7.1777, Calls: Amer. Dialect Soc., Digital Resources

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Sun Dec 15 15:40:54 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-1777. Sun Dec 15 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 7.1777, Calls: Amer. Dialect Soc., Digital Resources
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor:  Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>
Technical Editor:  Ron Reck <ron at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: T. Daniel Seely <seely at linguistlist.org>
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text.  Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them.   Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date:  Sat, 14 Dec 1996 19:08:20 EST
From:  "Mary Morzinski" <mmorzinski at berry.edu>
Subject:  American Dialect Society
Date:  Wed, 11 Dec 1996 18:31:28 +0000
From:  Lou Burnard <lou at vax.ox.ac.uk>
Subject:  Digital Resources in the Humanities
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date:  Sat, 14 Dec 1996 19:08:20 EST
From:  "Mary Morzinski" <mmorzinski at berry.edu>
Subject:  American Dialect Society
Call for papers:
The American Dialect Society will meet in Denver Oct. 16-19, 1997 at
the Rocky Mountain MLA conference.  Papers on any aspect of language
variation are welcome.  Please submit abstracts by Feb. 28 to
Mary Morzinski
5010 Berry College
Mt. Berry, GA 30149
e-mail   mmorzinski at berry.edu
fax        (706) 802-6722
Notification by March 28, 1997
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date:  Wed, 11 Dec 1996 18:31:28 +0000
From:  Lou Burnard <lou at vax.ox.ac.uk>
Subject:  Digital Resources in the Humanities
                         DRH97 CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT
                                  D R H '97
                           St Annes College Oxford
                            14-17 September 1997
                     Bringing together the creators, users,
                     distributors, and custodians of Digital
                     Resources in the Humanities.
Mission:  DRH97 aims to become a new forum for all those affected by
the digitization of our common cultural heritage: the scholar producing
or using an electronic edition; the teacher using digital media in the
seminar room; the publisher finding new ways to reach new markets; the
librarian, curator, art historian, or archivist wishing to improve both
access to and conservation of the digital information that
characterizes contemporary culture and scholarship.
Format  : The conference will take up three intensive days of academic
papers, panel discussions, technical reports, and software
demonstrations, held this year in a comfortable Oxford college. The
atmosphere will, we hope, encourage a lot of energetic discussion, both
formal and informal. Leading practitioners of the application of
digital techniques and resources in the Humanities, from the worlds of
scholarship, librarianship, and publishing will be there, exchanging
expertise, experience, and opinions.
Sponsors:  The conference is sponsored by the British Library, the
Office for Humanities Communication, the Arts and Humanities Data
Service, the Centre for Computing in the Humanities of Kings College
London, the International Institute for Electronic Library Research
of de Montfort University, the Library of University College
London, and the Humanities Computing Unit of Oxford University.
Timetable:  Proposals are invited for academic papers, themed panel
sessions and reports of work in progress. Extended abstracts (1500  to two
thousand words) should be submitted by April 7th 1997. All proposals
will be reviewed by an independent panel. Full versions (2 to 4
thousand words) of accepted papers will be required by July 7th 1997
for inclusion in the conference proceedings.
Themes:  creation of digital resources, textual, visual, and
time-based; integration of digital resources as multimedia; policies
and strategies for electronic delivery, both commercial and
non-commercial; cataloguing and metadata aspects of resource discovery;
pedagogic implications of digital resources and electronic delivery;
encoding standards; intellectual property rights; funding,
cost-recovery, and charging mechanisms; digitization techniques and
Further information:  The conference web site at
http://users.ox.ac.uk/~drh97 will be regularly updated, and will
include full details of the procedure for submitting proposals, the
programme, and registration information. Bookmark it now!
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1777

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