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Sat Jun 17 21:33:13 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-819. Sat Jun 17 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  95
Subject: 6.819, Sum: Verb Particles
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at>
Assoc. Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at>
               Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at>
Editor for this issue: hdry at (Helen Dry)
Date:  Thu, 15 Jun 1995 16:46:45 CDT
From:  stenson at (Nancy J Stenson)
Subject:  summary: verb-particles
Date:  Thu, 15 Jun 1995 16:46:45 CDT
From:  stenson at (Nancy J Stenson)
Subject:  summary: verb-particles
Many thanks to all of you who responded to my request for references on
phrasal verbs/particles.  I haven't had time to track down the details of
some of the leads I got, but I have most of them, and since I'll soon be
leaving town for much of the summer, had best post what I have.  I'll
find the rest when  I get back.  Here it is, and thanks again.
The Respondents;
Bas Aarts, Hans Broekhuis, Andrew Carnie, Richard DeArmond, Stig
Eliasson, Larry Gorbet, Olaf Koeneman, Steve Matthews, Geoff Nathan, Douglas Ol
iver, Haj
Ross, Joanna Rubba, Goerel Sandstroem, Robin Schafer, Michael B. Smith, Tim
Stowell, Bob Wachal, Debra Yeager.
The References
Aarts, Bas 1989. Verb-preposition constructions and small clauses in
        English.  Journal of Linguistics 25.277-290.
Aarts, Bas. 1989.  Small Clauses in English: the non-verbal types.
        Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Brugmann, Claudia. 1981.  The story of Over.  MA thesis, University
        of California, Berkeley.
Carnie, Andrew, Heidi Harley, and Elizabeth Pyatt . 1994. Old Irish: a
        double derivative of VSO. Paper presented at FLSM and Celtic Linguistic
        Conference, UCD.
Dagut, Menachem & Batia Laufer. 1985. Avoidance of phrasal verbs: A case for
        contrastive analysis. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 7, 73-79.
DeArmond, Richard.  A paper on WWW, which I haven't yet managed
        to access, but here's the address; someone may have better luck:
den Dikken, Marcel.  1995. Particles. Oxford University Press.
Gold, Elaine.  Paper or MA thesis on Yiddish.
Gueron, Jacqueline. 1986.  Clause Union and the Verb-Particle
        construction in English.  NELS 16.
Hawkins, John. 1994. A Performance Theory of Order and  Constituency.
        Cambridge University Press
Hoekstra, Teun and Rene Mulder. 1990.  Unergatives as Copular   Verbs:
        Locational and Existential Predication.  The Linguistic Review 7. 1-79.
Hulstijn, Jan H.& E. Marchena. 1989. Avoidance: Grammatical or semantic causes?
 Studies in Second Language Acquisition 11, 241-255.
         Studies in Second Language Acquisition 11, 241-255.
Kayne, Richard. 1985 . Principles of Particle Constructions. in J.
        Gueron, H.-G. Obenauer,& J.-Y Pollock, eds.Grammatical Representation,
        101-140.  Dordrecht: Foris.
Koopman, Hilda. 1991.  The verb-particle construction and the syntax
        of PPs.  Ms. UCLA.
Laufer, Batia & Stig Eliasson. 1993. What causes avaoidance in L2
        learning:L1-L2 difference, L1-L2 similarity, or L2 complexity? Studies
        SecondLanguage Acquisition 15, 35-48.
Lindner, Sue. 1981. A Lexico-Semantic Analysis of English verb- particle
        constructions with UP and OUT.  UCSD dissertation
Lindner, Sue. 1982. What goes up doesn't necessarily come down: the
        ins and outs of opposites. In K. Tuife, R. Schneider and R. Chametsky,
        Papers from the 18th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society
, pp.305-323.
MacPartland, Pamela. 1989-90.  CUNY Graduate Center dissertation
Neeleman, Ad.1994.  Complex Predicates. Phd diss, Utrecht University.
Neeleman, Ad and Fred Weerman. 1993.  The balance between syntax
        and morphology:Dutch particles and resultatives.  NLLT 11.433-476
Stowell, Tim.  1981. Origins of Phrase Structure. MIT dissertation.
Svenonius, Peter. 1994.  Dependent Nexus: Subordinate Predication
        Structures in English and the Scandinavian Languages, Ph.D.
        dissertation, UCSC.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-819.

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