7.142, Calls: Interdisciplinary, Self, Frisian
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Tue Jan 30 06:02:40 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-142. Tue Jan 30 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 302
Subject: 7.142, Calls: Interdisciplinary, Self, Frisian
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dseely at emunix.emich.edu (T. Daniel Seely)
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 17:44:02 GMT
From: ronnie at ling.ed.ac.uk (R Cann)
Subject: Interdisciplinary Studies in Linguistic Theory
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 10:23:05 MST
From: MAXSTAM at BGEARN.BITNET (Maxim Stamenov)
Subject: Self as a Sign conference
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 11:53:31 GMT
From: root at fa.knaw.nl (Superuser)
Subject: Frisian Philological Congress: announcement and call
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 17:44:02 GMT
From: ronnie at ling.ed.ac.uk (R Cann)
Subject: Interdisciplinary Studies in Linguistic Theory
Interdisciplinary Studies in Linguistic Theory
Edinburgh University Press
Series Editor: Ronnie Cann, University of Edinburgh
The Series aims to publish short monographs reporting research that
develops bridges between different disciplines, different linguistic
theories, or different areas within a theory. It is not restricted to
any particular branch of Linguistics, nor to any particular
theoretical framework, but accepts original and creative contributions
in all theoretical aspects of the discipline. In particular, the
Series will publish scholarly texts dealing with the following issues:
- The implications for theoretical linguistics of research carried
out in other disciplines that are concerned with language use and behaviour.
- The relation between linguistic theory and empirical research in
psycholinguistics, aphasiology and first and second language
- Theoretical discussions based on the analysis of large scale
linguistic corpora and/or experimental methods of data elicitation.
- The relations between typological and corpus-based approaches to
linguistic analysis and Chomskyan or mathematical theories of
- The interrelationships between different subareas in linguistics and
the application of techniques used in one area to problems in another.
- Theoretical implications of the attested historical development of
languages and language internal variation.
All published texts will be concise, clearly presented, rationally
argued and soundly based in empirical methodology. They will in
general be shorter works (60,000 words), but longer texts will be
considered on their merits. The aim of the Series is to publish high
quality research that advances the understanding of theoretical
Linguistics, but that will not easily fit into any of the recognised
scholarly journals, either because of length or of subject matter.
The editor and publisher wish to draw this series to the attention
of scholars, who are invited to submit manuscripts or book-proposals to:
Dr. Ronnie Cann
Department of Linguistics
University of Edinburgh
40 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LL
Scotland, UK
E-mail: ronnie at ling.ed.ac.uk
Fax: +44 131 650 3962
Dr. Ronnie Cann Tel.: +44-131-650-3961
Dept. of Linguistics Fax: +44-131-650-3962
University of Edinburgh
40 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LL
Scotland, UK
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 10:23:05 MST
From: MAXSTAM at BGEARN.BITNET (Maxim Stamenov)
Subject: Self as a Sign conference
First Announcement and Call for Papers
International Conference
Aspects of self-representation, self-consciousness and self-
September 19-21, 1996, Varna, Bulgaria
Organized by: The New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this conference will be to consider
the applicability of the notion of sign to the structure and
functions of the self. Contributions are invited from the
disciplines of linguistics, semiotics, cognitive psychology,
philosophy of language and mind and the adjacent disciplines
and areas of research. The topics under discussion include
(but are not limited to): the `meaning' and `form' of the
self; the language-specific and language-nonspecific aspects
of subjecthood and representability to oneself of the self;
the ontogenetic `roots' of the self; the specificity of the
experience of the self; the relationships between self-image
and body-schema; the self- and other-image in developmental
perspective; multiple selves and multiple presentations in
the social context and in pathology; syntax/semantics of the
presentation of the subject in everyday life and in
everyday-sentence perspective; the discursive basis of the
self, etc.
WORKSHOP: The Cognitive Turn in Semiotics
Dr. Maxim STAMENOV, Institute of the Bulgarian Language
Shipchenski Prokhod St. 52, bl. 17, 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA;
maxstam at bgearn.bitnet.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the workshop will be to discuss the
applicability of the concept of sign with its structure of
signifier/signified to cognitive structures at different
levels of their formation and functioning. Contributions are
invited from the disciplines of semiotics, cognitive
psychology, linguistics, philosophy of language and mind.
While during the sessions of conference the focus will be on
the signs of subjectivity, here the participants will be
supposed to face the sign as an object along the following
lines (among others): the relationships between image and
sign, concept and sign, symptom and sign; the specificity of
signifying structures in cognition, emotion, perception, and
imagination; the relationships between signs and names,
sentences, utterances, discourses, texts, etc.; the concept
of sign in symbolic and subsymbolic (connectionist) theories
of mind; the emergent signs -- the signifier/signified
relationship in the top-down and bottom-up hierarchies of
information processing in mind and brain functioning, etc.
Further proposals for workshops are welcome.
The conference site is The International House of
Journalists which is located 25 km. from Varna international
airport near the internationally known resort "Golden
Sands". It is possible to reach this location by local
public transportation (bus 409) as well as by taxi from the
airport or from the town of Varna central railway station.
Further more detailed information about the ways of access
will be given in the Second and Third Announcements.
The cost for a single room per night plus the board for the
corresponding day is US$29.00 at the International House of
Journalists plus a resort tax of US$4.00 per day. The House
is nicely located in a privately owned small park and
vineyard at the seaside.
The regular fee is US$35.00. The fee for students is
US$20.OO. The fee is valid BOTH for the conference and the
school (cf. below). It should be paid at the registration
desk after arrival. The conference and school fee is waived
for the participants from the countries of Eastern and
Central Europe.
The deadline for applications for both the school and the
conference is June 01, 1996. It is acceptable to submit your
proposal for a paper for the conference (with its title and
an abstract of approx. 200-250 words) by e-mail, but the
application will be considered complete after we receive
your proposal (in three hard copies in a camera ready form
by air mail) according to the following format: title; name;
affiliation; postal address; e-mail address; abstract of
approx. 200 words (preferably on a laser printer).
Each participant will be given 20 min. for presentation
of her/his paper and 10 min. for discussion. The future
participants will be notified about the acceptance of their
papers by the Programme Committee in two weeks after their
application reached us by e-mail. The official notification
of acceptance by air mail may reach them a week later. We
use this scheme in order to give more time for those who
intend to attend to arrange the details of their trip.
Official languages of the meeting will be Bulgarian and
English (invited papers and lectures will be given in
English; papers will be given predominantly in English).
Second Early Fall School of Semiotics, September 17-18,
1996, Varna (the same site).
Signs of Fear, Catastrophism and Loaded Silence
OBJECTIVE: The multi-ethnic fabric of newly emerged complex
societies in post-war Balkans irradiates aggressive
ideologies of intolerance and distrust that exacerbated the
feelings of catastrophism and predestiny. Those feelings
faded away around the hot-war spots in places like Albania,
Rumania, and Bulgaria as signs of `loaded silence'.
The `image of difference' and `otherness' were
constructed and communicated through derogatory metaphors,
implicit biases and stereotypes. How to transfer the signs
of loaded silence into the potential silence of creative
work? Is there are `moonlighting' employment of the metaphor
of `loaded silence' in literature, philosophy and visual
arts? A wide range of approaches including semiotics,
pragmatism, psychology, sociology, feminism, ethnology,
cultural studies, media studies, etc., should combine their
efforts to model a strategy for implementing the pieces of
the new `alternative' discourses.
Deadline for applications: June 01, 1996;
Arrival at the site of the events: September 16, 1996;
Working time of the school: September 17-18, 1996;
Working time of the conference: September 19-21, 1996;
Departure: September 22, 1996.
All requests for information and further orientation for the
CONFERENCE should be addressed to:
Maxim Stamenov, Institute of the Bulgarian Language,
Shipchenski Prokhod St. 52, bl. 17, 1113 Sofia, BULGARIA
Tel./fax (359-2) 732-217; E-mail: maxstam at bgearn.bitnet
All requests for information and orientation for the SCHOOL
should be addressed to:
The New Bulgarian University, Department of Anthropology -
EFSS, Ljulin Planina St. 2, 1606 Sofia, BULGARIA
Fax: (359-2) 540-802.
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 11:53:31 GMT
From: root at fa.knaw.nl (Superuser)
Subject: Frisian Philological Congress: announcement and call
Announcement and Call for Papers
The fourteenth Frisian Philological Congress will be held in
Ljouwert/Leeuwarden, the capital of the Dutch province of
Fryslan/Friesland, on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of October 1996.
Lectures may deal with all aspects of Frisian linguistics and
philology, lexicography, sociolinguistics, sociology of language,
literature (and history in relation to it).
The organising committee invites anyone interested to submit a
plan for a lecture in one of the above-mentioned fields. A
lecture will last 20 minutes, with a subsequent discussion of 10
minutes. A lecture can be held in Frisian, Dutch, English, French
or German.
A conference book(let), containing abstracts of the lectures and
all further relevant information, will be available towards the
end of May.
For all kinds of information, please contact:
The Organising Committee of the fourteenth Frisian Philological
Drs W. Visser (from April 1st onwards: Dr J. Ytsma),
Fryske Akademy,
P.O. Box 54,
The Netherlands.
Telephone: ..31-58-2131414;
Fax: ..31-58-2131409;
e-mail: fa at fa.knaw.nl
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-142.
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