phonology
* morphology, syntax and morphosyntax, linguistic complexity
* semantics, pragmatics, register and socio-cultural context
(2) Methodological challenges and solutions in cross-linguistic research:
* language corpora (multilingual, learner, and multimodal) and issues of linguistic annotation (e.g., Universal Dependencies)
* comparability issues, tertia comparationis, language universals; experimental and naturalistic interaction data
* AI and new digital tools in linguistic analysis
* low-resourced languages
(3) Contrastive linguistics in touch with related disciplines:
* generative, model-theoretic, functional or cognitive (e.g., constructional) approches
* historical, sociolinguistic and variationist perspectives; registers, multimodality, pragmatics, interculturality; language contact; language policy
* cognitive and psycholinguistic approaches to bilingualism and multilingualism; language acquisition, language teaching and learning
* translation studies
The abstracts should present empirical research, well-defined research questions or hypotheses, details of the research approach and methods, theoretical insights, and (preliminary or expected) results. For details see https://iclc11.ff.cuni.cz/calls-and-circulars/call-for-papers/.
* Parallel Oral Sessions
* Poster Sessions
* Keynote Speakers:
Sabine De Knop (Université Saint-Louis, Bruxelles, Belgium)
Volker Gast (Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany)
Dan Zeman (Charles University, Prague)
* Panel Discussion
24.02.2025: Deadline for abstract submission
10.3.2025: Extended deadline
26.05.2025: Notification of acceptance
02.06.2025: Registration opens
16.06.2025: Deadline for revised abstract submission
30.06.2025: Last day for early bird registration
01.09.2025: Online registration closes
16.09.2025: Arrival, Registration, Get-together
17–19.09.2025: Conference
* Mirjam Fried (chair) 1)
* Viktor Elšík 1)
* Jana Kocková 2)
* Michal Křen 1)
* Olga Nádvorníková 1)
* Alexandr Rosen 1)
1) Charles University, Faculty of Arts
2) Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Slavonic Studies
Website: https://iclc11.ff.cuni.cz/
Email: iclc11 at ff.cuni.cz<mailto:iclc11 at ff.cuni.cz>
PhDr. Olga Nádvorníková, Ph.D.
Ústav románských studií
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1
E: olga.nadvornikova at ff.cuni.cz
T: + 420 221 619 345
W: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Olga_Nadvornikova
PhDr. Olga Nádvorníková, Ph.D.
Department of Romance Studies
Charles University, Faculty of Arts
nám. Jana Palacha 1/2, 116 38 Praha 1
E: olga.nadvornikova at ff.cuni.cz
T: + 420 221 619 345
W: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Olga_Nadvornikova
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