6.1287, Calls: SECOL, PALA

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Thu Sep 21 12:49:46 UTC 1995

LINGUIST List:  Vol-6-1287. Thu Sep 21 1995. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  116
Subject: 6.1287, Calls: SECOL, PALA
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dseely at emunix.emich.edu (T. Daniel Seely)
Date:  Wed, 20 Sep 1995 13:36:55 CDT
From:  dizdar ("Ann C. Dizdar")
Subject:  SECOL call for papers
Date:  Wed, 20 Sep 1995 08:40:59 -0000
From:  jrahilly at clio.arts.qub.ac.uk (Joan Rahilly)
Subject:  PALA Conference
Date:  Wed, 20 Sep 1995 13:36:55 CDT
From:  dizdar ("Ann C. Dizdar")
Subject:  SECOL call for papers
	                   CALL FOR PAPERS
	                  March 15-16, 1996
	                 College Station, TX
                    Plenary speakers: Paul Hopper
	                  Elizabeth Traugott
Abstracts are invited for three special sessions, as well as for general
sessions in all areas of linguistics and stylistics. Send 6 copies of a 300-
word abstract for a paper or a poster to the appropriate address below
(hard copies only, please).  People whose papers are accepted must be or
become SECOL members.
- On-line resources in linguistics. Abstracts to Anthony Aristar,
Department of English, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
77843-4227 by Nov. 1, 1995.  E-mail aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu
- Ethnography of communication.  Abstracts to Kathleen Ferrara,
Department of English, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
77843-4227 by Nov. 1, 1995.  E-mail ferrara at tam2000.tamu.edu
- Etymology.  Abstracts to J. Lawrence Mitchell, Department of English,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX  77843-4227 by Nov. 1,
1995.  E-mail larrym at tam2000.tamu.edu
- Abstracts to Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Department of
English, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152 by Dec. 5, 1995.
For guidelines, contact Joan Weatherly [Phone (901)678-4582; E-mail
mjweatherly at cc.memphis.edu] or Marvin Ching [Phone (901)678-4520;
E-mail chingmkl at cc.memphis.edu].
Date:  Wed, 20 Sep 1995 08:40:59 -0000
From:  jrahilly at clio.arts.qub.ac.uk (Joan Rahilly)
Subject:  PALA Conference
                   11th to 14th APRIL, 1996
===================== CALL FOR PAPERS =====================
PALA is for those who work in Stylistics, Poetics and associated fields
of Language and Linguistics. The Organising Committee of the 1996 Belfast
conference invites offers of papers in the general area of Stylistics.
Camera-ready abstracts, not exceeding one A4 page, should be submitted in
duplicate. The author's name and affiliation should also be clearly
displayed at the top right hand corner of the page. The deadline for
submission of abstracts is FRIDAY 3rd NOVEMBER 1995.
Abstracts and general enquiries should be directed to:
        The Organising Committee,
        PALA 1996,
        School of English,
        Queen's University,
        Belfast BT7 1NN,
        Northern Ireland, UK.
        TEL: (01232) 335103
        FAX: (01232) 314615
        e-mail: psimpson at clio.arts.qub.ac.uk
                jrahilly at clio.arts.qub.ac.uk
Joan Rahilly,
School of English,
Queen's University,
Belfast BT7 1NN.
TEL: (01232) 245133, ext.3304
FAX: (01232) 314615
e-mail: jrahilly at clio.arts.qub.ac.uk
LINGUIST List: Vol-6-1287.

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