6.1263, Calls: Association fot Literary and Linguistic Computing
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Sun Sep 17 15:23:25 UTC 1995
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1263. Sun Sep 17 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 291
Subject: 6.1263, Calls: Association fot Literary and Linguistic Computing
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 09:29:39 +0200
From: Espen.Ore at hd.uib.no (Espen S. Ore)
Subject: ALLC/ACH '96 Call for Papers
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 1995 09:29:39 +0200
From: Espen.Ore at hd.uib.no (Espen S. Ore)
Subject: ALLC/ACH '96 Call for Papers
This conference -- the major forum for literary, linguistic and humanities
computing -- will highlight the development of new computing methodologies
for research and teaching in the humanities, the development of significant
new computer-based resources for humanities research, especially focusing
on developing applications.
TOPICS: The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the
Association for Computing and the Humanities invite submissions on topics
and applications focused on the humanities disciplines, such as: languages
and literature, history, philosophy, music, art, linguistics, anthropology
and archaeology, creative writing, cultural studies, etc. We are interested
in receiving technical proposals that focus on the cutting edge issues of
the application of scientific tools and approaches to humanities
disciplines; discipline-based proposals that focus on some of the more
traditionally defined applications of computing in humanities disciplines,
including text encoding, hypertext, text corpora, computational
lexicography, statistical models, and syntactic, semantic, stylistic and
other forms of text analysis; broad library and research-based proposals
that focus on significant issues of text documentation and information
retrieval; and tools-focused proposals that offer innovative and
substantial applications and uses for humanities-based teaching and
research, throughout the academic and research worlds. Submissions on
humanities computing in developing countries and
software/courses/courseware in undergraduate education are welcomed.
The official language is English.
The deadline for submissions is 30 NOVEMBER 1995.
REQUIREMENTS: Proposals should describe substantial and original work.
Those that concentrate on the development of new computing methodologies
should make clear how the methodologies are applied to research and/or
teaching in the humanities, and should include some critical assessment of
the application of those methodologies in the humanities. Those that
concentrate on a particular application in the humanities (e.g., a study of
the style of an author) should cite traditional as well as computer-based
approaches to the problem and should include some critical assessment of
the computing methodologies used. All proposals should include conclusions
and references to important sources.
INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Abstracts of 1500-2000 words should be submitted for
presentations of thirty minutes including questions.
SESSIONS: Proposals for sessions (90 minutes) are also invited. These
should take the form of either:
(a) Three papers. The session organizer should submit a 500-word statement
describing the session topic, include abstracts of 1000-1500 words for each
paper, and indicate that each author is willing to participate in the
session; or
(b) A panel of up to six speakers. The panel organizer should submit an
abstract of 1500 words describing the panel topic, how it will be
organized, the names of all the speakers, and an indication that each
speaker is willing to participate in the session.
ALLC-ACH '96 will include poster presentations and software and project
demonstrations (either stand-alone or in conjunction with poster
presentations) to give researchers an opportunity to present late-breaking
results, significant work in progress, well-defined problems, or research
that is best communicated in conversational mode.
By definition, poster presentations are less formal and more interactive
than a standard talk. Poster presenters will have the opportunity to
exchange ideas one-on-one with attendees and to discuss their work in
detail with those most deeply interested in the same topic. Posters are
actually several large pieces of paper that present an overview of a topic
or a problem. Poster presenters are given space to display two or three
posters, and may provide handouts with examples or more detailed
Poster presenters must be present at their posters at a specific time
during the conference to describe their work and answer questions, but
posters will remain displayed throughout the conference. Specific times
will also be assigned for software or project demonstrations. Further
information on poster presentations is available from the Program Committee
Posters proposals and software and project demonstrations will be accepted
until January 15, 1996 to provide an opportunity for submitting very
current work that need not be written up in a full paper. Poster or
software/project demonstration proposals should contain a 300 to 500 word
abstract in the same format described below for paper proposals. Proposals
for software or project demonstrations should indicate the type of hardware
that would be required if the proposal is accepted.
Doctoral students are encouraged to consider poster submission as a viable
means for discussing ongoing dissertation research.
As part of its commitment to promote the development and application of
appropriate computing in humanities scholarship, the Association for
Literary and Linguistic Computing will award up to five bursaries of up to
500 GB pounds each to students and young scholars who have papers accepted
for presentation at the conference. Applicants must be members of ALLC,
and must be aged 30 years or less at the start of the conference. Those
wishing to be considered for an award should indicate this in their
conference proposal. The ALLC will make the awards after the Programme
Committee have decided which proposals are to be accepted. Recipients
will be notified as soon as possible thereafter. A participant in a
multi-author paper is eligible for an award, but it must be clear that
s/he is contributing substantially to the paper.
Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged. Please pay particular
attention to the format given below. Submissions which do not conform to
this format will be returned to the authors for reformatting, or may not be
considered if they arrive very close to the deadline.
All submissions should begin with the following information:
TITLE: title of paper
KEYWORDS: three keywords (maximum) describing the main contents of the paper
AUTHOR(S): names of authors
AFFILIATION: of author(s)
CONTACT ADDRESS: full postal address of main author followed by other authors
E-MAIL: electronic mail address of main author (for contact), followed by
other authors (if any)
FAX NUMBER: of main author
PHONE NUMBER: of main author
1. Electronic submissions
Electronic submissions are accepted as ASCII-files (please specify if
encoding schemes have been used for characters outside ASCII range),
MS-Word for Windows or Macintosh, and WordPerfect for Windows. Those who
submit abstracts electronically, especially abstracts containing graphics
and tables are kindly asked to fax a copy of the abstract in addition to
the one sent electronically. Notes, if needed, should take the form of
endnotes rather than footnotes.
Electronic submissions should be sent to:
allc-ach96 at hd.uib.no
with the subject line "<Author's surname> Submission for ALLC-ACH96".
2. Paper submissions
Submissions should be typed or printed on one side of the paper only, with
ample margins. Six copies should be sent to
ALLC-ACH96 (Paper submission)
Espen Ore Norwegian
Computing Centre for the Humanities
Harald Haarfagresgt. 31
N-5007 Bergen
Presenters will have available an overhead projector (video based -
overheads on plain paper rather than transparencies), a slide projector, a
data projector which will display Macintosh, DOS/Windows, and video (but
not simultaneously), an Internet connected computer which will run
Macintosh OS programs or DOS/Windows programs, and a VHS (PAL)
videocassette recorder. NTSC format will be available; if you anticipate
needing NTSC, please note this information in your proposal.
Requests for other presentation equipment will be considered by the local
organizer; requests for special equipment should be directed to the local
organizer no later than December 31, 1995.
Proposals for papers and sessions November 30, 1995 Proposals for
poster presentations January 15, 1996 Notification of acceptance
February 15, 1996
A selection of papers presented at the conference will be published in the
series Research in Humanities Computing edited by Susan Hockey and Nancy
Ide and published by Oxford University Press.
Accepted abstracts will also be published on the WWW server at the
Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities
Proposals will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers who will make
recommendations to the Program Committee comprised of:
Jan-Gunnar Tingsell, Gothenburg University (ALLC) (chair)
Chuck Bush, Brigham Young University (ACH),
Gordon Dixon, Manchester Metropolitan University (ALLC),
Nancy Ide, Vassar College (ACH),
Willard McCarty, University of Toronto (ACH),
Elli Mylonas, Brown University (ACH),
Lisa Lena Opas, University of Joensuu (ALLC),
Harold Short, Kings College (ALLC)
Local Organizer: Espen Ore, University of Bergen (ALLC)
The University of Bergen was founded in 1946 but its history goes back to
1825 with the founding of the Bergen Museum. The University has an
enrolment of some 17,000 students. It is located in the central part of
the city of Bergen. Hosting this conference, the Norwegian Computing
Centre for the Humanities was founded in 1972 and is located at the
University of Bergen.
Bergen, Norway's second largest city with a population of 220,000, was
founded in 1071 according to the sagas. The city was an important Hanseatic
trading centre and has retained an international profile that dates back to
the early Middle Ages.
There are direct flights to Bergen from Copenhagen, London, Oslo, and
Paris. There is also a train connection with Oslo, and a ferry between
Newcastle and Bergen.
Hotel rooms in different price ranges will be available within walking
distance from the conference center, and economically priced student
accommodation will be available outside central Bergen.
It is expected at this time that the fee for early registration for the
conference will be in the US$125 to US$150 range, with an additional late
registration fee.
Detailed information about the conference will be made available in January
or February of 1996.
For further information please communicate with:
Espen Ore Local Organizer, ALLC-ACH '96
Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities
Harald Haarfagresgt. 31
N-5007 Bergen
Phone: + 47 55 21 28 65
Fax: + 47 55 32 26 56
E-mail: Espen.Ore at hd.uib.no
Please give your name, full mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and
e-mail address, with any enquiry.
ALLC-ACH '96 info-list:
If you want to receive information about the conference via e-mail you can
subscribe to the mailing list by sending an empty e-mail message (from your
own e-mail address) to:
allc-ach96-request at hd.uib.no
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1263.
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