6.725, Sum: Etymological Dictionaries - 2nd summary
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu May 25 03:04:12 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-725. Wed 24 May 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 352
Subject: 6.725, Sum: Etymological Dictionaries - 2nd summary
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Assoc. Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Asst. Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 10:32:06 +0200
From: Jerome.Serme at mrash.fr (Jerome Serme)
Subject: Etymological dictionaries - 2nd summary
Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 10:32:06 +0200
From: Jerome.Serme at mrash.fr (Jerome Serme)
Subject: Etymological dictionaries - 2nd summary
My summary mailed last week to the list prompted a few more references,
which I provide below. I also rearranged the references in a general list,
which is to be found after the additional references. This list is still
subject to improvement, which depends on all members of the (Linguist) list
I wish to thank the following people for helping me to compile that list:
Tim Pulju
Frank Blair
Steve Seegmiller
Ron Cosper
John Dienhart
Klaas Ruppel
David Solnit
Claude Boisson
Lance Eccles
Malcolm Ross
Soeren Wichmann
Additional Bibliography (16-5-95):
Ehret, Christopher (1989), A Reconstruction of Proto-Afroasiatic,
unpublished ms.
- cushitic :
Hudson, Grover. 1989. Highland East Cushitic Dictionary [Cushitic Language
Studies 7]. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.
Allan R. Bomhard and John C. Kerns, The Nostratic macrofamily: a study in
distant linguistic relationship. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter 1994.
(This contains 520 pp. of Proto Nostratic reconstructions with supporting
- Tai:
Li fang-kuei's _Handbook of Comparative Tai_ is the basic text. It includes
an alphabetical index of the English glosses of comparison sets. Marvin
Brown's book is fine, but it is (1) very difficult to use because of
Brown's idiosyncratic methodology and notation, and (2) covers only a
(large) portion of one of the three branches of the Tai family.
- other Kadai (Austro-Tai) groups:
James Matisoff's article "Proto-Hlai Initials & Tones" and Graham Thurgood's
"A Reconstruction of proto-Kam-Sui" (not sure of exact title), both in
_Comparative Kadai_ edited by Jerold Edmondson and David Solnit, published
1988 by Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas at
- Austronesian:
Darrell T. Tryon (ed.), Comparative Austronesian Dictionary. Berlin: Mouton
de Gruyter 1995.
(This is actually a wordlist - of about 1200 words - in eighty
representative Austronesian languages; it is not organised in cognate sets.)
Robert A. Blust, Austronesian Comparative Dictionary
(This is a mammoth project, organised in cognate sets, currently on a hard
disk at the University of Hawaii. The author is accessible by e-mail at blu
st at uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu).
- Gerard Clauson, An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century
Turkish (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972)
Alemko Gluhak, Hrvatski Etimoloski Rjecnik (August Cesarec, Zagreb, 1993)
G H Luce, A Comparative Word-list of Old Burmese, Chinese and Tibetan (SOAS,
London, 1981)
Soren Wichmann: The Relationship among the Mixe-Zoquean Languages of Mexico.
University of Utah Press (in press).
classified according to language families.
Afro-asiatic :
Cohen, David (1970), Dictionnaire des racines semitiques ou attestees dans
les langues semitiques, Paris-La Haye, Mouton.
Ehret, Christopher (1989), A Reconstruction of Proto-Afroasiatic,
unpublished ms.
Orel, Vladimir E. - Olga V. Stolbova (1994), Hamito-Semitic Etymological
Dictionary. Materials for a Reconstruction, E. J. Brill, Leiden.
Skinner, Neil (199?), on Hausa.
- Chadic :
Newman, Paul (1977), Chadic Classification and Reconstructions, Afroasiatic
Linguistics (Malibu, California) 5, 1.
- Cushitic :
Ehret, Christopher (1980), The Historical Reconstruction of Southern
Cushitic Phonology and Vocabulary , Berlin.
Hudson, Grover (1989), Highland East Cushitic Dictionary, Hamburg: Helmut
Buske Verlag, [Cushitic Language Studies 7] .
Clauson, Gerard (1972), An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century
Turkish, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Gluhak, Alemko (1993), Hrvatski Etimoloski Rjecnik, August Cesarec, Zagreb.
Sevortjan, E. B. (1974-), Eimologicheskij Slovar' Tjurkskix Jazykov, Moscow.
Street, J. (1974), On the Lexicon of Proto-Altaic : a Partial Index to
Reconstruction , Madison, Wisconsin.
Aubin, George F. (1975), A Proto-Algonquian Dictionary, Ottawa.
Dienhart, John Michael (19??), The Mayan Languages. A Comparative
Vocabulary, 3 vols, Odense University Press.
Rensch, Calvin R. (1989), An Etymological Dictionary of the Chinantec
Langages, Arlington, Texas. [or Dallas, Summer Institute of Linguistics]
Wichmann, Soren, (in press), The Relationship among the Mixe-Zoquean
Languages of Mexico. University of Utah Press.
- Tai:
Brown, J.M. (1965), From Ancient Thai to Modern Dialects , Bangkok.
Li Fang-Kuei (?), Handbook of Comparative Tai (is the basic text. It
includes an alphabetical index of the English glosses of comparison sets).
Marvin Brown's book is fine, but it is (1) very difficult to use because of
Brown's idiosyncratic methodology and notation, and (2) covers only a
(large) portion of one of the three branches of the Tai family.
- other Kadai (Austro-Tai) groups:
James Matisoff's article "Proto-Hlai Initials & Tones" and Graham Thurgood's
"A Reconstruction of proto-Kam-Sui" (not sure of exact title), both in
_Comparative Kadai_ edited by Jerold Edmondson and David Solnit, published
1988 by Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas at
- Austronesian:
Dahl, Otto Christian (1973), Proto-Austronesian , Lund.
Tryon, Darrell T. ed. (1995), Comparative Austronesian Dictionary, Berlin,
Mouton de Gruyter..
(This is actually a wordlist - of about 1200 words - in eighty
representative Austronesian languages; it is not organised in cognate sets.)
Blust, Robert A. (?), Austronesian Comparative Dictionary .
(This is a mammoth project, organised in cognate sets, currently on a hard
disk at the University of Hawaii. The author is accessible by e-mail at blu
st at uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu).
- other subgroups:
Walsh, D. S. - B. Biggs (1966), Proto-Polynesian Word List 1, Te Reo
Monographs, Linguistic Society of New Zealand.
Zorc (1977), The Bisayan Dialects of the Philippines: Subgrouping and
Reconstruction, Pacific Linguistics, series C, no 44.
Nikolaev, Sergei L. - Starostin Sergei (1991?), North Caucasian
Etymological Dictionary, Stanford, CA.
Burrow, T. - M. B. Emeneau (1961), A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary,
Oxford, Clarendon Press. Supplement 1968.
Appendix to the American Heritage Dictionary of English, (Calvert Watkins).
Buck, Carl Darling (1949), A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the
Principal Indo-European Languages. A Contibution to the History of Ideas,
Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
Carnoy, Albert (1955), Dictionnaire etymologique du proto-indo-europeen,
Louvain, Publications universitaires, Institut orientaliste.
Gamkrelidze, T. V. - V. V. Ivanov (1984), Indoevropejskij jazyk i
indoevropejcy, 2 vols, Tbilisi. (now translated in English).
Mann, Stuart I. (1984-87), An Indo-European Comparative Vocabulary ,
Hamburg. [to be avoided according to Tim Pulju]
Pokorny, Julius (1959-69), Indo-Germanisches etymologisches Wortebuch,
Bern-Munchen, Francke Verlag, 2 vols.
Walde, Alois - Julius Pokorny (1927-32), Vergleichendes Worterbuch der
indogermanischen Sprachen, Berlin-Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter, 3 vols.
- Greek:
Boisacq, Emile (1916), Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque
etudiee dans ses rapports avec les autres langues indo-europeennes, 4th ed.
Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1950.
Chantraine, Pierre (1968-80), Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue
grecque. Histoire des mots, Paris, Klincksieck.
Frisk (1973) on Greek, written in German.
- Indo-Aryan:
Mayrhofer (1956-80); (1986-still coming out in fascicles) on Indic, written
in German.
Turner, Ralph Lilley (1966-69), A Comparative Dictionary of the Indo-Aryan
Languages, London, Oxford UP, 2 vols.
- Romance:
- Latin :
Ernout, Alfred - Antoine Meillet (1959), Dictionnaire etymologique de la
langue latine. Histoire des mots, Paris, Klincksieck, 4th ed.
- Gallo-Romance :
Wartburg, Walther von (1922-), Franzosisches etymologisches Worterbuch. Eine
Darstellung des galloromanischen Sprachschatzes, 24 vols, Bonn, then Basel,
Helbing & Lichtenhahn.
- Slavic languages:
Trubachev, O. N. (1974-), Etymologicheskij Slovar' Slavjanskix Jazykov, Mosc
Vasmer, Max (?), Etymologicheskij Slovar' Russkogo Jazyka, ?.(Russian
translation of the German original)
Plomley, N.J.B. (1976), A Word List of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Langages, Ho
Khoisan :
Bleek, Dorothea F. (1929), Comparative Vocabularies of Bushman Langages , Ca
Guthrie, Malcom (1970), Comparative Bantu I, II, Gregg International Publish
Meeussen, A.E. (1980), Bantu Lexical Reconstructions, Tervuren (Belgium).
Bomhard, Allan R. (1990), Sample of the Comparative Vocabulary of the
Nostratic Langages, MS.
Bomhard, Allan R. - John C. Kerns (1994), The Nostratic macrofamily: A study
in distant linguistic relationship, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
(This contains 520 pp. of Proto Nostratic reconstructions with supporting
Dolgoposky, Aron (1991?) Nostratic Comparative Vocabulary , MS.
Benedict, Paul (1972), Sino-Tibetan: A conspectus, Cambridge University Press.
Luce, G. H.(1981), A Comparative Word-list of Old Burmese, Chinese and
Tibetan, SOAS, London.
uraliC-Yukaghir :
Collinder, Bjorn (1955), An Etymological Dictionary of the Uralic Languages,
--- (1977) Fenno-Ugric Vocabulary , Hamburg.
Decsy, Jyula (1990), The Uralic Protolangage: A Comprehensive
Reconstruction, Bloomington, Indiana.
Redei, Karoly (ed.) (1986-88), Uralisches Etymologisches Worterbuch , Budap
Sauvageot, Aurelien (1930), Recherches sur le vocabulaire des langues
ouralo-altaiques , Paris.
Suomen kielen etymologinen sanakirja :
1. Helsinki 1955. Y. H. Toivonen. Lexica Societatis Fenno-Ugricae XII,1.
ISBN 951-9019-07-3.
2. Helsinki 1958. Y. H. Toivonen, Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki. LSFU XII,2.
ISBN 951-9019-14-6.
3. Helsinki 1962. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki. LSFU XII,3. ISBN 951-9019-16
4. Helsinki 1969. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki. LSFU XII,4. ISBN 951-9019-35
5. Helsinki 1975. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola. LSFU XII,5.
ISBN 951-9019-12-X.
6. Helsinki 1978. Erkki Itkonen, Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola. LSFU XII,6.
ISBN 951-9019-27-8.
7. Helsinki 1981. Satu Tanner, Marita Cronstedt. LSFU XII,7. ISBN 951-9019-4
Suomen sanojen alkuper(a:). Etymologinen sanakirja, 3 vol. :
1. A-K. Erkki Itkonen (editor-in-chief), Ulla-Maija Kulonen (editor-in-chief
/ sub-editor), Aulis J. Joki, Reino Peltola, Marita Cronstedt, Eino
Koponen, Meri Puromies, Klaas Ph. Ruppel, Stau Tanner. Suomalaisen
Krijallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia 556. Kotimaisten kielten
tutkimuskeskuksen Julkaisuja 62. Helsinki 1992. ISBN 951-717-692-9. ISSN
0355-1768. (A-K)
The second part (L-P) will be published this year.
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-725.
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