6.77 Confs: GLS 1995 Schedule (updated 1/19/95)

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Jan 20 15:24:35 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-77. Fri 20 Jan 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 368
Subject: 6.77 Confs: GLS 1995 Schedule (updated 1/19/95)
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
               Liz Bodenmiller <eboden at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:53:11 -0500 (EST)
From: Shari Kendall (KENDALLS at guvax.acc.georgetown.edu)
Subject: GLS 1995 Schedule (updated 1/19/95)
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 10:53:11 -0500 (EST)
From: Shari Kendall (KENDALLS at guvax.acc.georgetown.edu)
Subject: GLS 1995 Schedule (updated 1/19/95)
updated 1/19/95 (includes session times)
                The Georgetown Linguistics Society
                        February 17-19, 1995
               Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
                       **CONFERENCE SCHEDULE**
                        *FRIDAY, February 17*
2:00 - 3:30
Colloquium: Developments in Signed Language Discourse Part I
  (Coordinator: Melanie Metzger)
*Ruth Morgan
  The interplay of place and space in a Namibian Sign Language narrative
*Kathleen Wood
  Negotiating literate identities: Life stories of deaf students
*Susan M. Mather
  Adult-deaf toddler discourse
Will the Real Author Please Stand Up?: Exploiting the Speech of Others
*Richard Buttny
  Talking race on campus: Reported speech in accounts of race relations
  at a university campus
*Akira Satoh
  Reported speech in English and Japanese: A comparative analysis
*Joyce Tolliver
  Evidentiality and accountability in literary narrative
3:45 - 5:15
Colloquium: Developments in Signed Language Discourse Part II
  (Coordinator: Melanie Metzger)
*Tina M. Neumann
  Figurative language in an American Sign Language poem: Personification and
*Scott Liddell and Melanie Metzger
  Spatial mapping in an ASL Narrative: Examining the use of multiple surrogate
*Elizabeth A. Winston
  Spatial mapping in comparative discourse frames in American Sign Language
Political, Intellectual, Institutional Identities
*Anna De Fina
  Pronominal choice, identity and solidarity in political discourse
*Charlotte Linde
  Other people's stories: Third person narrative in individual and group
*Karen Tracy
  The identity work of questioning in intellectual discussion
Prior Discourses and the Structure of Classroom Interaction
*Mary Buchinger Bodwell
  "Now what does that mean, 'first draft'?": Adult literacy classes and
  alternative models of editing a text
*Deborah Poole
  The effects of text on talk in a class-room literacy event
*Myriam Torres
  Why teachers do not engage in co-construction of knowledge: A critical
  discourse analysis
5:30 - 6:30
Plenary Speaker: ROGER SHUY
6:45 - 7:45
8:00 - 11:00
                       *SATURDAY, February 18*
9:30 - 10:30
Plenary Speaker: HEIDI HAMILTON
10:45 - 12:45
Colloquium: Developments in Conversation Analysis: Oh, What, Or, Pardon
 (Coordinator: Maria Egbert)
*Paul Drew
  'What'?: A sequential basis for an 'open' form of repair initiation in
  conversation (and some implications for cognitive approaches to interaction)
*Maria Egbert
  The relevance of interactants' eye gaze to the organization of
  other-initiated repair: The case of German 'bitte?' ('pardon?')
*Anna Lindstrom
  'Or'-constructed inquiries as a resource for probing the relevance of prior
  talk in Swedish conversation
*John Heritage
  'Oh'-prefaced responses to inquiry
Privileged Views in Media Discourse
*Gertraud Benke
  News about news: Textual features of news agency copies and their usage in the
*Debra Graham
  Racism in the reporting of the O.J. Simpson arrest: A critical discourse
  analysis approach
*Ian Hutchby
  Arguments and asymmetries on talk radio
*Joanna Thornborrow
  Talk shows and democratic discourse
Interactional Explanations for Patterns of Variation
*Scott Fabius Kiesling
  Using interactional discourse analysis to explain variation
*Sylvie Dubois
  The coherent network of effects on discourse
Humorous Faces
*Nancy K. Baym
  Humorous performance in a computer-mediated group
*Diana Boxer and Florencia Cortes-Conde
  Teasing that bonds: Conversational joking and identity display
12:45 - 2:45
Theme lunch
2:45 - 4:45
Negotiating Authority and Status
*Cynthia Dickel Dunn
  The language of the tea teacher: Shifting indexical ground in a Japanese
  pedagogical context
*Lena Gavruseva
  'What is this drivel about garages?': The construction of authoritative
  self in the cover letter discourse
*Geoffrey Raymond
  The voice of authority: Sequence and turn design in live news broadcasts
*Hideko Nornes Abe
  Discourse analysis on distal and direct styles of Japanese women's speech
Narrative Structures across Languages
*Viola G. Miglio
  Tense alternations in medieval prose texts
*Asli Ozyurek
  How children use connectives to talk about a conversation
*Marybeth Culley
  Rhetorical elaborations of a Chiricahua Apache comic narrative genre
*Bethany K. Dumas
  Complex narratives in Ozark discourse
Competing Discourses and Dominance
*Tony Hak
  'She has clear delusions': The production of a factual account
*Catherine F. Smith
  Democratic discourses
*John Clark
  Standard and vernacular: Persuasive discourse styles in conflict
*Kathryn Remlinger
  Keeping it straight: The socio-linguistic construction of a heterosexual
  ideology in a campus community
5:00 - 7:00
Colloquium: Discourse and Conflict
  (Coordinator: Christina Kakava)
*Faye C. McNair-Knox
  Discourse and conflict in African-American English womantalk: Patterns of
  grammaticalized disapproval in narratives
*Christina Kakava
  Evaluation in personal and vicarious stories: Mirror of a Greek man's self
*Patricia E. O'Connor
  'You can't keep a man down': Positioning in conflict talk and in violent acts
*Laine Berman
  Life stories from the streets: Homeless children's narratives of violence
  and the construction of a better world
Discourse Influences on Syntactic Categories and Structures
*Jennifer Arnold
  The interaction between discourse focus and verbal form in Mapudungun
*Rajesh Bhatt
  Information status and word order in Hindi
*Paul Hopper
  Discourse and the category 'verb' in English
Interactional Construction of Cognitive Understanding
*Pamela W. Jordan and Megan Moser
  Multi-level coordination in computer-mediated conversation
*Claudia Roncarati
  Repetition and cognition in the information flow: A case-study in Brazilian
  Portuguese database
*Andrea Tyler and John Bro
  Examining perceptions of text comprehensibility: The effect of order and
  contextualization cues
7:15 - 8:15
Plenary Speaker: CHARLES GOODWIN
                        *SUNDAY, February 19*
9:30 - 10:30
10:45 - 12:45
Colloquium: Frames Theory and Discourse
  (Coordinator: Janice Hornyak)
*Janice Hornyak
  Personal and professional frames in office discourse
*Susan Hoyle
  Negotiation of footing in play
*Carolyn Kinney
  The interaction of frames, roles and footings: Conversational strategies of
  co-leaders in a long-term group
*Yoshiko Nakano
  Interplay of expectations in cross-cultural miscommunication: A case study of
  negotiations between Americans and Japanese
*Suwako Watanabe
  Framing in group discussion: A comparison between Japanese and American
Interpreting, Challenging, Evaluating Gender
*Jennifer Curtis
  Contestation of masculine identities in a battering intervention program
*Keller S. Magenau
  More than feminine: Attending to power and social distance dimensions in
  spoken and written workplace communication
*Keli Yerian
  Professional and gendered identities in the discourse of two public
  television directors
*Donna Trousdale
  Social languages and privileging: Gender and school science discourse
Discursive Enactments of Cultural Ideologies
*Isolda Carranza
  Stance-making in oral interviews
*Shari E. Kendall
  Religion and experience: Constructed dialogue, narrative, and life story in
  religious testimonies
*Agnes Weiyun He
  Stories as interactional resources: Narrative activity in academic counseling
*Orla Morrissey
  Discourse analysis as an evaluation methodology for technology assessment in
  pre-competitive R and D environments
12:45 - 2:15
2:15 - 3:45
Computational Approaches to Discourse Analysis
*Megan Moser and Johanna D. Moore
  An approach to the study of discourse cues
*Yan Qu
  A computational approach for automatically extracting discourse rules
*Donald Lewis
  Theme and eventline in a Classical Hebrew narrative: A computer-assisted
Conversational Moves
*C. Antaki, F. Diaz, A. Collins
  Participants' orientation to footing: Evidence from conversational completion
*Peter Muntigl
  Saving face in argument: An analysis of face-threatening disagreements
*Martin Warren
  How do conversations begin and end?
Fine-tuning Conversation
*Hiroko Spees
  How aizuchi 'back channels' shape and are shaped by the interaction in
  Japanese conversations
*Toshiko Hamaguchi
  Manifestation of shared knowledge in conversation
*Yrjo Engestrom
  Discursive disturbances as bridge between the micro and the macro:
  Evidence from activity-theoretical studies in collaborative work settings
4:00 - 5:00
Plenary Speaker: DEBORAH TANNEN
                      **HOW TO CONTACT GLS 1995**
Please send registration and requests for information regarding special
discounts on airfare, accommodations, and transportation to the
Georgetown Linguistics Society:
        GLS 1995                        internet:  gls at guvax.georgetown.edu
        Georgetown University           bitnet:    gls at guvax.bitnet
        Department of Linguistics       voice:     (202) 687-6166
        479 Intercultural Center
        Washington, D.C. 20057-1068
Regularly updated information is available through the World-Wide Web
Georgetown Linguistics Home Page: http://www.georgetown.edu/cball/gu_lx.html
Please complete and print this form or provide the required information
on another sheet of paper and mail to GLS 1995, Georgetown University,
Department of Linguistics, 479 Intercultural Center, Washington, D.C.
Mailing address:
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Registration Fee.
   Please remit the appropriate registration fee in the form of a
   check or money order made payable to "Georgetown University":
                                        Student       Non-Student
   Preregistration (through Feb. 10)    $20.00          $30.00
   On-site registration                 $30.00          $40.00
Attendance Needs
() American Sign Language interpretation
() crash space (first-come basis)
() other (please specify)
End of announcement. Please distribute as widely as possible. Thank you.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-77.

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