6.32 Confs: PACLING - II, Chinese Dialectology Conference
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat Jan 14 18:31:21 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-32. Sat 14 Jan 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 308
Subject: 6.32 Confs: PACLING - II, Chinese Dialectology Conference
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Liz Bodenmiller <eboden at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 21:39:40 +1000
From: sussex at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au (Prof. Roly Sussex)
Subject: PACLING - II
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 08:15:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Yuen Ren Society (yuenren at u.washington.edu)
Subject: Chinese Dialectology Conference
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 21:39:40 +1000
From: sussex at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au (Prof. Roly Sussex)
Subject: PACLING - II
The Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics-Second conference
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia
April 19-22, 1995
The 2nd Conference of the PACLING will be held at the University of Queensland
from Wednesday April 19 to Saturday, April 22, 1995.
The venue for the conference is St John's College, which is
located on the campus of the University of Queensland. The
university campus is situated 5km from the city centre,
with easy access to the city by bus and taxi.
The formal program will fill all of Wednesday, April 19th,
Thursday April 20th and the morning of Saturday April 22nd.
Friday April 21st has been set aside for an optional
excursion to the Currumbin animal sanctuary and other
feature spots on the Gold Coast, 80km south-east of
Brisbane. The conference dinner is on Friday evening.
John Bateman (Darmstadt)
Charles Fillmore (Berkeley)
Michael Halliday (Sydney)
Michio Sugeno (Tokyo)
The final program will be circulated electronically in
February, and will also be available via gopher:
Accommodation is available in St John's College at
$A40/night for bed and breakfast. The PACLING Conference
Secretariat will handle bookings - see below.
Delegates who prefer to stay in hotel accommodation closer
to the centre of town are recommended to consider the
Inn on the Park ($A90 per night)
507 Coronation Drive, Auchenflower
Tel: +61 7 870 9222 OR (in Australia) 008 773 774
Fax: +61 7 870 2246
All Seasons Abbey Hotel ($A90 per night)
160 Roma Street, Brisbane
Tel: +61 7 236 1444
Fax: +61 7 236 1134
For these hotels please make bookings yourself by phone or
fax, quoting the PACLING conference.
We are pleased to have appointed Ansett Australia as our
sole domestic official carrier for our 1995 Conference.
Please support this appointment by flying Ansett Australia
when air travel is required.
For the cost of a local call Australia wide phone 008 810
532 and quote File Number MC 07336.
For information regarding meals, the social program, Internet access,
international air travel, and other services,contact the PACLING office by
fax or email.
Centre for Language Teaching and Research
University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD Australia 4072
Phone: +61 7 365 6897
Fax: +61 7 365 7077
E-mail: pacling at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au
Gopher: gopher.cltr.uq.oz.au
Naoyuki Okada, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Roland Sussex, Centre for Language Teaching and Research
The University of Queensland
Christian Matthiessen, Department of English and
Linguistics, Macquarie University
Hong-Liang Qiao, Centre for Language Teaching and
Research, The University of Queensland
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 08:15:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Yuen Ren Society (yuenren at u.washington.edu)
Subject: Chinese Dialectology Conference
Yuen Ren Society
for the Promotion of Chinese Dialect Fieldwork
Conference on Chinese Dialects, 27 March, 1995, Salt Lake City
Announcement #1
The Yuen Ren Society for the Promotion of Chinese Dialect
Fieldwork (founded 1990 at the University of Washington) is dedicated to
the study of diverse varieties of spoken Hann Chinese. The Society's
meetings are an occasional forum for distributing and discussing fresh
dialect data.
Submissions are now being accepted for a conference to be held in
conjunction with the 205th Meeting of the American Oriental Society,
tentatively the afternoon of Monday, 27 March 1995, at the Marriott Hotel
in Salt Lake City, Utah.
All communication about this conference should be addressed to:
email: (yuenren at u.washington.edu)
ordinary mail:
The Yuen Ren Society
att'n: David Prager Branner
Asian Languages and Literature, DO-21
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
I. Scope of the conference:
Descriptive or comparative material for any variety of spoken Hann
Chinese, preferably unfamiliar to dialectologists at large. To request a
list of illustrative suggestions, write to (yuenren at u.washington.edu).
Yuen Ren Society conferences center around the presentation of
original or rare data from real Hann Chinese dialects. Why so narrow?
The reason is that there are already many outlets for theoretical and
philological studies in Chinese linguistics; but there are no real
outlets for the plain presentation and discussion of *data*.
This meeting will consist of two elements:
A. a collection of data, printed as an issue in the Society's
occasional series, _The Yuen Ren Society Treasury of Chinese Dialect
Data_, and
B. a presentation of the data by the fieldworker or compiler,
together with discussion by the audience. The _Treasury_ will be
available at the meeting, where it will serve as the handout.
II. Deadlines.
28 January 1995, for submission of an abstract and either a
full-length draft of the material or a reasonably long sample from it.
28 February 1995, for receipt by the Society of the final
camera-ready draft. This deadline is firm; if you are afraid you are
going to miss it, you should be in touch with the Society *before* that
There is no deadline for registration at the conference, but
we would like to know beforehand if you plan to attend.
III. Submission of material.
Anyone wishing to present data at the Society's conference must
submit it for publication in the _Yuen Ren Treasury of Chinese Dialect
Data_. All submissions will be subject to review.
If you cannot be present at the conference, you may still submit
material to the current issue of the _Treasury_.
This conference is independent of the American Oriental Society
meeting, and participants are not required to register with the AOS
unless they want to attend AOS sessions.
IV. Attendance by non-participants.
The conference is open to everyone, including people who are not
members of the Yuen Ren Society. There will be no fee for attending the
conference, but there may be a small on-site registration fee for anyone
who wants a copy of the _Yuen Ren Treasury_. The _Treasury_ will serve as
the combined handout for the whole conference.
V. Notes on style and format.
1. The Society favors the use of Gwoyeu Romatzyh, but will not
reject any other reasonable system of romanization, as long as all tonal
distinctions are represented in some consistent way. Papers that use
romanization without some form of tonal distinction will be rejected.
Both traditional and simplified characters are welcome.
2. The languages of the conference and of all papers should be
English or Mandarin.
3. Length of individual presentations at the conference will be
variable, with up to 25 minutes per presentation, and discussion ad hoc.
Please tell the Society how long your presentation will be. Length of
documents in the _Treasury_ will also be variable, depending on their
4. All papers should include a section in the bibliography
entitled "Sources of Dialect Data" or something comparable, in addition to
the ordinary list of works cited. Papers introducing data from original
fieldwork *must* list the names of all sites represented, together with
information about the informants used and the dates of fieldwork. Papers
using any data not gathered by the author personally *must* list the
sources of each distinct set of data. It is a good idea to distinguish
different sources, even if they represent the same site.
5. All submissions to the _Yuen Ren Treasury_ must be made in
camera-ready hard copy. Handwritten documents, unless they are remarkably
neat, will ordinarily be rejected. For documents produced on a computer,
common serif fonts such as Courier or New York should be used for Roman
letter writing apart from IPA, and a sharply legible bitmap or outline
font such as Sung should be used for kanji. Very neatly handwritten kanji
are acceptable. If in doubt, send a sample of your typefaces to the
Society *before* the submission deadline.
6. Finished documents should have margins a minimum of one inch
wide. Print should be black only, and the body of the text should be
between 12 and 14 point in size and double spaced. Documents produced on
a computer should be printed at not less than 300 dpi.
7. In general, papers should follow the style guidelines of a
recent edition of the _Chicago Manual of Style_.
VI. Restrictions:
Barring exceptional circumstances, the following will be
considered outside the scope of the conference, since there are already
other outlets for them:
1. Papers emphasizing formal analysis or formal representation.
2. New romanization schemes.
3. Papers comparing a single modern dialect to the Jin'in (a.k.a.
_Chiehyunn_) phonological system.
4. Papers all of whose data is culled from published sources,
unless the source is rare or for some reason poorly known.
5. Studies of "Mandarin", "Taiwanese", "Cantonese", "Hakka", or
other standard dialects, based neither on fieldwork nor the speech of
named sites or sources.
6. Presentations that do not consist primarily of data.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-32.
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