6.357 Jobs: Pragmatics, Spanish, French, Human Computer Interaction
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sun Mar 12 05:19:07 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-357. Sat 11 Mar 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 142
Subject: 6.357 Jobs: Pragmatics, Spanish, French, Human Computer Interaction
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 1995 10:00:13 GMT
From: Alison Henry (AM.Henry at ulst.ac.uk)
Subject: job: research assistant in pragmatics
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 95 10:50:45 CST
From: "Michael D. Picone" (MPICONE at UA1VM.UA.EDU)
Subject: job announcements
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 95 10:49 PST
From: wardk at cse.ogi.edu (Karen Ward)
Subject: Summer Internship in Multimodal Systems
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 1995 10:00:13 GMT
From: Alison Henry (AM.Henry at ulst.ac.uk)
Subject: job: research assistant in pragmatics
Applications are invited for a one-year research assistantship at the
University of Ulster at Jordanstown, N. Ireland, to work directly on an
ESRC-funded project entitled "Relevance, Beliefs and Political Conflict in
Northern Ireland, commencing 1 May 1995.
Applicants must have a first or second class honours degree (or equivalent
first degree) or higher degree in Linguistics or Communication. Preference
will be given to candidates who have a PhD or who have previous relevant
research experience.
Further details may be obtained by telephoning:
(UK)01232-366243 or 1232-366175, quoting referenceJ95/071, or by e-mailing
Dr John Wilson, J.Wilson at ulst.ac.uk.
THE CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS IS 17 MARCH, so if you have a fax number
it may be advisable to give this so that materials can be faxed to you rather
than sent in the mail.
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 95 10:50:45 CST
From: "Michael D. Picone" (MPICONE at UA1VM.UA.EDU)
Subject: job announcements
My chair has asked me to post these two job announcements. If anyone can
suggest other lists, esp. serving applied linguists and second language
acquisitionists, where these should be posted, please let me know. Both
positions are one-year appointments, but, pending approval, similar positions
will be re-advertised as tenure-track next year.
Mike Picone
University of Alabama
The University of Alabama would like to announce the following positions:
Visiting assistant professor (or equivalent level) beginning Fall, 1995.
SPANISH. ABD or Ph.D. Native or near native proficiency in Spanish and
English, with specialty in applied linguistics and second language
acquisition. Experience in methodology and coordination of multisection
language courses. Demonstrated record of classroom success and
commitment to scholarship. Application, vita, and three letters of
recommendation to Dr. Michael Schnepf, Chair, by March 23. Minorities
and women are encouraged apply. The University of Alabama is an equal
opportunity employer. University of Alabama, Department of Romance
Languages & Classics, Box 870246, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0246.
Visiting assistant professor beginning fall 1995. FRENCH. Ph.D. preferred.
ABD candidates will be considered for appointment at instructor level.
One-year appointment. Native or near-native proficiency in French and
English, with concentration in linguistics and/or second language
acquisition. Experience in methodology and coordination of multisection
language courses. Demonstrated record of classroom success and commitment
to scholarship. Application, vita, and three letters of recommendation
to Dr. Michael Schnepf, Chair, by April 3rd. Minorities and women are
encouraged to apply. The University of Alabama, Department of Romance
Languages & Classics, Box 870246, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0246.
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 95 10:49 PST
From: wardk at cse.ogi.edu (Karen Ward)
Subject: Summer Internship in Multimodal Systems
Please post or pass along to appropriate mailing lists.
Applications are invited from outstanding upper-level undergraduate and
graduate students for full-time summer internship positions in
human-computer interaction and multimodal systems. Funding for these
internships is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and is part of
a larger project entitled "Writing and Talking to Future Interactive
Systems." Students selected will participate in an interdisciplinary,
team-oriented research project investigating people's spoken, pen-based,
and multimodal input to interactive computer systems. One aim of this
research is the design of successful interfaces for multimodal systems and
portable devices.
This work is being conducted in a new state-of-the-art laboratory facility
in the Computer Science Department at the Oregon Graduate Institute of
Science and Technology (OGI), which is located in the Portland metropolitan
area within 12-15 minutes of the city.
Applicants with a background in cognitive science, computer science,
psychology, linguistics, or human factors are encouraged to apply, and
interests in the following areas is preferred: human-computer interaction,
multimodal systems, human communication and behavior, linguistics and
natural language processing, speech and pen technology, research design and
statistics. Experience working with human subjects, scoring and analyzing
language-oriented behavior, using statistical software, or programming in
C+ and X-windows would be most relevant to the project.
To apply, submit a resume, xerox copy of course transcripts, names and
contact information for 3 references, and a brief statement of
research/career interests by March 31 to:
Dr. Sharon Oviatt
Department of Computer Science
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science & Technology
P. O. Box 91000
Portland, Oregon 97291
(or via email to oviatt at cse.ogi.edu)
Women and minority applicants are encouraged to apply.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-357.
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