7.196, Confs: Ling Symposium on Romance Languages
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Wed Feb 7 03:37:21 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-196. Tue Feb 6 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 272
Subject: 7.196, Confs: Ling Symposium on Romance Languages
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue. Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions. Thank you for your
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 20:17:51 EST
From: femartin at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Fernando Martinez Gil)
Subject: LSRL XXVI General Information
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 20:20:20 EST
From: femartin at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Fernando Martinez Gil)
Subject: LSRSL XXVI Program (fwd)
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 20:17:51 EST
From: femartin at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Fernando Martinez Gil)
Subject: LSRL XXVI General Information
Please Print and Post
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa
Mexico City
March 28-30, 1996
CONFERENCE SITE: The conference will be held at the Casa de la Primera
Imprenta de America, a historical building owned by
the UAM. It is located one block away from the
Zocalo of Mexico City, at the Centro Historico (downtown).
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEE: $50.00(USD). Registration on-site only.
ACCOMMODATIONS: The Howard Johnson operated Gran Hotel de Mixico has
been chosen for the LSRL participants. It faces the Zscalo, and is at
a 5 min. walking-distance from the Casa de la Primera Imprenta.
The hotel address is Avenida 16 de Septiembre #82.
Phone: 510-4040; 510-4041; 510-4042/3, 4....9
The SPECIAL LSRL-conference rates are the following. PLEASE
NOTE: All prices include: breakfast (buffet), tips (bell-boys
and maid service), and taxes. Al prices are given in U.S. currency.
Single room ------------- $63.90 per room
Double room ------------- $71.80 per room; $35.90 pere person
Reservations should be made any time now until February 20th.
After this date, the hotel does not guarantee availability of
space, nor the special rates.
Please be sure to mention that your reservation is on behalf
of the Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages to make sure
you get the SPECIAL conference rate.
When making your reservation, you will be required to provide
your credit card number. Cancellations up to 72hs. in advance
will cause no charges; otherwise, you will be charged the
equivalent of the first night stay.
You may make reservations to the following FAX NUMBERS:
(525) 512-67-72 At'n: Martha Trujillo Ortiz. From:
9:00-14:00; and 16:00-19:00, Mexico City time.
(525) 512-20-85 24 hours a day.
You may also call directly to: (525) 510-4040, 510-4041/42,
TRANSPORTATION: There are special TAXI booths INSIDE the airport, and
these charge the official rate; contact them. "Pirate" taxis charge
more! You only need to indicate you are going to the Zocalo,
(pronounced [s'okalo]) and you'll be charged the correct fare.
WEATHER: March-April are usually warm during the day; but you may need
a light sweater/jacket for the evenings/nights.
EXCHANGE RATE: the exchange rate is variable, but a sure bet is $7.50
pesos per dollar.
or: JLEMAA at mailer.main.conacyt.mx
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 1996 20:20:20 EST
From: femartin at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Fernando Martinez Gil)
Subject: LSRSL XXVI Program (fwd)
> LSRL 26
> Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
> Iztapalapa
> Mexico City
> March 28-30, 1996
> Thursday, March 28
> Session I
> 9.00 Margarita Suner, Cornell University
> "The resumptive pronoun strategy in the minimalist framework"
> 9.30 Mike Jones, University of Essex
> "The pronoun-determiner debate: evidence from Sardinian and
> some repercussions for French"
> Session IIa
> 10.15 Yves Roberge, University of Toronto
> "Quaint agreement and the theory of spell-out"
> 10.45 Christina Tortora, University of Delaware
> "The status of the post-verbal subject position with certain
> Italian unaccusatives"
> 11.15 Francisco Ordonez, City University of New York
> "Covert V-to-C in inversion constructions"
> Session IIb
> 10.15 Fernando Martinez-Gil, Ohio State University
> "The b ~ u/v spelling distinction and the status of
> spirantization in Old Spanish"
> 10.45 Sylvia Zetterstrand, Harvard University
> "Scalar effects in Romance Metaphony"
> 11.15 Randall Gess, U. of Washington and U. of Utah
> A "Alignment and Sonority in Gallo-Romance Coda simplification"
> Session IIIa
> 12.00 Cristina Schmitt, Michigan State University
> "Determiner transparency: evidence from Brazilian Portuguese"
> 12.30 Jenny Doetjes, Leiden University
> "French degree quantifiers and the syntax of mass and count"
> 13.00 Javier Gutierrez-Rexach, University of California at Los Angeles
> "Degree relatives and maximality"
> Session IIIb
> 12.00 Maria Carreira, California State University
> "A constraint based approach to Spanish Spirantization"
> 12.30 Teresa Satterfield, University of Iowa
> "Null subjects and the Extended Parameterization Hypothesis"
> 13.00 Antoinette Hawayek, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
> "Early computational operations and the emergence of Phrase
> Structure"
> Session IV
> 15.00 Montserrat Sanz, University of Rochester
> "Aspect, Voice and Transitive Phrases"
> 15.30 Sonia Maruenda and Margaret Salome, U. of Washington
> "A minimalist approach to the compositionality of Aspect: an
> argument for checking"
> Session V
> 16.15 Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
> "Move WH with and without Lambda-abstraction"
> 16.45 Mireille Tremblay, Queens University and
> Rejean Canac Marquis, Universite de Quebec a Montreal
> "WH-feature and the syntax of restrictive relative clauses in
> French"
> Plenary Session I
> 17.30 Andrea Calabrese, Harvard University
> "Some remarks on the Latin case system and its development
> in Romance"
> Friday, March 29
> Session I
> 9.00 James Harris, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> "Spanish Imperatives; Syntax meets Morphology"
> 9.30 Anna-Maria DiSciullo, Universite de Quebec a Montreal
> "Romance verbs and variation"
> Session IIa
> 10.15 Johan Rooryck, Leiden University, Pierre Pica, McGill University,
> and Jose Bonneau, Montreal.
> "Configurational attitudes"
> 10.45 Manuela Pinto, Utrecht University
> "Information focus: between core and periphery"
> 11.15 Elena Herburger, University of Southern California
> ""The road to nowhere" and the distribution of n-words"
> Session IIb
> 10.15 Thomas Curry, Nucleo de Nueva Esparta and New York University
> "On VOT and the Merger Hypothesis"
> 10.45 John Grinstead, University of California at Los Angeles
> "Morphological underspecification and overt subjects in Child
> Catalan and Spanish"
> 11.15 Francisco Ocampo, University of Minnesota
> "PPs without Ps in spoken Spanish"
> Session IIIa
> 12.00 Carlo Cecchetto, Instituto S. Raffaele
> "Expletives, Postverbal Subjects, and Move-F"
> 12.30 Antonia Androutsopoulou, University of California at Los Angeles
> "Genitives in Aromanian"
> 13.00 Deborah Arteaga, University of Nevada
> "On optionality in the minimalist program and Old French word order"
> Session IIIb
> 12.00 Haike Jacobs, Free University of Amsterdam
> "Latin enclitic stress revisited"
> 12.30 Javier Gutierrez-Rexach and Luis Silva-Villar, University of
> California at Los Angeles
> "Locative and temporal weak proforms"
> 13.00 Ken Johnson, Purdue University
> "The development of proclitics and enclitics in Middle French"
> Session IV
> 15.00 Domnita Dumitrescu, California State University, and
> Mario Saltarelli, University of Southern California
> "Two types of predicate modification: evidence from articulated
> adjectives of Romanian"
> 15.30 Manuela Ambar, Universidade de Lisboa
> "Participles vs. Infinitives"
> Session V
> 16.15 Viviane Deprez, Rutgers University
> "Subject/Object asymmetries in Indefinite Licensing"
> 16.45 Julia Herschensohn, University of Washington
> "Psych verbs and the Single Complement Hypothesis"
> Plenary Session II
> 17.30 Gemma Rigau, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
> "Existential sentences and related constructions in Catalan"
> Saturday, March 30
> Session I
> 9.30 David Heap, University of Toronto
> "Optimalizing Romance clitic clusters"
> 10.00 Barbara Bullock, Penn State University
> "The myth of equivalence: When two lights do not make a long"
> 10.30 Leo Wetzels, Free University of Amsterdan
> "Syllable weight, syllable structure and stress in Brazilian
> Portuguese"
> Session II
> 11.15 J.M. Liceras, B. Laguardia, Z. Fernandez, University of Ottawa,
> and L. Diaz, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
> "Licensing and identification of null categories in Spanish
> non-native grammars"
> 11.45 Jennifer Austin, Maria Blume, Barbara Lust, Zelmira Nunez del Prado
> and David Parkinson, Cornell University.
> "Pronoun use and the development of pragmatic knowledge in Spanish
> first language acquisition"
> Plenary Session III
> 12.30 Richard Kayne, City University of New York
> " 'De/Di' with infinitives"
> Alternate speakers:
> Syntax/Semantics
> Juan Carlos Castillo, University of Maryland
> "A syntactic account of auxiliary and possessive verb selection in
> Romance languages"
> Heloisa Salles, University of Wales, Bangor, and Universidade de Brasilia
> "Preposition pied-piping and preposition stranding: a minimalist approach"
> Phonology
> Rafael Nunez-Cedeno, University of Illinois-Chicago
> "Liquid gliding in Cibaeno and Feature Geometry"
> Sociolinguistics
> Maria Eugenia Martinez Padron, Instituto Andres Bello
> "The orienting function of full nominal phrases as locatives"
> For further information contact:
> lsrl at xanum.uam.mx
> jlemaa at mailer.main.conacyt.mx
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-196.
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