6.1607, Sum: Numbering Examples in Word on Mac

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Tue Nov 14 04:32:31 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-1607. Mon Nov 13 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  207
Subject: 6.1607, Sum: Numbering Examples in Word on Mac
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: avaldez at emunix.emich.edu (Annemarie Valdez)
Date:  Tue, 14 Nov 1995 13:12:21 +1200
From:  Paul.Warren at vuw.ac.nz
Subject:  Numbering examples in Word on Mac
Date:  Tue, 14 Nov 1995 13:12:21 +1200
From:  Paul.Warren at vuw.ac.nz
Subject:  Numbering examples in Word on Mac
Heartfelt thanks to all those who responded to my
recent posting (6-1581) about numbering examples in MS-Word on Mac:
bao (fasbaozm at leonis.nus.sg); Karl-Michael Schneider; Manuel Sifre;
Eddy Ruys; Scott Herron; h. kelly shuldberg; Jeff Lidz, J.C.Davis;
John E. Koontz; Chris Culy; Wayne Cowart; Angela Williams; Cassian
Braconnier; Stuart Luppescu; Peter Avery; Carsten Breul; Dawn
MacLaughlin; Kathi Taylor (& Susan Freel); Robert Poletto; Annabel
Cormack; Kjetil Raa Hauge; Scott Randal
To those who suggested moving to another software package (e.g. LaTeX,
FrameMaker), thanks for the tips, but I should have mentioned that
there are budgetary constraints here!
As a number of you pointed out, further tips are contained in an
earlier posting to this list from Jon Aske.
The key is in using Fields (a common observation that I was relieved
to read is that this is not at all obvious from the manual).  Use the
menu bar (with a sequence of commands which can also be recorded as a
macro), or write a macro directly.  Macros can also be assigned to a
toolbar button or key-combination for more efficient operation. I give
below a menu-based approach, then several macros people kindly sent
me, and finally two macros I have designed based on what I have
learned - one for setting up an example number, one for
cross-referencing to examples thus set up.
1. This menu-based approach is based on info from Scott Heron:
(A) Choose: Insert/Field, click SEQ, which will give you a SEQ in the
bottom window; add "ex \n" to the right of the SEQ code in lower
window, press RETURN (the ex is the name or identifier for the
counter, the \n is to increase the number by 1).  The first time you
do this a 1 will show up, the second a 2, etc. (You can set up more
than one such counter/sequence by giving each sequence a diferent name
an Identifier; there are many predefined sequences, e.g. {SEQ chapter}
refers to chapter numbers.)  (B) Cross-referencing examples: Very
easy.  First you have to create a bookmark for an example you want to
cross-reference: a) Highlight the number created in (A) above (with or
without the parentheses).  b) Choose Edit/Bookmark, give the bookmark
a name (40 characters), e.g.  donkey_sentence c) When you want to
refer to it, you type, e.g., "As we saw in example "; then you click
Insert/Cross-reference, click bookmark, click the name of the
bookmark, click insert.
When you add a new example between two other examples, Word will give
it the number following the previous number, so for example, if you
insert a new example between (9) and (10) then the new example will
also be given the number (10). To update the numbers, select the whole
document and press F9 [turns out to be shift+F10 in Word 6 on my
PowerMac. You can also do this with a key press - look this up under
"updating fields" in the manual - it's Command+Option+click in Word 6
on PowerMac - PW]
2. Macros:
a) Robert Poletto sent the following macro, which puts in caption labels
for the example numbers.  Word automatically renumbers the labels for
captions, which is one advantage over using  SEQ fields.  You need to
define a style called "Ex1" as a favourite style for examples.
InsertCaption .Label = "(", .TitleAutoText = "InsertCaption1", .Title= ")",
.Position = 1  REM this does the main work
CharRight 2
EditClear - 1    REM this deletes the extra space between the ( and #
Style "Ex1"     REM change "Ex1" to your favorite style for data
End Sub
These can then also be cross-referenced, of course.
b) Kathi Taylor passed on the following macro from Susan Freel:
You will need:  Paragraph Style named 'Example Body' - this will be the
format of the  example text; Character Style named 'Example Tag' - this
will be the format of the actual "Example 1:" tag
'Insert tag text, section number, and auto number field
Insert "Example "
InsertField .Field = "AUTONUM "
Insert ": "
ParaUp 1, 1
Style "Example Tag"
CharRight 1
'Format paragraph to the style 'Example'
ParaDown 1, 1
Style "Example Body"
CharLeft 1
Style "Default Paragraph Font"
End Sub
c) Annabel Cormack sent the next one:
Style "ex1"
FormatFont .Bold = 0
Insert "("
InsertField .Field = "SEQ ex \* MERGEFORMAT"
Insert ")" + Chr$(9) + Chr$(9)
FormatFont .Bold = 0
End Sub
d) Finally, I list two macros that I have put together using tips from
various of the above-mentioned, and other discoveries made since.  The
first (i) enters a new example number, in (), AND sets up a bookmark
for it via a dialog in which the user enters a name - note that this
must begin with an alphabetic character, and note that no check is
made for existing bookmarks of the same name.  The second macro (ii)
provides a cross-reference at the current insertion point to an
example already defined using the first macro (i.e. using the
'bookmarks' thus established, selected from a dialog window). Formats
can be added, of course - see examples in the macros above.
Please note that these macros have not been extensively road-tested -
I'd be grateful for any suggestions for improvement.
'first set up the number for the example, in ()
Insert "("
InsertField .Field = "SEQ example \n \* MERGEFORMAT"
Insert ")"
WordLeft 3, 1    REM selects "(-number-)" as text for bookmark
'then put up a dialog for getting a bookmark name for cross referencing
Begin Dialog UserDialog 290, 122, "Name"
        Text 10, 6, 260, 12, "& Enter bookmark name "
        TextBox 10, 43, 236, 20, .TextBox1$, 0
        OKButton 10, 87, 88, 21
        CancelButton 117, 87, 88, 21
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
DisableInput 1      REM this bit allows ESC to work during dialog
Dialog dlg
DisableInput 0
'add the bookmark name to the list of bookmarks
EditBookmark .Name = dlg.TextBox1$, .SortBy = 0, .Add
' add a tab after the example number
Insert Chr$(9)
End Sub
'first get the list of bookmarks for the current document
size = CountBookmarks() - 1
Dim marks$(size)
For count = 0 To size
        marks$(count) = BookmarkName$(count + 1)
'then put up a dialog to select the example to cross-refer
Begin Dialog UserDialog 320, 50, "Example list"
        Text 27, 8, 200, 13, "Choose example for x-ref:"
        DropListBox 29, 25, 160, 20, marks$(), .DropListBox1
        OKButton 226, 5, 88, 21
        CancelButton 226, 29, 88, 21
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
DisableInput 1      REM this bit allows ESC to work during dialog
Dialog dlg
DisableInput 0
'finally, enter the example number into the text
name$ = marks$(dlg.DropListBox1)
InsertCrossReference .ReferenceType = "Bookmark", .ReferenceKind = "1",
.ReferenceItem = name$
End Sub
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1607.

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