6.447 Confs: GASLA 95 program, Negation, syntax and semantics

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Mar 27 05:42:48 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-447. Sun 26 Mar 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 379
Subject: 6.447 Confs: GASLA 95 program, Negation, syntax and semantics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
               Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
               Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
               Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note:  we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 18:17:00 EST
From: thn at cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu
Subject: GASLA 95: Program
Date:         Fri, 24 Mar 95 12:07:47 EST
From: PHHAF at acadvm1.uottawa.ca
Subject:      Conference announcement - Program
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 18:17:00 EST
From: thn at cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu
Subject: GASLA 95: Program
Content-Length: 7964
Preliminary Program
Generative Approaches to
Second Language Acquisition
CUNY Graduate Center
May 4 and 5, 1995
May 4
Thursday Morning
 8:45 -  9:00 Welcome
 9:00 -  9:30 CONVENER: Wayne O'Neil (MIT)
 9:30 - 12:00 Functional Categories
              Chair/Commentator: Gita Martohardjono (CUNY)
              *Anne Vainikka and Martha Young-Scholten
              (IRCS, University of Pennsylvania):
              Tree growth and morphosyntactic triggers in
              adult SLA
              *Silvina A. Montrul (McGill University):
              Activating Agr/O in SLA
              *Philippe Prevost (McGill University):
              The second language acquisition of the split CP
12:00 -  2:00 Lunch
Thursday Afternoon
 2:00 -  2:30 PLENARY: Suzanne Flynn (MIT)
 2:30 -  5:00 Movement
              Chair: Elaine C. Klein (CUNY)
              *Ana Teresa Perez-Leroux and Xiaoli Li
              (Pennsylvania State University):
              Selectivity in acquisition of complex NP islands
              *Noriaki Yusa (Miyagi Gakuin Women's College):
              A new look at Subjacency and ECP
              *Daniel Robertson, Antonella Sorace, and Ellen
              Gurman Bard (University of Edinburgh):
              The acquisition of negative and stylistic inversion by
              German learners of English: A case of parameter
              resetting, overgeneralisation and recovery
              *Sheila Dooly Collberg (University of Auckland) and
              Gisela Hakansson (Lund University):
              The Parametric Preference Hypothesis: An explanation
              for word order variations in L1, L2, and SLI acquisition
 5:15 -  7:00 Reception
May 5
Friday Morning
 9:00 -  9:30 GUEST SPEAKER: Loraine K. Obler (CUNY)
 9:30 - 12:15 Concurrent Sessions:
Session 1:
              Chair/Commentator: Herb Seliger (CUNY)
              *Tej K. Bhatia and William C. Ritchie
              (Syracuse University):
              Dummy verbs in codeswitching: Grammar or
              sentence production?
              *Junlin Pan (University of Arizona):
              A test on head-complement constraints on
Session 2:
              Chair/Commentator: Helen Cairns (CUNY)
              *Yoichi Miyamoto and Kiyoko Toratani (Ohio University):
              Crossover in second language acquisition
              *Dongdong Chen (McGill University):
              Long-distance binding of Chinese reflexive ziji
              Jacquelyn Schachter (University of Oregon):
              Sensitive period effects in binding
12:15 -  2:00 Lunch
Friday Afternoon
 2:00 -  2:30 GUEST SPEAKER: Janet Dean Fodor (CUNY)
 2:30 -  4:15 Concurrent Sessions:
Session 1:
              Chair/Commentator: Elaine C. Klein (CUNY)
              *Alan Juffs (University of Pittsburgh) and
              Michael Harrington (Carnegie Mellon
              The significance of error data in L2 processing
              *Eva M. Fernandez (CUNY Graduate School):
              Processing strategies in L2 acquisition: Some
              preliminary results
Session 2:
              Mixed Session
              Chair: Gita Martohardjono (CUNY)
              *J.M. Liceras (University of Ottawa), L. Diaz (Universitat
              Pompeu Fabra), and D. Maxwell (University of Ottawa):
              Topic-drop versus pro-drop: Some evidence from the Spanish
              L2 of Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese and
              Korean speakers
              *Lydia White, Cindy Brown, Joyce Bruhn-Goravito, Dondong
              Chen, Makiko Hirakawa, and Silvina Montrul (McGill
              Psych verbs in second language acquisition
              Steven H. Weinberger (George Mason University):
              Maintaining distinctions: The OCP in L2 phonology
Accommodation Information
We are providing a list of hotels mostly located in mid-town
Manhattan.  However, CUNY takes no responsibility for the provision of
satisfactory service.  Some hotels provide us with special group rates
but available rooms are limited.  Those hotels providing special rates
are marked as "*Special Rate*" on the list.  Please make a reservation
as soon as possible, since early May is generally a very busy time for
NYC hotels.
The Plaza Hotel:
(212) 759-3000
(800) 759-3000
The current rates (as of 3/6/95) are $215, $255, $300 (all with
additional tax) for single or double rooms, depending on the
luxury of the rooms.
May 3 and May 4 will be a very busy time for them, and the
rate may go up to $230, $270, $350 (plus tax), respectively.
To get the reservation at the current rates, reserve the rooms
as soon as possible.
Hotel Iroquois *Special Rate*
Phone:(212) 840-3080
      (800) 332-7220
Fax:  (212) 398-1754
Single $75+Tax
Double $99+Tax
Hotel Iroquois will set aside a block of rooms
(maximally 20) for the GASLA conference, available at the
above rates for occupancy on May 3 and May 4, till April 7.
When reserving a room, mention "the CUNY conference", and
ask for the above rates.
The Algonquin Hotel *Special Rate*
(212) 840-6800
Single $155+Tax (13.25% hotel tax + $2 occupancy tax)
Double $165+Tax (13.25% hotel tax + $2 occupancy tax)
The Algonquin Hotel will set aside a block of 15
single/double rooms for the GASLA conference, available at
the above rates for occupancy on May 3 and May 4, till
April 12.  When reserving a room, mention the GASLA conference,
and ask for the special conference rates given above.
The Roosevelt Hotel *Special Rate will be active by March 22*
(212) 661-9600
(800) 223-1870
Single $105+Tax
Double $115+Tax
The Roosevelt Hotel will set aside a block of 8 singles and
7 doubles for the GASLA conference, available at
the above rates for occupancy on May 3 and May 4, till
April 19.  When reserving a room, ask for the GASLA conference
rates given above.
Vanderbilt YMCA:
(212) 756-9600
The current rates (as of 3/6/95) are:
Single $46+Tax
Double $57+Tax
Registration Information
Pre-registration fees are $20 for non-students and $10 for students.
Regular registration fees are $30 for non-students and $15 for
For pre-registration, please fill out the form provided below
and mail it to the following address along with a check drawn
on a bank in the U.S. or Canada, payable to Linguistics Program,
CUNY Graduate Center, by April 17.
Mail to:
        Linguistics Program
        CUNY Graduate Center
        33 West 42nd Street
        New York, NY 10036
--------------------------------Cut here--------------------------------------
Pre-registration Form
Name: _____________________,  ____________________
           Last name              First name
  Street: ____________________________________________________________
    City: ___________________  State: ________________  ZIP:__________
 Country: ___________________
   Phone: ___________________________________
     Fax: ___________________________________
   email: ___________________________________
Date:         Fri, 24 Mar 95 12:07:47 EST
From: PHHAF at acadvm1.uottawa.ca
Subject:      Conference announcement - Program
           University of Ottawa
               May 11-13, 1995
All sessions will be held at Montpetit Hall 303
Thursday May 11
8-9am   Registration
Morning session
8:30-9:00  Welcoming remarks
9:00-9:35  J.Y. Pollock (U. de Picardie)
     "Les projections fonctionnelles NegP en francais et en anglais"
9:35-10:10  R. Zanuttini (Georgetown U.)
     "The Structure of Negative Clauses"
10:10-10:45  G. Recource (TALANA - U. Paris 7)
     "Le statut de 'ne' dans les infinitives et dans les phrases
1h:45-11:05  Break
11:05-11:40  D. Godard & A. Abeille. (U. Paris 7)
     "Syntaxe de la negation: 'pas' en francais contemporain"
11:40-12:15  P. Attal (U. Paris X - Nanterre)
     "La negation 'ne pas' et la transparence du sujet"
12:15-13:45  Lunch
Afternoon session
13:45-14:20  D. Bouchard (UQAM)
     "La syntaxe de la negation de la phrase en francais et en
14:20-14:55  Cl. Muller (U. Bordeaux)
     "Negation et 'de' partitif"
14:55-15:30  M.T. Espinal (U. Autonoma de Barcelona)
     "Non-negative negation and the syntactic structure of expletive
15:30-15:50  Break
15:50-16:25  M.-T. Vinet (U. Sherbrooke)
     "La negation et les phenomenes d'accentuation de quantifieurs
16:25-17:00  A. Hulk & A. van Kemenade (HIL, U. Amsterdam / Free U.
     "Negation as a reflex of clause structure"
17:00-17:35  J. Hoeksema (U. Groningen)
     "Negative concord in Middle Dutch"
18:30 : Reception at l'Alliance francaise
Friday May 12
Morning session
9:00-9:35  V. Sanchez Valencia (U. Groningen)
     "A brief history of monotonicity patterns: reasonings in the
     scope of negation"
9:35-10:10  M. Krifka (U. of Texas at Austin)
     Polarity items: the creation, propagation and utilization of
10:10-10:45  M. Israel (U.C.S.D.)
     "The scalar model of polarity sensitivity"
1h:45-11:05  Break
11:05-11:40  E. Rohrbauch (U. of Texas at Austin)
     "The role of focus in the licensing and interpretation of
     negative polarity items"
11:40-12:15  L. Horn (Yale U.)
     "Negative polarity and the dynamics of vertical inference"
12:15-13:45  Lunch
Afternoon session
13:45-14:20  M.-U. Etxebarria (U.C. Irvine)
     "Subjects, predicates and the structural condition on negative
     polarity item licensing"
14:20-14:55  T. van der Wouden (U. Groningen)
     "A note on the semantics of negative raising predicates"
14:55-15:30  A. Giannakidou & J. Quer (U. Utrecht)
     "Long-distance licensing of negative indefinites"
15:30-15:50  Break
15:50-16:25  J.-Cl. Anscombre (C.N.R.S.)
     "Encore/deja: negation, gradabilite et distance temporelle"
16:25-17:00  J. Moeschler (U. Geneva)
     "La negation comme expression procedurale non
20:00 : Dinner at Le Cafe, National Arts Center
Saturday, May 13
Morning session
9:00-9:35  L.R. Marks (UQAM)
     "La negation de restriction: perception et reduction"
9:35-10:10  E. Pearce (Victoria U. of Wellington)
     "Operator binding and the syntax of negation in Maori"
10:10-10:45  P. Rowlett (U. of Salford)
     "Jespersen, negative concord and A' binding"
1h:45-11:05  Break
11:05-11:40  W. Ladusaw (U.C. Santa Cruz)
     "Semantic interpretation of negative concord"
11:40-12:15  J. Peres (U. de Lisboa)
     "Negative concord could be the unmarked case"
12:15-13:45  Lunch
Afternoon session
13:45-14:20  V. Deprez (Rutgers U.)
     "French and Haitian Creole N-words united in their differences"
14:20-14:55  D. Valois (U. de Montreal)
     "Quantifieurs negatifs et mouvement wh"
14:55-15:30  L. Haegeman (U. Geneva)
     "Negative chains and the Neg Criterion"
 1.  Holiday Inn : 350 Dalhousie (on the market)
     Phone : 613-241-1000
     Fax : 613-241-4804
     1-4 persons : 75 $ (reservation before April 10 in order to
     benefit from those rates; mention that you are with the Negation
 2.  Novotel : 33 Nicholas
     Phone : 613-230-3033
     Fax : 613-230-4186
      1 pers : 82$
      2 pers. : 92$
On site:  25 $cdn (students) / 35 $cdn (non students)
A.  From Ottawa Airport
    i.    Hotel Shuttle : 9$ / 12$ (return)
          Journey time : 30 min.
     ii.  City Bus : 2$ (peak hours) / 1,30$ (off peak)
          Journey Time : 1 hour
     iii. Taxi: 20$ (average)
B. From Montreal Airport to Ottawa City Centre
  Voyageur Colonial (Bus) : 21,65 (+taxes) / 40,47 (+taxes) (return)
  Journey Time : 2 1/2 hours
For more information, contact
     P. Hirschbuhler: phhaf at acadvm1.uottawa.ca
Organizing Committee:
D. Forget, P. Hirschbuhler, F. Martineau, M.-L. Rivero
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-447.

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