6.354 TOC: Hermes - Journal of Linguistics
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sun Mar 12 03:48:57 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-354. Sat 11 Mar 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 67
Subject: 6.354 TOC: Hermes - Journal of Linguistics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
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-------------------------Table of Contents--------------------------------
Hermes - Journal of Linguistics
Published by the Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
Number 15, February 1995
Further information (subscription, previous issues): Jan Engberg
(jan at lng.hha.dk)
Thematic Section: Interpreting Research
Anne Schjoldager: Introduction
Daniel Gile: Interpretation Research - A New Impetus? 15-30
Franz Pochhacker: Simultaneous Interpreting: A Functionalist Perspective
Gun-Viol Vik-Tuovinen: Progress in Simultaneous Interpreting - an Evaluation of
the Development of four
Students. 55-64
Anne Schjoldager: An Exploratory Study of Translational Norms in Simultaneous
Methodological Reflections. 65-88
Friedel Dubslaff: Der Simultandolmetscher als Textproduzent. 89-110
Cecilia Wadensjo: Dialogue Interpreting and the Distribution of Responsibility.
Akira Mizuno: A Brief Review of Interpretation Research in Japan 131-144
Other Articles
Kjersti Flottum: Semantiske relasjoner i reformulering 145-166
Finn Sorensen: Situationen i Sprog 167-190
Birgit Henriksen: Fremmedsprogspadagogikken - eksemplificeret ved 4
forskningsomrader 191-218
Reviews 219-284
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-354.
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