7.247, Calls: Models of lang, Spoken dialogue at ECAI

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Feb 16 01:02:31 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-247. Thu Feb 15 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  255
Subject: 7.247, Calls: Models of lang, Spoken dialogue at ECAI
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu (Ann Dizdar)
Date:  Wed, 14 Feb 1996 19:23:10 PST
From:  <kornai at almaden.ibm.com> (Andras Kornai)
Subject:  Call For Papers: Extended finite state models of language
Date:  Thu, 15 Feb 1996 12:10:13 EST
From:  susann at azrael.mitre.org (Susann LuperFoy)
Subject:  Workshop on Spoken Dialogue at ECAI
Date:  Wed, 14 Feb 1996 19:23:10 PST
From:  <kornai at almaden.ibm.com> (Andras Kornai)
Subject:  Call For Papers: Extended finite state models of language
                        CALL FOR PAPERS
ECAI '96 workshop on "Extended finite state models of language"
                  Aug 11-12, Budapest, Hungary
Organizing Committee: Eva Ejerhed, Umea University (chair)
Frederic Jelinek, Johns Hopkins University
Lauri Karttunen, Xerox PARC and Rank Xerox Research Center
Andras Kornai, IBM Almaden Research Center
In spite of the wide availability of more powerful (context-free,
mildly context-sensitive, and even Turing-equivalent) formalisms, the
bulk of the applied work on language and sublanguage modeling is
actually performed by (extended) finite state methods where most of
execution time is spent in a state machine. The goal of the workshop
is to bring together those developing and using such methods to text
analysis, speech/OCR language modeling, and related CL and NLP tasks
with those in AI and CS interested in analyzing and possibly extending
the domain of finite-state algorithms. For a more detailed call, list
of confirmed papers, deadlines, and submission details (electronic
submissions preferred) see http://www.cs.rice.edu/~andras/ecai.html.
Andras Kornai
IBM Research Division, DPE/803
Almaden Research Center
650 Harry Road
San Jose, CA 95120-6099
Tel: (408) 927-1921
Fax: (408) 927-4145
Email: kornai at almaden.ibm.com
Date:  Thu, 15 Feb 1996 12:10:13 EST
From:  susann at azrael.mitre.org (Susann LuperFoy)
Subject:  Workshop on Spoken Dialogue at ECAI
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------+ PLEASE CIRCULATE +------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
                          ECAI-96 Workshop on
         Dialogue Processing in Spoken Language Systems
       12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96)
                        Budapest, Hungary
                         August 13, 1996
- ------------------
Elisabeth Maier         Marion Mast                   Susann LuperFoy
DFKI Saarbruecken       Erlangen University           MITRE
 Nick Campbell                  ATR, Japan
 Morena Danieli                 CSELT, Italy
 Norman Fraser                  VOCALIS, UK
 Julia Hirschberg               AT&T, USA
 Susann LuperFoy                MITRE, USA
 Elisabeth Maier                DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany
 Marion Mast                    Erlangen University, Germany
- ------------------
The development of dialogue components for interactive systems that
employ speech as input and/or output modality has to take into account
problems that are specific for the treatment of spoken language. Among
these problems are the following:
* Segmentation of  dialogue  contributions into basic units
     While for  dialogue systems that   cope with  written /  typed
     language a  sentence can  serve  as  basic unit  for  dialogue
     modeling, this approach cannot be applied for the treatment of
     spontaneous  speech  or  even  read  speech, where phrasing of
     sentences may differ from speaker to speaker.  Spoken input is
     often  incomplete,  incorrect  and  contains interruptions and
     repairs;  full   sentences  occur  only   very   occassionaly.
     Therefore,  new  basic units  for the development  of dialogue
     models  have  to  be   proposed  in  order  to   also  capture
     fragmentary input.
     Related to this problem is the determination of the boundaries
     that  exist between  the   various  dialogue units in   longer
     single-speaker   dialogue  turns.  While for  written language
     punctuation   and    paragraphing  serve   as   indicator  for
     segmentation,  reliable  cues for  the segmentation of  spoken
     language  still have to be determined.
     It can be expected  that dialogue models  that build on such a
     new  notion of basic dialogue  units differ significantly from
     dialogue  models that    treat   only  written  language.    A
     contrastive examination of  the differences  between  dialogue
     models that treat spoken and written dialogue contributions is
     a point of future research.
* Interaction of prosody and dialogue processing
     For some  of the above-mentioned  issues the  consideration of
     prosody can contribute to a solution of the problems.  Prosody
     can perform many functions such as chunking turns into smaller
     units, emphasizing      important     information,  indicating
     discontinuities (e.g. interruptions, corrections),  expressing
     intention and emotion.
     Therefore components which make prosodic information accessible
     to dialogue processing become more and more important.
* Robustness
     Robustness   of all components is an   important  issue in the
     design  and the development of spoken  language systems.  With
     respect  to dialogue components robustness   is related to the
     following topics:
     * recognition errors and missing information
     * unexpected input
     * clarification
     * disfluencies
* Evaluation
     So  far the  evaluation of spoken  language  systems has  been
     focusing on the quality of the  speech components.  Evaluation
     criteria for the dialogue components of such systems are still
     to be developed.
     A careful evaluation can contribute  to the improvement of the
     system  with respect to what  a  user expects from the machine
     and how she adjusts to its abilities.  Therefore criteria like
     user acceptance and user satisfaction   have to be taken  into
We invite contributions that address any of the topics indicated above
and provide  innovative solutions.  We  are  also interested in seeing
papers that discuss   NEW APPLICATIONS addressing the  above-mentioned
- ---------
Papers (maximally 10 pages, point size no less than 12) can be
submitted either as hard copy or in electronic form (prefered): Hard
copy submissions should consist of four copies and have to be sent to
the address indicated below.  Electronic submissions will be accepted
for papers in self-contained Latex style or plain text.  They must not
refer to any external files or styles.  Papers generated from other
sources, e.g., Word, must be submitted by mail.  Papers must include
on the first page: the title, author's name(s), affiliation, complete
mailing address, phone number, fax number, e-mail, an abstract of 300
words maximum, and up to five keywords.  Each paper will be refereed
by at least two members of the program committee.
In order to encourage discussions before the workshop we intend to
make all submitted papers electronically available. We will announce
the site address after the submission date.
- -------
Hardcopies AND postscript files  must arrive not later than 1st
March 1996 at the address below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Submission Deadline:      March  1, 1996
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notification Date:        April  1, 1996
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Final Workshop Programm:  April 20, 1996
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Final Papers Due:         May   15, 1996
- ---------
Workshop proceedings will be published by ECAI.  We currently also
investigate the possibility to publish the workshop papers in book
- --------------------
Since workshop attendance will be limited to maximally 40 people,
persons without a paper should contact the organizers as soon as
possible.  Preference will be given to people who present a paper, to
their co-authors and to persons who submitted a paper.  Other persons
interested in attending will be asked to provide a one-page
description of their background and of their interest in the workshop.
- ----------
This workshop will take place directly before the general
ECAI-conference. It is an ECAI policy, that workshop participation is
not possible without registration for the general conference.
- -------
Papers have to be submitted to the following address:
Elisabeth Maier
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbruecken
e-mail: Elisabeth.Maier at dfki.uni-sb.de
Please address any further correspondence to
Marion Mast
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Lehrstuhl fuer Mustererkennung (Inf. 5)
Martensstr. 3
D- 91058 Erlangen
e-mail: mast at informatik.uni-erlangen.de
- -------
For further information about this   workshop we installed a Web  Page
that is accessible under the following address:
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-247.

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