6.458 Calls: The computational lexicon, Mesoamerican manuscripts
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Mar 27 22:35:04 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-458. Mon 27 Mar 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 145
Subject: 6.458 Calls: The computational lexicon, Mesoamerican manuscripts
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 95 11:07:48 +0200
From: julio at horacio.dieec.uned.es (Julio Gonzalo Arroyo)
Subject: Call for papers: the computational lexicon
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 08:50:53 -0500
From: gb661 at csc.albany.edu (George Aaron Broadwell)
Subject: Call for Mesoamerican manuscripts
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 95 11:07:48 +0200
From: julio at horacio.dieec.uned.es (Julio Gonzalo Arroyo)
Subject: Call for papers: the computational lexicon
Content-Length: 3769
August 21-25, 1995
in the framework of the
VII European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
In 1995 the Seventh European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information will be held in Barcelona, Spain. This year the programme
includes a workshop on the computational lexicon open to all
Research on representing and acquiring multilingual lexical knowledge
for natural language processing systems is becoming increasingly important.
This workshop will address a number of theoretical aspects as well as practical
results in this area.
In addition to invited talks, a limited number of other parties will be allowed
to contribute. Those wishing to make presentations should submit 3 copies of
anonymous abstracts ( up to 4 pages, 12 point font) to the address below, to
arrive before May 4, 1995.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to the following:
. structure and content of a lexical entry for a multilingual computational
. lexical representation language and operations provided to support
lexical processes
. sources of lexical information and semi-automatic extraction techniques
to build computational lexicons
Theoretical papers addressing the basic issues listed above, practical papers
on relevant experience and software demos are equally wellcome.
Please provide a separate sheet detailing title, author(s) and
and address, e-mail, telephone and fax of one author for
communication purposes. Indicate on both the abstract and the identification
sheet whether you require 20 minutes or 40 minutes for presentation.
Notification of acceptance will be by June 10th. Final versions of papers
should be received by 7th July for inclusion in a proceedings to be
at the Summer School.
Programme Committee:
N.Calzolari (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale)
W.Daelemans (Tilburg University)
H.Rodriguez, (Technical University of Catalunya)
M.F.Verdejo (U.N.E.D)
Y.Wilks (University of Sheffield)
Address for correspondence:
ESSLLI Workshop on The Computational Lexicon
c/o M.Felisa Verdejo
Departamento de Ingenieria Electrica, Electronica y Control
Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales
Apdo 60.149
28080 MADRID, Spain
e-mail: felisa at horacio.dieec.uned.es
For information about the European Summer School in
Logic, Language and Information (14th-25th August) contact:
ESSLLI95, GILCUB, Avda. Vallvidrera 25, 08017 Barcelona; Fax
+34 3 2054656; e-mail: esslli95 at gilcub.es
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 08:50:53 -0500
From: gb661 at csc.albany.edu (George Aaron Broadwell)
Subject: Call for Mesoamerican manuscripts
Content-Length: 2826
Mesoamerican Manuscripts Solicited
The Institute for Mesoamerican Studies solicits book manuscripts on all
aspects of Mesoamerican studies, including archaeology, ethnology,
ethnohistory, linguistics, epigraphy, art history, and historical
anthropology. We publish two series. (1) IMS Monographs are large-format
books (8.5 x 11") that present new findings and research results. We aim to
publish high-quality specialized studies that may be difficult to publish
through traditional commercial or university presses. Two IMS Monographs
are currently in production: a reprinting (with new preface) of Phoneticism
in Maya Hieroglyphic Writing (edited by John Justeson and Lyle Campbell),
and Hach Winik: The Lacandon Mayas of Southern Mexico, an ethnography by
Didier Boremanse. (2) Studies in Culture and Society are books with a
broader analytical, integrative, or interpretive focus. Economies and
Polities in the Aztec Realm (edited by Mary Hodge and Michael Smith) was
recently published in this series, and we are now producing In Word and
Deed: Inter-Ethnic Images and Cultural Developments in the New World, a
2-volume set edited by Gary Gossen. All IMS books are published in
paperback editions and are distributed by the University of Texas Press.
For a style guide or more information, contact: Editor, Institute for
Mesoamerican Studies, Social Science 263, University at Albany (SUNY),
Albany, NY 12222. Tel: 518-442-4722; Fax: 518-442-5710. We ask authors to
submit a prospectus before sending a manuscript.
(Although the editor at IMS does not use e-mail, you may send
messages to g.broadwell at albany.edu, and I will forward them to him.)
George Aaron Broadwell, g.broadwell at albany.edu
Anthropology; Linguistics and Cognitive Science,
SUNY-Albany, Albany, NY 12222 | 518-442-4711
"I really do not know that anything has ever been more exciting than
diagraming sentences" -- Gertrude Stein
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-458.
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