6.677, Sum: Comparative dictionaries
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Sat May 13 07:14:40 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-677. Sat 13 May 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 246
Subject: 6.677, Sum: Comparative dictionaries
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Assoc. Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 13:51:01 +0200
From: Jerome.Serme at mrash.fr (Jerome Serme)
Subject: Comparative dictionaries : summary
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 13:51:01 +0200
From: Jerome.Serme at mrash.fr (Jerome Serme)
Subject: Comparative dictionaries : summary
I received relatively few answers to my query on etymological/comparative
dictionaries. Nevertheless, several people asked me to broadcast the
references I collected. Below are listed the references I received,
arranged by language families. I provide a second list consisting of the
references which I found by myself; references are not always complete (or
even correct, as I haven't been able to directly check the references on
the books), so any contribution in that direction will be helpful. Any new
suggestion will also be appreciated, since the lists given here are far
from being complete.
I whish to thank the following people for helping me to compile that list:
Tim Pulju
=46rank Blair
Steve Seegmiller
Ron Cosper
John Dienhart
Klaas Ruppel
Appendix to the American Heritage Dictionary of English, (Calvert Watkins).
Boisacq, Emile (1916), Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque=
etudiee dans ses rapports avec les autres langues indo-europeennes, 4th ed.=
Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1950.
Buck, Carl Darling (1949), A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the=
Principal Indo-European Languages. A Contibution to the History of Ideas,=
Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Chantraine, Pierre (1968-80), Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue=
grecque. Histoire des mots, Paris, Klincksieck.
=46risk (1973) on Greek, written in German.
Gamkrelidze, T. V. - V. V. Ivanov (1984), Indoevropejskij jazyk i=
indoevropejcy, 2 vols, Tbilisi. (now translated in English).
Mann, Stuart I. (1984-87), An Indo-European Comparative Vocabulary ,=
Hamburg. [to be avoided according to Tim Pulju]
Mayrhofer (1956-80); (1986-still coming out in fascicles) on Indic, written=
in German.
Pokorny, Julius (1959-69), Indo-Germanisches etymologisches Wortebuch,=
Bern-Munchen, Francke Verlag, 2 vols.
Trubachev, O. N. (1974-), Etymologicheskij Slovar' Slavjanskix Jazykov, Mosc=
Turner, Ralph Lilley (1966-69), A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan=
Languages, London, Oxford UP, 2 vols.
Vasmer, Max (?), Etymologicheskij Slovar' Russkogo Jazyka, ?.(Russian=
translation of the German original)
Afro-asiatic :
Skinner, Neil (199?), on Hausa.
Sevortjan, E. B. (1974-), Eimologicheskij Slovar' Tjurkskix Jazykov, Moscow.
Dienhart, John Michael (19??), The Mayan Languages - A Comparative=
Vocabulary. 3 volumes, Odense University Press.
Rensch, Calvin R. (1989), An Etymological Dictionary of the Chinantec=
Langages , Arlington, Texas. [or Dallas, Summer Institute of Linguistics]
Suomen kielen etymologinen sanakirja :
1. Helsinki 1955. Y. H. Toivonen. Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae XII,1.=
ISBN 951-9019-07-3.
2. Helsinki 1958. Y. H. Toivonen, Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki. LSFU XII,2.=
ISBN 951-9019-14-6.
3. Helsinki 1962. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki. LSFU XII,3. ISBN 951-9019-16=
4. Helsinki 1969. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki. LSFU XII,4. ISBN 951-9019-35=
5. Helsinki 1975. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola. LSFU XII,5.=
ISBN 951-9019-12-X.
6. Helsinki 1978. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola. LSFU XII,6.=
ISBN 951-9019-27-8.
7. Helsinki 1981. Satu Tanner, Marita Cronstedt. LSFU XII,7. ISBN 951-9019-4=
Suomen sanojen alkuper(a:). Etymologinen sanakirja, 3 vol. :
1. A-K. Erkki Itkonen (editor-in-chief), Ulla-Maija Kulonen (editor-in-chief=
/ sub-editor), Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola, Marita Cronstedt, Eino=
Koponen, Meri Puromies, Klaas Ph. Ruppel, Stau Tanner. Suomalaisen=
Krijallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia 556. Kotimaisten kielten=
tutkimuskeskuksen Julkaisuja 62. Helsinki 1992. ISBN 951-717-692-9. ISSN=
0355-1768. (A-K)
The second part (L-P) will be published this year.
Afro-asiatic :
Cohen, David (1970), Dictionnaire des racines semitiques ou attestees dans=
les langues semitiques, Paris-La Haye, Mouton.
Orel, Vladimir E. - Olga V. Stolbova (1994) Hamito-Semitic Etymological=
Dictionary, Materials for a Reconstruction, E. J. Brill, Leiden.
- Chadic :
Newman, Paul (1977), Chadic Classification and Reconstructions, Afroasiatic=
Linguistics (Malibu, California) 5, 1.
- Cushitic :
Ehret, Christopher (1980), The Historical Reconstruction of Southern=
Cushitic Phonology and Vocabulary , Berlin.
Street, J. (1974), On the Lexicon of Proto-Altaic : a Partial Index to=
Reconstruction , Madison, Wisconsin.
Aubin, George F. (1975), A Proto-Algonquian Dictionary , Ottawa.
Brown, J.M. (1965), From Ancient Thai to Modern Dialects , Bangkok.
Dahl, Otto Christian (1973), Proto-Austronesian , Lund.
Walsh, D. S. - B. Biggs (1966), Proto-Polynesian Word List 1, Te Reo=
Monographs, Linguistic Society of New Zealand.
Zorc (1977), The Bisayan Dialects of the Philippines: Subgrouping and=
Reconstruction, Pacific Linguistics, series C, no 44.
Guthrie, Malcom (1970), Comparative Bantu I, II, Gregg International Publish=
Meeussen, A.E. (1980), Bantu Lexical Reconstructions , Tervuren (Belgique).
Nikolaev, Sergei L. & Starostin Sergei (1991?), North Caucasian=
Etymological Dictionary , Stanford, CA.
Burrow, T. - M. B. Emeneau (1961), A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary,=
Oxford, Clarendon Press. Supplement 1968.
Wartburg, Walther von (1922-), Franzosisches etymologisches Worterbuch. Eine=
Darstellung des galloromanischen Sprachschatzes, 24 vols, Bonn, then Basel,=
Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
Carnoy, Albert (1955), Dictionnaire etymologique du proto-indo-europeen,=
Louvain, Publications universitaires, Institut orientaliste.
Walde, Alois - Julius Pokorny (1927-32), Vergleichendes Worterbuch der=
indogermanischen Sprachen, Berlin-Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter, 3 vols.
Plomley, N.J.B. (1976), A Word List of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Langages , H=
Khoisan :
Bleek, Dorothea F. (1929), Comparative Vocabularies of Bushman Langages , Ca=
Ernout, Alfred - Antoine Meillet (1959), Dictionnaire etymologique de la=
langue latine. Histoire des mots, Paris, Klincksieck, 4th ed.
Bomhard, Allan R. (1990), Sample of the Comparative Vocabulary of the=
Nostratic Langages , MS.
Dolgoposky, Aron (1991?) Nostratic Comparative Vocabulary , MS.
Bendict, Paul (1972), Sino-Tibetan: A conspectus, Cambridge University Press=
Collinder, Bjorn (1955), An Etymological Dictionary of the Uralic Languages,=
--- (1977) Fenno-Ugric Vocabulary , Hamburg.
Decsy, Jyula (1990), The Uralic Protolangage: A Comprehensive Reconstruction=
, Bloomington, Indiana.
Redei, Karoly (ed.) (1986-88), Uralisches Etymologisches Worterbuch , Budap=
Sauvageot, Aurelien (1930), Recherches sur le vocabulaire des langues=
ouralo-altaiques, Paris.
Jerome Serme
Dynamique du Langage
Maison Rhone-Alpes des Sciences de l'Homme
14, avenue Berthelot
69363 Lyon Cedex - FRANCE
Phone: +33 72 72 64 12
=46ax: +33 72 80 00 08
E-Mail: Jerome.Serme at mrash.fr
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