6.670, Confs: Society of Belgian Ling, Celtic ling
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sat May 13 05:43:53 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-670. Sat 13 May 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 261
Subject: 6.670, Confs: Society of Belgian Ling, Celtic ling
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
[Moderators' note: we'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements
to 150 lines, so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider
omitting information useful only to attendees, such as information on
housing, transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.
Thank you for your cooperation.]
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 08:51:46 +0000
From: Renaat.Declerck at euler.kulak.ac.be (Renaat Declerck)
Subject: conference (Belgium)
Date: Fri, 05 May 1995 17:05:58 +0100 (BST)
From: CHIOSAIN at ollamh.ucd.ie
Subject: Celtic Linguistics Conference
Date: Mon, 08 May 1995 08:51:46 +0000
From: Renaat.Declerck at euler.kulak.ac.be (Renaat Declerck)
Subject: conference (Belgium)
Content-Length: 4691
Dear Colleague,
We are happy to invite you to the Spring Meeting of the Society of Belgian
Linguists, which takes place at Kortrijk (Courtrai) in the K.U.L.Campus
Kortrijk on Saturday 20 May.
If you wish to attend the conference, we would like you to confirm this by
sending a message to me or to ILSE.DEPRAETERE at KULAK.AC.BE before 17 May. You
should also indicate whether you want to take lunch (250 BEF).
The programme is as follows:
Belgische Kring voor Lingu=8Bstiek - Cercle Belge de Linguistique
Taaldag - Journ=82e de Linguistique
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Campus Kortrijk
zaterdag 22 mei 1995
9.45 - 10.15: ontvangst deelnemers - accueil des participants
10.15 - 10.30: opening van congres - ouverture du colloque
1. Abouda Lotfi (Paris VII): Le conditionnel en fran=87ais: temps ou mode?
Arguments syntaxiques
2. Jan Pekelder (D=82p. d'Etudes N=82erlandaises-Sorbonne): Van als=
syntactisiche en/of semantische functiemarkeerder
3. Abdoulaye Deme (Universit=82 Ren=82 Descartes): Les emprunts=
linguistiques du Wolof =85 l'Arabe
1. Renaat Declerck (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Campus Kortrijk): The=
(nonmodal) past perfect with future time reference
2. Filip Devos (Universiteit Gent): Beslissen en besluiten: een contrastieve=
lexicologische benadering
3. Margaret Bento (Universit=82 Ren=82 Descartes, Paris): Influence de la=
d=82sonorisation des voyelles hautes sur les affriqu=82es en=
1. Sophie Aliquot-Suengas (Universit=82 du Littoral; Silex): Le suffixe=
-=82(e) des adjectifs d=82nominaux: un suffixe de la distinction
2. Louise Cornelis (Universiteit van Utrecht) en Hubert Cuyckens (UFSIA,=
Antwerpen): Getting through the Dutch 'door'
3. Raghda Haidar (Universit=82 Ren=82 Descartes): Le Liban: situation=
sociolinguistique et statut du fran=87ais avant et apr=8As la guerre
* * *
1. Reinhild Vandekerckhove (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Campus=
Kortrijk): Dialect change and dialect levelling. The vitality of a Flemish=
2. Elena Barcena - Claire G=82rardy (Universit=82 de Li=8Age): DECIDE=
3. Fr=82d=82ric Sabio en Marie Savelli (Universit=82 de Provence,=
Aix-Marseille): Micro-syntaxe et macro-syntaxe: deux niveaux de relations=
1. Michelle Auzanneau (Universit=82 Ren=82 Descartes): La situation=
sociolinguistique en milieu rural poitevin, avec application au march=82.
2. Luc Thomas (Universit=82 de Li=8Age): Un tagset pour l'anglais
3. Eliane Blondel (Universit=82 de Paris III): L'op=82ration de d=82signatio=
n dans les description de la peinture figurative: l'apport de la th=82orie=
du prototype=20
1. Sera De Vriendt (Vrije Universiteit Brussel): De spelling van de=
2. V=82ronique Lagae (Universit=82 de Valenciennes en Paris III): Les=
structures du type j'en ai (Quantifieur) de libres
3. Pascale Hadermann (): Compl=82ment locatif versus adjoint locatif:=
quelques probl=8Ames interpr=82tatifs
15.00: koffie - caf=82
1. Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (Katholieke Universiteit Brussel): Samentrekking,=
verb raising en small clauses
2. Didier Baltazart (IUT de Metz) en Laurence Kister (IUT B de Nancy II): La=
d=82termination: un indice pour identifier le r=82f=82rent inclus dans une=
expression en N de N
3. Abdelhamid Nfissi (Paris III) The passive form in English and Arabic=20
1. Paul Cappeau (Universit=82 de Poitiers): Description en quatre types du=
suject postpos=82 en fran=87ais
2. Fran=87oise Lorent (Rouen): les formulations de l'identit=82=
3. Drissia Chouit (Crelingua & Unesco): L'apport de l'approche linguistique=
dans l'activit=82 traduisante
Date: Fri, 05 May 1995 17:05:58 +0100 (BST)
From: CHIOSAIN at ollamh.ucd.ie
Subject: Celtic Linguistics Conference
Content-Length: 6509
Celtic Linguistics Conference
University College Dublin
June 22nd-23rd 1995
Provisional programme
Thursday 22nd June
9.00-9.40 Robin Schafer, University of California, San Diego
What Breton reveals about the analysis of 'long
head movement' constructions
9.40-10.20 Maire Noonan, University College Dublin
Licensing projections in Irish and Welsh
10.20-10.50 Coffee
10.50-11.30 Anna Bosch, University of Kentucky
A gestural analysis of epenthesis in Scottish
11.30-12.10 Maire Ni Chiosain, University College Dublin
Optimal forms of vowel stems in Irish
12.10-1.00 Invited speaker: Jim McCloskey, University of
California, Santa Cruz
Case-marking and clause-type in Irish
1.00-2.20 Lunch
2.20-3.10 Invited speaker: David Adger, University of York
Do objects shift?
3.10-3.50 Gillian Ramchand, Oxford University
Non-finite complementation in Modern Scottish
3.50-4.20 Coffee
4.20-5.00 John Harris, University College London
Full interpretability in phonology: consonant
mutations without blanks
5.00-5.40 Eugeniusz Cyran, Catholic University of Lublin
Parametric occurrence of elements and the Munster
Irish consonantal system
Friday 23rd June
9.00-9.40 Andrew Carnie, Heidi Harley, MIT, Elizabeth Pyatt,
Harvard University
Old Irish: a double derivation of VSO
9.40-10.20 David Willis, Somerville College, Oxford
Expletive subjects and clitic pronouns in the
history of Welsh
10.20-10.50 Coffee
10.50-11.30 Bob Borsley, University of Wales, Bangor
On the non-nominal nature of Celtic verb-nouns
11.30-12.10 Maggie Tallerman, University of Durham
Infinitival clauses and subject positions in
Modern and Middle Welsh
12.10-1.00 Invited speaker: Ian Roberts, University of Wales,
VSO orders in Welsh
1.00-2.10 Lunch
2.10-3.00 Invited speaker: Jim Scobbie, Queen Margaret
College, with Christine MacKenzie, Daphne Waters,
Queen Margaret College
The acquisition of phonology with specific
reference to Lewis Gaelic
3.00-3.40 Edmund Gussmann, Catholic University of Lublin
Putting your best foot forward
3.40-4.00 Coffee
4.00-4.40 Cathal Doherty, University College Dublin
Identificational copular sentences in Irish
4.40-5.20 Nigel Duffield, McGill University
Any objections to number projections?
5.20-6.00 Donall O Baoill, Institiuid Teangeolaiochta
The Modern Irish reflexive form fein as a three-
in-one anaphor
Alternate papers:
Aidan Doyle, Catholic University of Lublin
The derivation of adjectives of inalienable possession in Irish
Elizabeth Pyatt, Harvard University
Optimality vs. repair rules: the case of the Welsh voiceless
trills and nasals
[Note: All fees are in Irish pounds]
Full registration - 22nd and 23rd June:
With lunch*: Non-student 30 / Student 18 ____
* Catered lunch both days.
Without lunch: Non-student 18 / Student 10 ____
Day registration: 22nd 23rd
With lunch: Non-student 18 / Student 10 ____ ____
Without lunch: Non-student 12 / Student 6 ____ ____
Name: __________________________________________________________
Non-Student ____ Student ____
Address: __________________________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________
Registration forms should be returned by 10th June at the latest for
those booking lunch.
E-mail to: chiosain at ollamh.ucd.ie
or regular mail to: Celtic Linguistics Conference
Department of Linguistics
University College Dublin
Dublin 4
Cheques should be made payable to The Celtic Linguistics
Conference. For overseas participants, payment can be made by
international money order (IRPounds) drawn on an Irish bank, or else
either by cash or travellers' cheques on the day.
Accommodation is available on-campus in college apartments
[three/four single bedrooms, or one double/twin and two/three
single bedrooms, plus fully equipped kitchen and dining/living
room]. Cost: Single room: 16IRPounds/night
Booking must be made directly with: UCD Village, Belfield, Dublin 4.
Phone: 353-1-2697111, Fax: 353-1-2697704.
** Please note that these rooms are available only on the nights of
Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd June. Availability cannot be
guaranteed after the 20th May.
For further information, contact: chiosain at ollamh.ucd.ie
OR acquaviv at ccvax.ucd.ie
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-670.
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