7.180, Confs: 7th International Morphology Meeting 1996
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Mon Feb 5 02:01:01 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-180. Sun Feb 4 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 321
Subject: 7.180, Confs: 7th International Morphology Meeting 1996
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Thank you for your
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 1996 16:55:07 +0700
From: MORPH at ling.univie.ac.at (Morphology Meeting 1996)
Subject: Program: The 7th International Morphology Meeting 1996
Date: Sun, 04 Feb 1996 16:55:07 +0700
From: MORPH at ling.univie.ac.at (Morphology Meeting 1996)
Subject: Program: The 7th International Morphology Meeting 1996
Institut fuer Sprachwissenschaft
Berggasse 11
A-1090 Wien AUSTRIA
email: morph at ling.univie.ac.at
FAX: ++43-1-310 38 86-23
The 7th International Morphology Meeting 1996
February 16-18, 1996 University of Vienna
LOCATION: Faculty of Law (Juridicum), Schottenbastei 10-16, 1010 Wien
If you are interested in participating the meeting please write an
email to the above mentioned address and you will receive more
information. In order to receive an accomodation form for hotel
reservation, please send us an email or a fax. If you are interested
in youth hostels, contact the travel agency of the Austrian Youth
Hostel Association: Supertramp
Helfersdorferstr. 4
A-1010 Wien;
Tel: ++43-1- 533 51 37; Fax: ++43-1-533 18 34-85
Friday, February 16, 1996
900-930 Opening
930-1020 Gregory Stump: Template Morphology and Inflectional
1020-1110 Rose-Marie Dechaine: Compositional Morphology
1110-1130 Break
1130-1200 Asun Martinez-Arbelaiz: Basque Nominal Morphology
and Antisymmetry within the DP
1200-1230 Joyce M. McDonough: Athabaskan Redux: Against the
Position Class as a Morphological Category
1230-1300 Vladimir A. Plungian: Agentive Nouns in Dogon: A
Challenge for Morphological Theory?
1300-1430 Lunch
1430-1500 Tapio Hokkanen: Stem Selection or Formation? On
Morphological Operations in the Mental Lexicon
1500-1530 Helga Weyerts & Martina Penke: Regular and Irregular
Morphology: The Representation of German Participles in
the Mental Lexicon
1530-1600 Jukka Maekisalo: Semantic Transparency and Frequency
in the Processing and Representation of Finnish
1600-1610 Break
1610-1700 Harald Baayen: How Singular Can Plural Be?
Understanding and Producing Number Inflection on
Nouns: Evidence from Dutch and Italian
1700-1750 Csaba Pleh: Don't Hesitate - Agglutinate: Processing,
Acquisition and Damage of Morphology in Hungarian
1750-1800 Break
1800-1830 Cristina Burani & Anna M. Thornton: Processing
Derived Words: Effects of Root and Suffix Frequency
1830-1900 Ch. Faussart, C. Jakubowicz, J.L. Nespoulous & C.
Rigaut: Gender Agreement and Vocabulary Type in
Spoken Language Processing
Saturday, February 17, 1996
900-950 Yves-Charles Morin: The Simplicity and Acquisition
of Defective Paradigms: A Historical Perspective
950-1040 Frans Plank: Suppletion
1040-1100 Break
1100-1130 Ulrike Mosel: The Genesis of Gender in Teop
(Austronesian, Bougainville, Papua New Guinea)
1130-1200 David Christian Bellusci: Identifying OV Morphology in
1200-1230 Anna-Riitta Lindgren: WP-, IA- and IP-Diachronics in
Finnish Dialects in Northern Norway
1230-1300 Barbara Unterbeck: Verbal Classification and Number
1300-1430 Lunch
1430-1500 Stefanie Eschenlohr: Deadjectival Verbs in German: On
the Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Dimension of
1500-1530 Wendy Sandler: On the Structure of the Morphological
Component in American Sign Language
1530-1600 C. Jakubowicz, N. Mueller, C. Rigaut, O-K. Kang &
B.Riemer: Morphology and the Acquisition of Pronouns:
Subject/Object Asymmetries in French and German
1600-1610 Break
1610-1700 Rolf Noyer: Distributed Morphology and the Separationist
1700-1750 Jean-Roger Vergnaud: Minimalist Aspects of
1750-1800 Break
1800-1830 Maria Ladanyi: Productivity as a Sign of Category
Change: The Case of Hungarian Verbal Prefixes
1830-1900 Lluisa Gracia & Olga Fullana: Catalan Verbal
Compounds: Internal Order and Argument Interpretation
Sunday, February 18, 1996
900-950 Edwin Williams: Three Models of the Syntax-Morphology
950-1040 Dominique Sportiche: Syntactic Units and Words
1040-1100 Break
1100-1130 Pablo Albizu & Luis Eguren: Ergative Displacement in
1130-1200 Henry Davis: Salish Evidence on the Nature of the
Causative-Inchoative Alternation
1200-1230 Carolyn Harford: C-Command in Morphology: Final
Vowels in Chishona
1230-1300 Nelson M. Musehane: Root Compounds in Tshivenda
1300-1430 Lunch
1430-1500 Ferenc Kiefer: The Inheritance of Aspectual Structure
1500-1530 Lluisa Gracia & Miren Azkarate: Prefixation and the
Head-Complement Parameter
1530-1600 Lamia Haouet & Soledad Varela: Spanish Verbal
Prefixation: A Lexical Syntactic Account
1600-1610 Break
1610-1700 Hans-Juergen Sasse: Is the Inflection/Derivation-
Distinction Universal (CANCELLED!)
1700-1750 Marianne Mithun: The Semantics of Roots and Affixes
1750-1800 Break
1800-1830 Adrienne Lehrer: How Lexeme-like are Affixes?
Comparing the Lexical-Semantic Relationships of English
Derivational Affixes with Lexemes
1830-1900 Andrew Spencer: Agreement Morphology is Morphology
1. F. Kerleroux: Des donnees paradoxales: des noms deverbaux a
forme superficielle simple
2. I. Plag: Selectional Restrictions in English Suffixation
Revisited: A Reply to Fabb (1988)
3. A.A. Polikarpov: Evolutionary Mechanisms of Some Regularities
in Word-Formational Process
I. Workshop on the Acquisition of Morphology in L1
LOCATION: Institut fuer Sprachwissenschaft
email: chris at ling.univie.ac.at
Wednesday, February 14, 1996, 1400-1830
Michele Kail & Kleopatra Diakogiorgi (Laboratoire de Psychologie
Experimentale, Universite Rene Descartes, Paris V):
"Processing morphology and word order in Greek: On line
developmental studies"
Karin Lindner & Hilke Elsen (Institut fuer Deutsche Philologie,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen):
"'Critical mass' and overgeneralization: the case of German data"
Vito Pirrelli & Stefano Federici (Istituto di Linguistica
Computazionale - CNR, Pisa):
"Learning morphology by paradigm-driven analogy: linguistic and
psycholinguistic implications"
Zsuzsanna Vinkler & Csaba Pleh (Dept. of General Psychology, Eoetvoes
Lorand University, Budapest):
"Early morphology of spatial expressions in a Hungarian child:
a CHILDES case study"
Klaus Laalo (Dept. of Finnish Language, University of Helsinki):
"Interface of morpho(phono)logy and syntax in Finnish child
Andreas Bittner, Dagmar Bittner (Forschungsschwerpunkt Allgemeine
Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin) & Klaus-Michael Koepcke (FB
Erziehungswissenschaften I, Universitaet Hannover):
"Flexionserwerb: Regel vs. Schemata - und ein Blick auf die
Natuerlichkeit" (NOTICE: This talk has been cancelled!)
Dagmar Bittner (Forschungsschwerpunkt Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft,
"Wie und wozu erwerben Kinder das Genus im Deutschen ?"
Ekaterina Protassova (Moscow University):
"Transition from babbling to word structure (in Russian)"
Thursday, February 15, 1996, 900- 1230
Marianne Kilani-Schoch (Universite de Lausanne) & Wolfgang U.
Dressler (Institut fuer Sprachwissenschaft, Universitaet Wien):
"Pre- and protomorphology: the demarcation problem"
Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kolaczyk (Dept. of English, Adam Mickiewcz
University, Pozna):
"Pre- and proto- in Polish phonology and morphology and
their interrelations"
Maria Voeykova (Inst. of Ling. Research, Russian Academy of Sciences,
St. Petersburg):
"Pre- and protomorphological stages and part-of-speech
distinctions in Russian"
Steven Gillis (Dept. of Linguistics, Universiteit Antwerpen - U.I.A.):
"Pre- and protomorphology: the case of Dutch diminutives"
Joerg Meibauer (Deutsches Seminar, Universitaet Tuebingen):
"Learning to coin agent and instrument nouns in German"
Dorit Ravid (School of Education & Dept of Communication Disorders,
Tel Aviv University):
"The acquisition of derived nominals in Hebrew: between
lexicalization and productivity"
Thursday, February 15, 1996, 1400- 1830
Margareta Almgren (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea) & Andoni Barrena
(Departamento de Lengua Espanola, Universidad de Salamanca):
"Basque, ergativity and acquisition"
Katharina Koehler & Chris Schaner-Wolles (Institut fuer
Sprachwissenschaft, Universitaet Wien):
"The acquisition of verbal inflection and verb position in
a view on the morphology-syntax interface"
Christian Champaud (Laboratoire de Psychologie Experimentale,
Univ. Rene Descartes, Paris V):
"Overgeneralisation in early acquisition of verbal
morphology: the case of French"
Almut Klepper-Schudlo (Institut fuer Linguistik/Germanistik,
Graduiertenkolleg, Univ. Stuttgart):
"Early verbal inflection in Polish and the optional infinitive
Yonata Levy (Psychology Department, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem):
"On the theoretical implications of the early development of
morphological paradigms"
Monika Rothweiler (FB 12 Erziehungswissenschaften, Universitaet
"Dissociations in inflectional systems of SLI children:
participle inflection and
Stella N. Ceytlin (Herzen Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg):
"Acquisition of the Russian verb paradigm"
Natalia V. Gagarina (Herzen Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg):
"Functioning of the imperfective in the speech of Russian
children up to three"
II. Workshop on Inflection
LOCATION: JURIDICUM, lecture room U14, Thursday, 15 February, 13.00-
The workshop is organised by Geert Booij (HIL/Vrije Universiteit
13:00 Kersti Borjars, Carol Chapman, Nigel Vincent
`Paradigms, periphrases, and pro-drop: a feature-based account
13:45 Dieter Wunderlich `Constructing inflectional paradigms'
14:30 Rolf Noyer `Mixed declensions'
15:15 Break
15:30 Angela Ralli `On the morphological status of inflectional
features: evidence from Modern Greek'
16:15 Andrew Spencer `Inflection and derivation (or do we need nouns
and verbs?)'
17:00 Renate Raffelsiefen `A phonology-based criterion for
disntinguishing inflectional from derivation morphology'
17:45 Harald Baayen `Consequences of affixal homonymy for the
processing of inflectionsin language comprehension: evidence from
18:30 General discussion
19:00 End
Abstracts of the papers will be sent to those who have already
indicated that they will participate in the workshop. If you also want
the abstracts, please contact Geert Booij (e-mail: booij at let.vu.nl,
fax 31- 204446500).
organized by U. Doleschal & A. Thornton
Date: 15.02.96
Location: Dept. of Linguistics
Berggasse 11/1/3
1090 Vienna
13.00 W.U.Dressler (Vienna): Extragrammatical vs. marginal
13.30 B.Fradin (Paris): The Challenge of composing forms
14.00 D.Nuebling (Tuebingen): Onymic quasimorphemes: the
morphological structure of toponyms
14.30-15.00 break 15.00 E.Ronneberger-Sibold (Munich):
Partial motivation in German trade names
15.30 A. Thornton (Rome): On extragrammatical suffixes:
international -tex and -ex
16.00 L.Benua (Amherst): Templatic Deletion in Morphological
16.30 Ou.Bat-El (Tel Aviv): "Marginal" morphology is not marginal
17.00- 17.30 break
17.30 O.Werner (Tuebingen): Is suppletion a borderline phenomenon
of morphology?
18.00 G.Corbett (Guildford): Affective use of morphology
in number systems
18.30 A.Ortmann (Duesseldorf): Affix repetition,
identical information and redundancy
19.00 U.Doleschal (Vienna): On the margin of declination:
indeclinability, semi-declinability and related problems in Slavic
7th International Morphology Meeting
morph at ling.univie.ac.at
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-180.
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