6.03 Calls: Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Pan-Asiatic ling, ICCL-4
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Jan 11 00:27:07 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-03. Tue 10 Jan 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 431
Subject: 6.03 Calls: Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, Pan-Asiatic ling, ICCL-4
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Liz Bodenmiller <eboden at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 94 15:35:50 +0100
From: ligozat at limsi.fr (Gerard Ligozat)
Subject: IJCAI95 WS on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 1994 14:50:20 +0700 (GMT)
Subject: Call for paper : PAN-ASIATIC LINGUISTICS
From: Wichian Sittipraphaporn - LCLG - 3636331 (g3636331 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th)
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 94 23:09:52 CST
From: "Hongming Zhang" (hzhang6 at facstaff.wisc.edu)
Subject: Reminder of ICCL-4 / NACCL-7
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 94 15:35:50 +0100
From: ligozat at limsi.fr (Gerard Ligozat)
Subject: IJCAI95 WS on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
Frank D. Anger Hans W. Guesgen Gerard Ligozat
Computer Science Dept. Computer Science Dept. LIMSI, Universite Paris XI
University of W. Florida University of Auckland P.O. Box 133
Pensacola, FL 32514, USA Auckland, New Zealand 91403 Orsay, France
(904) 474-3022 (+64) (9) 373-7599 (+33) (1) 69 85 80 18
fax: (904) 474-3129 fax: (+64) (9) 373-7453 fax: (+33) (1) 69 85 80 88
fdang at dcs106.dcsnod.uwf.edu hans at cs.aukuni.ac.nz ligozat at limsi.fr
The organizers solicit participation in this second IJCAI workshop on
spatial and temporal issues in representation and reasoning. Despite
many obvious differences, techniques applied in both temporal and spatial
aspects of problem domains are often very similar: constraint propagation,
relation algebra, granularity control, and others. Even applications,
such as planning and path finding, are often closely related.
Although research on spatial and temporal reasoning had sustained
a steady current in major AI conferences for decades, the past few
years have witnessed a surge of interest in the field, as recent
workshops on the subject testify.
Artificial intelligence has been described as composed of models, systems,
and algorithms. Research on representing and reasoning about space and
time has put forward a number of models and systems, with comparatively
few results about the existence, properties, and feasibility of general
methods and algorithms. The organizers, therefore, feel that time is
now ripe for building on the existing results to make spatio-temporal
research into a field with a systematic body of knowledge, methods,
methodologies, and results.
The Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning focuses on major
problems facing the developers and users of temporal and spatial
models in all areas of AI and in computer science. The organizers seek
to establish a solid space-time bridge among the researchers in
disciplines where spatio-temporal issues are a key concern. Special
attention will be given to three general questions:
1. Commonality and differences between spatial and temporal reasoning.
2. Commonality and differences between temporal models across
applications. Likewise for spatial models.
3. Comparison of model logics, axiomatic systems, cognitive models,
and other approaches to modelling space and time.
Papers should represent current results, survey the interactions between
two or more areas of spatial and temporal research, or take a position
on proposed research directions that can have significant impact on one
or more of the relevant fields. Contributions representing an advance
toward the synthesis between spatial and temporal aspects, theoretic
and applied issues and different approaches will be favored.
The workshop will also provide an opportunity for discussing the
following topics:
1. Issues of REPRESENTATION of temporal and spatial knowledge.
2. Techniques for AUTOMATED REASONING about time and space,
including combinations of temporal and spatial reasoning into
one reasoning formalism.
3. ASSIMILATION of temporal and spatial facts into an existing
knowledge base.
4. INTEGRATION of different kinds of temporal and spatial knowledge
(qualitative and quantitative, propositional and depictional, etc.)
5. APPLICATIONS of temporal and spatial reasoning to concurrent
and distributed systems, planning, databases, robotics, neural
networks, language understanding, sequencing and scheduling.
6. Issues of COMPLEXITY and FEASIBILITY in spatial and temporal
WORKSHOP FORMAT: The opportunity for interaction and exchange among the
participants will be maximized. Using a varied format of invited
presentations, keynote address, panel, and open discussion,
participants are expected to become involved in the discussion,
potentially leading to new insights about the interfaces between
space and time, AI and Systems, and other related domains.
ATTENDANCE: Around 40 participants will be selected to attend the workshop,
contributing and participating in discussions. Accepted papers
will be included in the Workshop Working Notes to be distributed
by IJCAI. Publication of a book based on the working notes is
intended. Participants are advised that they MUST REGISTER
FOR THE IJCAI CONFERENCE and pay the corresponding fees as well
as a US$50 workshop fee.
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Electronic submissions are solicited in Tex,
Latex, or PostScript format. The papers, starting with title,
authors' names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and email
addresses, followed by keywords, and concluding with relevant
bibliographic references, should fit on 4 to 10 single-spaced
typewritten 8.5 x 11 inch pages, in the form of an extended
abstract or complete research, survey, or position paper.
Selection of participants will be based on relevance to the
indicated focus of the workshop, clarity of the work submitted,
and the strength of the research.
Frank D. Anger
Dept of Computer Science
University of W. Florida
Pensacola, FL 32514 USA
(904)474-3022; fax: (904)474-3129
email: fdang at dcs106.dcsnod.uwf.edu
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 1994 14:50:20 +0700 (GMT)
Subject: Call for paper : PAN-ASIATIC LINGUISTICS
From: Wichian Sittipraphaporn - LCLG - 3636331 (g3636331 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 1994 14:48:42 +0700
From: Wichian Sittipraphaporn - LCLG - 3636331 (g3636331 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th)
To: g3636331 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th
Subject: Call for paper: PAN-ASIATIC LINGUISTICS
)From g3636331 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th Fri Dec 23 14:41:59 1994
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Date: Fri, 23 Dec 1994 14:36:45 +0700 (GMT)
From: Wichian Sittipraphaporn - LCLG - 3636331 (g3636331 at mucc.mahidol.ac.th)
To: sealang-l at nucleus.nectec.or.th
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The Fourth International Symposium
Language and Linguistics
Bangkok, Thailand
January 8-10,1996
hosted by
Institute of Language and Culture
for Rural Development
The International Symposium on Language and Linguistics is
organized once every four years in Thailand. The last symposium hosted by
Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok 1992 had as its theme
"PAN-ASIATIC LINGUISTICS." For the upcoming fourth symposium which will be
hosted by the Institute of Language and Culture for Rural Development,
Mahidol University, January 8-10, 1996, we plan to continue the theme of
The symposium will bring together scholars interested in
linguistic studies of Asian languages from Japan to the Middle East, and
from Siberia to Indonesia; all are welcome.
The Symposium organizers are pleased to invite you to the
symposium. We would also appreciate your bringing our symposium to the
attention of any of your students or colleagues who might be interested.
We invite papers on all aspects of language description, both
theoretical and applied, as follows:
* Historical and Comparative Studies
* Language Contact and Language Change
* Typology and Universals of Languages
* Dialectology
* Phonetics / Phonology
* Morphology
* Syntax / Semantics
* Discourse Analysis
* Computational Linguistics
* Pragmatics
* Sociolinguistics
* Psycholinguistics
* Neurolinguistics
* Ethnolinguistics
The symposium will be held at the Royal River Hotel, Bangkok.
Registration Fees:
* Before August 31, 1995 : $ 130
* After August 31, 1995 : $ 150
(Payment by draft made to "Pan-Asiatic Linguistics Symposium")
Local participants please contact the symposium organizers
for a reduced rate / more information.
The fee includes admission to all conference sessions, all
conference documents, a welcoming reception, and everyday lunch and break.
August 31, 1995 : Submission of abstract ( in English)
October 31, 1995 : Submission of paper
The paper submitted after this deadline will not be included in
the proceedings.
English / French
All correspondence should be made to :
Dr.Somsonge Burusphat
"Pan-Asiatic Linguistics Symposium"
Institute of Language & Culture for Rural Development
Mahidol University at Salaya
Nakornpathom 73170, THAILAND
Tel. 441-9514, 441-9343, 441-9327
Fax. (662) 441-9517
e-mail oissj at chulkn.chula.ac.th
The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics
Bangkok, Thailand: January 8-10, 1996
Name _____________________________ __________________________________
Title (Mr,Mrs,Ms,Miss,Dr,Prof) Surname Firstname
Position _________________________________________
Affiliation/Institution _______________________________________________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________
_______________________ Postcode _______________ Country_______________
Telephone ( ) __________________ Fax ( ) ________________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________
() I will present a paper.
() I would like to attend but not present a paper.
Preferred wording on Name badge ________________________________________
Name of accompanying person (if relevant) ______________________________
Title of Paper _________________________________________________________
The area of my paper is ________________________________________________
Signature ________________________
Date ________________________
The Fourth International Symposium of Language and Linguistics
Bangkok, Thailand: January 8-10, 1996
The Conference site will be the Royal River Hotel which is
located on the Chao Phraya River in the Bangkoknoi district of Bangkok.
Conference participants will receive a special room rate.
Please Indicate Your Accommodation Preference:
() Single (US $ 56)
() Double (US $ 64)
() Extra bed (US $ 20)
I would like to share a double room with another participant :
- Name of other participant :______________________________
- Please pair me with someone if possible__________________
Check in date:_____________________________________________________
Check out date:____________________________________________________
Number of nights:__________________________________________________
The Fourth International Symposium on Language and Linguistics
Bangkok, Thailand: January 8-10,1996
Arrival Date:_____________________________________________________
Flight No.:_______________________________________________________
Departure Date:___________________________________________________
Flight No.:_______________________________________________________
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 94 23:09:52 CST
From: "Hongming Zhang" (hzhang6 at facstaff.wisc.edu)
Subject: Reminder of ICCL-4 / NACCL-7
Dear colleagues:
We just want to remind you of the following important deadlines:
(a) Jan. 1st of 1995 for the abstract & paper submitted for
the YSA
(b) Jan. 20th of 1995 for the abstract submitted for ICCL-4
All the papers/abstracts postmarked before or on the deadline dates
will be accepted for review. We wish you a happy and successful 1995!
The Joint Meeting of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese
Linguistics (ICCL-4) and Seventh North American Conference on Chinese
Linguistics (NACCL-7)
June 27-30, 1995
The University of Wisconsin-Madison
Conference Theme:Typology
Second Announcement
Call for papers: The theme of the Joint Meeting this year is Typology.
Papers on all aspects of Chinese linguistics are
welcome, however. Abstracts should be type-written,
not more than one page, and use font sizes no smaller
than 10 points. Five copies are required, two with
the author's full name, institution, and address,
and the others without. The deadline for abstracts
is January 20, 1995.
Young Scholar Award (Funded by IACL)
(for faculty, students, and others)
Eligibility: Either age 35 or younger OR below the rank of Associate
Professor (US/Chinese system) or Senior Lecturer (British
Recipients will be given subsidies to attend ICCL-4 where the award
will be presented. Only single-author papers will be
accepted. Each applicant may submit only one paper, in
either English or Chinese (25 pages maximum) with a one
page abstract. Three copies of the paper and abstract
are required, one with the author's full name, institution,
and address, and the other two without. Deadline for
submission of both abstracts and papers is January 1,
1995. Proof of age or rank must be provided.
Address abstracts ICCL-4/NACCL-7 Organizing Committee
and inquiries to: Department of East Asian Languages and Literature
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: (608) 262-0689
Fax: (608) 265-5731
E-mail: ICCL at macc.wisc.edu
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-03.
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