7.1725, Calls: Knowledge retrieval, Human-computer miscommunication
The Linguist List
linguist at unix.tamu.edu
Sun Dec 8 11:57:11 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1725. Sun Dec 8 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 352
Subject: 7.1725, Calls: Knowledge retrieval, Human-computer miscommunication
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at unix.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at unix.tamu.edu>
Assistant Editor: Sue Robinson <robinson at emunix.emich.edu>
Technical Editor: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at unix.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text. Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 1996 16:10:36 EST
From: Guy.Mineau at dmr.ca (Guy Mineau)
Subject: call for papers KRUSE-97
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 1996 12:51:54 CST
From: mcroy at tigger.cs.uwm.edu (Susan McRoy)
Subject: Special Issue of IJHCS: Detecting and Preventing Miscommunication
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 1996 16:10:36 EST
From: Guy.Mineau at dmr.ca (Guy Mineau)
Subject: call for papers KRUSE-97
Second International KRUSE Symposium
___ Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency ___
Coast Plaza Hotel, Vancouver, Canada
August 11-13th, 1997
submission deadline March 1st, 1997
notification of acceptance May 1st, 1997
camera-ready copy June 1st, 1997
The symposium will provide a forum for exploring current research in
artificial intelligence, cognitive science, knowledge bases and
databases that pertains to the organization, encoding, inference and
retrieval of logical and complex objects from a knowledge base. The
efficiency aspects of these functions will be of the outmost
importance to this year's symposium.
The symposium will draw together researchers from diverse disciplines
as well as practitioners engaged in developing real knowledge-based
systems. Mathematical and graph-theoretic approaches will be favoured
over those approaches based on analogy with human cognitive processes,
though mathematical discussions of such processes would be
appropriate. The basic questions to be addressed include, but are not
restricted to:
o classification of objects in a taxonomy: systemic classification,
semantic indexing, partial-order sorting, description identification,
and taxonomy maintenance;
o efficient order, lattice, graph, and code theoretic operations on
objects: subsumption, generalization, specialization, least common
generalization, and greatest common specialization;
o advanced uses of taxonomies: knowledge compression, knowledge
compilation, and knowledge evolution;
o using classified knowledge: classification as problem solving,
classification as constraint satisfaction, and exploiting
o scalable techniques for large object databases;
o integration of data and knowledge base technologies.
The symposium will maintain a balance between theoretical issues and
descriptions of implemented systems, providing a balance between
theory and practice. Nevertheless, the focus of the symposium is
definitely on the efficiency of retrieval, use and storage of
knowledge in large knowledge bases.
Papers may be submitted in three formats: long, short or research
proposal. Each paper must be identified with one of these
categories. Long papers may not exceed 15 pages, including title page,
figures and references. Accepted papers will be considered for
publication in the Lecture Notes in AI series or in the International
Journal of Conceptual Systems.
Shorter, substantive papers of a maximum of 8 pages are also
welcome. They will be published in in-house proceedings given at the
symposium, along with research proposals (minimum of 4 pages). Authors
must indicate under which category they wish their paper to be
reviewed. Papers rejected as long may be accepted as short; papers
rejected as short may be accepted as research proposal.
At any stage of the reviewing process, before the final version of a
paper is received by the program chair, the authors may withdraw their
paper. Registration of one of the authors will be required with the
final copy of an accepted paper, no matter what category the paper was
accepted in. This registration fee is not refundable.
Authors are requested to submit their paper in postscript format,
through electronic mail only, to: mineau at ift.ulaval.ca . In cases
where electronic mail utilities are not appropriate for this,
anonymous ftp will be available upon request to the program
chair. Please make sure that your paper is entirely printable from the
postscript file that you will submit.
For the final version of the paper, the authors will be required to
follow as closely as possible the instructions to authors of
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series,
which will then be provided to them. For the first submission (March
1st 1997), the authors are required to use a 12pt font, simple
interline, and a 1 inch margin of right, left, bottom and top of each
The title page of each paper must contain the names of all authors,
their affiliation, their complete postal and email addresses,
telephone and fax numbers. Communication with the authors will be done
solely through email.
In addition, the title page must include an abstract of approximately
twenty (20) lines, and a list of short phrases or keywords descriptive
of the content (no more than 5). It must also bare the category for
which the paper should be reviewed: long, short, or research
proposal. Accordingly, the number of pages must absolutely not go over
the 15, 8 or 4 pages limit.
Veronica Dahl (General Chair) Guy W. Mineau (Program Chair)
Director, Logic and Functional Associate Professor
Programming Group Computer Science Dept.
Professor, School of Computing Science Universite Laval
Simon Fraser University Quebec City, Quebec
Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6 Canada, G1K 7P4
veronica at cs.sfu.ca mineau at ift.ulaval.ca
Phone: (604) 291-3372 Phone: (418) 656-5189
Fax: (604) 291-3045 Fax: (418) 656-2324
Andrew Fall (Local Arrangements Chair)
School of Computing Science
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C., Canada, V5A 1S6
fall at cs.sfu.ca
Phone: (604) 291-4302
Fax: (604) 291-3045
Michel Chein (France)
Fritz Lehmann (USA)
Deborah McGuinness (USA)
Rudolf Wille (Germany)
Lin Padgham (Australia)
Hassan Ait-Kaci (Canada)
Franz Baader (Germany)
Yves Caseau (France)
Jim Delgrande (Canada)
Peter Eklund (Australia)
Gerard Ellis (Australia)
Robert Godin (Canada)
Michel Habib (France)
Robert Levinson (USA)
Dickson Lukose (Australia)
Robert McGregor (USA)
Marie-Laure Mugnier (France)
Peter Patel-Schneider (USA)
Gerd Stumme (Germany)
The symposium will be held at the Coast Plaza Hotel in downtown
Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver is a beautiful city where nature and
civilization blend into a perfect postal card scenery. Its location
allows for easy access from Asia, Australia and North America; it
provides the best settings for any kind of outdoor activity.
This CFP and the latest information regarding KRUSE-97 are available
on the World Wide Web under http://www.cs.sfu.ca/cs/conf/kruse97.
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 1996 12:51:54 CST
From: mcroy at tigger.cs.uwm.edu (Susan McRoy)
Subject: Special Issue of IJHCS: Detecting and Preventing Miscommunication
A Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Computer
Studies/Knowledge Acquisition
Guest Editor:
Susan McRoy
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53211, USA
mcroy at cs.uwm.edu
Deadline for submissions is December 31, 1996
Call for Papers
Any computer system that communicates must be able to cope with the
possibility of miscommunication--including misunderstanding,
non-understanding, and misinterpretation:
* In misunderstanding, one participant obtains an interpretation that
she believes is complete and correct, but which is, however, not the
one that the other speaker intended her to obtain.
* In non-understanding, a participant either fails to obtain any
interpretation at all, or obtains more than one interpretation, with
no way to choose among them.
* In misinterpretation, the most likely interpretation of a
participant's utterance suggests that their beliefs about the world
are unexpectedly out of alignment with the other's.
All three forms of miscommunication can eventually lead to repair in a
dialogue; however, misinterpretations and non-understandings are
typically recognized immediately, whereas a participant is not aware,
at least initially, when a misunderstanding occurs. Additionally,
misinterpretation can be a source of misunderstanding.
Early work on robust interaction with computers concerned the
correction of spelling or grammatical errors in a user's utterance so
that the system could more easily match them against a fixed
linguistic model; work has also been done in the area of speech
recognition, attempting to find the best fit of a sound signal to
legal sequences of linguistic objects. Other systems have attempted to
detect misconceptions in the user's model of the domain of
discourse. All of these approaches have assumed that the system's
model is always correct. More recently, researchers have been looking
at detecting and correcting errors in the system's model of an
interaction. This work includes research on speech repairs,
miscommunication, misunderstanding, non-understanding, and related
work in planning, such as plan misrecognition and plan repair.
The purpose of this special issue is to present important results by
researchers who are developing theoretical models of robust
interaction or are designing robust systems. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Theories that delineate what knowledge must be represented, how it
will be obtained and updated, and how responsibility for achieving
robustness might be distributed among the interactants.
* Strategies for identifying POTENTIAL causes of breakdowns, such as
ambiguities, misconceptions, and plan misrecognition, in order to
avert miscommunication.
* Strategies for identifying symptoms of ACTUAL breakdowns, such as
deviations from expected behavior, unresolvable ambiguities, and
speech errors.
* Techniques for correcting errors in interpretation that have been
used in other areas of AI, such as plan recognition and computer
vision, and in related areas, such as human-computer interaction and
* Approaches to minimizing and correcting miscommunication in tutoring
systems and education.
* Empirical data regarding the occurrence of miscommunication and
approaches to robust communication that derive from empirical
* Research in knowledge representation that would be useful in
detecting, repairing, and preventing miscommunication.
We welcome papers that present emipirical results, theoretical models, or
implemented systems addressing the problem of detecting, repairing, or
preventing human-machine miscommunication.
Please send your submission to the directly to the guest editor, Susan
McRoy. Email submissions in postscript (but not mime encoded) are
preferred and should be sent to mnm-si at tigger.cs.uwm.edu the subject
line ``IJHCS submission''. Otherwise, four copies of the paper can be
sent by surface mail to the street address given below.
Your submission should be prepared in single column, double-spaced
format using at least an 11 pt font. Sections should be numbered and
references should use (author, year) style. (Complete instructions for
authors are available at the IJHCS website, given below.)
Submissions are due December 31, 1996
Decisions will be made by March 31, 1997
Production copy will be due May 31, 1997
Guest Editor
Susan McRoy, Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
3200 North Cramer Street
Milwaukee, WI 53211
mcroy at cs.uwm.edu
(414) 229-6695 (phone)
(414) 229-6958 (fax)
Additional Information
Additional information about the International Journal of Human
Computer Studies/Knowledge Acquisition and instructions for authors
are available at:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Susan McRoy
Wed Oct 2 14:57:33 CDT 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1725.
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