6.331 Confs: CPC'95, WCCFL Final Program
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sun Mar 5 07:10:42 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-331. Sun 05 Mar 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 313
Subject: 6.331 Confs: CPC'95, WCCFL Final Program
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Thu Mar 2 15:40:02 1995
From: "Dikareva S.S." (dikareva at ccssu.crimea.ua)
Subject: Conference announcement: CPC'95
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 10:41:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Hajime Hoji (wccfl at mizar.usc.edu)
Subject: WCCFL Final Program
Date: Thu Mar 2 15:40:02 1995
From: "Dikareva S.S." (dikareva at ccssu.crimea.ua)
Subject: Conference announcement: CPC'95
* CPC'95 *
* *
* International Conference *
* ```````````````````````` *
* Cognitive Processes *
* in *
* Spoken and Written Communication: *
* *
* Theories and Applications *
* *
* September 18-23, 1995 *
* Crimea, Ukraine *
* *
The CPC95 is a multi-disciplinary conference designed to
look at what has been achieved to date in the fields of
Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Computer Science,
Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, and Theory of Literature
through the study of language usage and related cognitive
processes. Special attention will be given to the new types
of spoken and written communication challenged by application
multi/hyper media during interaction between humans and
between humans and computers.
The Conference will be held in one of the holiday-homes
located on the Black Sea coast, near Yalta.
You are invited to attend the CPC95 conference and submit
proposals for papers, panels, tutorials, and posters.
The CPC95 is organized by
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia,
University of St.Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia,
Simferopol State University, Crimea, Ukraine
Crimean Research Centre of Humanities, Crimea, Ukraine
The CPC'95 will address
* Cognitive Science, Linguistics, and Theory of Literature
* Logical and Psychological Bases of Cognitive Linguistics
* Linguistic Dichotomies in the Light of Cognitive Grammar
* Cognitive Processes in Improvement of Speech Activity
* Cognitive and Communicative Aspects of Bilingualism
* Cognitive Basis for Computer-Assisted Learning
* Computer-Mediated Types of Human Communication
** Computer-Aided Writing
** Computer-Aided Reading
** Computer-Mediated Interaction
*** E-mail Dialogue
*** Teleconferencing
* Multi/Hypermedia for Computer-Human Communication
Conference Committee
Larisa Aksenova (University of Simferopol, Ukraine)
Valentin Bogdanov (University of St.Petersburg, Russia)
Peter Brusilovsky (ICSTI, Russia)
Svetlana Dikareva (University of Simferopol, Ukraine)
Georges Faffiotte (University of Grenoble, France)
Clark Germann (Front Range Community College, USA)
Vladimir Kazarin (University of Simferopol, Ukraine)
Anatoly Novikov (Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Vladimir Ronginsky (University of Simferopol, Ukraine)
Madis Saluveer (University of Tartu, Estonia)
Aleksander Shakhnarovich (Academy of Sciences, Russia)
Mike Sharples (University of Sussex, UK)
Elmire Tisenko (University of St.-Petersburg, Russia)
Tatiana Yaschenko (University of Simferopol, Ukraine)
The CPC'95 Conference Deadlines
Submissions Due: May 1, 1995
Authors Notified: May 15, 1995
Camera Ready Copy Due: June 19, 1995
Pre-Registration Deadline: July 17, 1995
Submissions include
- a cover page: the title, names of each author, affiliations,
addresses, E-mail address of principle presenter, suggested
conference topic and type of presentation (paper, panel, tutorial,
- an abstract (750 words).
Electronic proposals must be in pure ASCII text.
Selected papers will be published in Conference Proceedings.
Submit to
Dr. Dikareva Svetlana
Simferopol State University,
Department of Russian Language
Yaltinskaya 4, Simferopol,
Crimea, Ukraine 333036
Phone (0652) 23-03-84
Fax (0652) 23-21-69
email: dikareva at ccssu.crimea.ua
Conference Venue
The Crimea is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
This magic land washed by the Black Sea has a variety of natural
conditions and climatic zones. There are many places of great
historical and cultural interest.
Discover the Crimea - the intersection point
of different cultures and languages.
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 10:41:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Hajime Hoji (wccfl at mizar.usc.edu)
Subject: WCCFL Final Program
WCCFL Workshop
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
March 9, 1995
THURSDAY, March 9. Location: Topping Student Center (TSC), 204-205
1:00-1:30 Sabine Iatridou and Spyridoula Varlokosta (U. of Pennsylvania)
"Why Modern Greek has only Predicational Pseudo-Clefts"
1:30-2:00 Peter Svenonius (U. of Tromso) "Toward a typology of predicators"
2:15-2:45 Rose-Marie Dechaine (U. of British Columbia) "The Adjective-
Adverb connection"
2:45-3:15 Antonia Androutsopoulou (UCLA) "The Licensing of Adjectival
3:30-4:00 Orin Percus (MIT) "Topics and Semantic Partition"
4:00-4:30 Norbert Hornstein (U. of Maryland), Sara Rosen (Kansas U.) and Juan
Uriagereka (U. of Maryland) "Integral Predications"
West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics
University of Southern California, Los Angeles
March 10-12, 1995
FRIDAY, March 10 Location: Topping Center (TSC), 204-205
9:00-9:30 WELCOME
1. Semantics.
9:30-10:00 Piroska Csuri (Brandeis U.) "DRT and the two types of Anaphora"
10:00-10:30 Virginia Brennan (Vanderbilt U.) "Tag Questions in Discourse"
2. Syntax.
10:45-11:15 Mireille Tremblay (UQAM) "Empty prepositions and UG"
11:15-11:45 Christine Tellier and Daniel Valois (U. de Montreal) "Agreement and
Extraction out of DP"
11:45-12:15 Masanori Nakamura (McGill U.) "Theme Extraction in Bantu
--- Lunch ---
3. Phonology.
1:30-2:00 Jongho Jun (UCLA) "Place assimilation as the result of conflicting
Perceptual and Articulatory Constraints"
2:00-2:30 Edward Flemming (UCLA) "Evidence for Constraints on Contrasts"
2:30-3:00 Hubert Truckenbrodt (MIT) "A prosodic Constraint on extraposition
and the syntax-phonology mapping"
4. Syntax/Semantics. .
3:15-3:45 Andre Meinunger (Forderungsgesellschaft Wissenschaftliche
Neuvorhaben) "Focus Relations and Weak Islands"
3:45-4:15 Daniel Buring (U. zu Koln) and Katharina Hartmann (U. Frankfurt)
"Extraposition, Quantifier Raising, and Association with Focus"
4:15-4:45 Jenny Doetjes and Martin Honcoop (Leiden U.) "Eventual Objects &
Scopal Islands"
5. Syntax/Semantics.
5:15-5:45 Diana Cresti (MIT) "Economy and the Scope of Amount Phrases"
5:45-6:15 Renate Musan (MIT) "Present/Past incompatibilites with tenses and
6:15-6:45 Keun-Won Sohn (U. of Connecticut) "Scope Interpretation without
Rigidity Condition"
SATURDAY, March 11. Location: Topping Center (TSC), 204-205
6. Syntax.
9:00-9:30 Ruriko Kawashima (MIT) and Hisatsugu Kitahara (Princeton U.) "On
the Definition of Move: Strict Cyclicity Revisited"
9:30-10:00 Roumyana Izvorski (U. of Pennsylvania) "A Solution to the
Subcomparative Paradox"
10:00-10:30 Andreas Kathol and Carl Pollard (Ohio State U.) "Wh-Extraction in
German Subordinate Clauses"
7. Syntax/Semantics.
10:45-11:15 Satoshi Tomioka (U. of Mass., Amherst) "Donkey Pronouns and Sloppy
Identity in VP ellipsis"
11:15-11:45 Helen de Hoop and Jaume Sola (U. of Groningen) "Determiners,
context sets, and focus"
11:45-12:15 Soowon Kim and James Lyle (U. of Washington) "Parasitic gaps,
multiple questions, and VP ellipsis"
--- Lunch ---
8. Syntax.
1:30-2:00 Knut Tarld Taraldsen (U. of Tromso) "Case, subject-orientation and
agreement in Icelandic and Faroese"
2:00-2:30 Kevin Russell and Charlotte Reinholtz (U. of Manitoba) "Hierarchical
Structure in a Non-Configurational Language"
2:30-3:00 Mengistu Amerber (McGill U.) "The Transitivity of Verbs of SAYING
9. Phonology.
3:15-3:45 Eugene Buckley (U. of Pennsylvania) "Constraint Domains in Kashaya"
3:45-4:15 Abigail R. Kaun (U. of Iowa) "Harmony as Alignment in Shuluun Hoh"
4:15-4:45 Orhan Orgun (UC-Berkeley) "Correspondence and Identity Constraints
in two-level Optimality Theory"
10. Syntax.
5:15-5:45 Elly van Gelderen (Groningen U.) "Restraining Functional Categories:
the Case of Auxiliaries and Participles"
5:45-6:15 Yuji Takano (UC-Irvine) "VP-Internal Oject Shift"
6:15-6:45 Sabine Iatridou (U. of Pennsylvania) "To Have and Have not:
Participial Agreement and the lack thereof"
7:30 RECEPTION at the Crown Plaza Hotel
SUNDAY, March 12 Location: Topping Center (TSC), 204-205
11. Syntax/Semantics.
9:00-9:30 Maria Uribe-Etxebarria (UC-Irvine) "Levels of Representation and
Negative Polarity Item Licensing"
9:30-10:00 Jong-Bok Kim and Ivan Sag (Stanford U.) "Parametric Differences
between English and French Negation: A Non-derivational Approach"
10:00-10:30 Utpal Lahiri (UC-Irvine) "On Negative Polarity Items in Hindi"
12. Phonology.
10:45-11:15 Philip Spaelti (UC-Santa Cruz) "A Constraint-based Theory of
Reduplication Patterns"
11:15-11:45 Amy Fountain (U. of Arizona) "Constraint Violability and Western
Apache Syllabification"
11:45-12:15 Ayako Tsuchida (Cornell U.) "English loans in Japanese: Constraints
in loanword phonology"
13. Language Acquisition.
12:30-1:00 Teun Hoekstra (Leiden U.) and Nina Hyams (UCLA) "The Syntax and
Interpretation of `Dropped' Categories in Child Language. A Unified
1:00-1:30 Carson Schutze (MIT) "Evidence for Case-Related Functional
Projections in Early German"
Ad Neeleman (Utrecht U.) "PP-Complements and LF Theta-Role Discharge"
James Lyle (Ulan. of Washington) "Split Ergativity and NP-Movement"
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-331.
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