7.839, Confs: Reference & anaphora, Lg Origins Society

The Linguist List linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Jun 7 12:48:41 UTC 1996

LINGUIST List:  Vol-7-839. Fri Jun 7 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines:  238
Subject: 7.839, Confs: Reference & anaphora, Lg Origins Society
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor:  Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
                   Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
                   Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: dseely at emunix.emich.edu (T. Daniel Seely)
We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.  Please do not use
abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless you explain
them in your text.  Many people outside your area of specialization
will not recognize them.   Thank you for your cooperation.
Date:  Thu, 06 Jun 1996 17:39:36 BST
From:  Klaus.Heusinger at uni-konstanz.de (Klaus von Heusinger)
Subject:  Conf.: "Reference and Anaphorical Relations"
Date:  Fri, 07 Jun 1996 08:19:35 +0200
From:  romamasf at aau.dk (Milea Angela Froes)
Subject:  Conf: Language Origins Society - In:PSYCHE-D Digest - 4 Jun 1996 to 6
	  Jun 1996 (fwd)
Date:  Thu, 06 Jun 1996 17:39:36 BST
From:  Klaus.Heusinger at uni-konstanz.de (Klaus von Heusinger)
Subject:  Conf.: "Reference and Anaphorical Relations"
                Reference and Anaphorical Relations
                        University of Konstanz,
                        June 13. - 15. 1996
We would like to announce the final programm of the conference
"Reference and Anaphorical Relation". For more information, please
consult our homepage
or send a message to:
Klaus von Heusinger
Universitaet Konstanz
=46G Sprachwissenschaft
Postfach 5560, D 185
D-78434 Konstanz
email:  klaus.heusinger at uni-konstanz.de
Tel.:   (49)7531-882510
=46AX:    (49)7531-882741
                          *       *       *
Program  "Reference and Anaphorical Relations"
        Thursday 13. 6. 96      Foundations of reference and anaphora
        Location:       IBZ
9.00    Opening
9.30    Peter Bosch, IBM Germany
                        Definiteness, Anaphora, and Familiarity
11.00   Urs Egli, University of Konstanz
                        Anaphorical relations from Athens to Amsterdam
12.00   Reinhard H=FClsen, University of Hamburg
                Understanding the semantics of "relativa grammaticalia":
                        Medieval logicians on anaphoric pronouns
14.30   Jaroslav Peregrin, Charles-University, Prag
                Reference and Inference
16.00   Jeroen Groenendijk, University of Amsterdam
                Anaphora and Things
17.00   Paul Dekker, University of Amsterdam
                 Reference and the Structure of Information
                                        * * *
        Friday 14. 6. 1996      Indefinites, Anaphora and Scope
        Location:       G 305
9.00    Stephen Neale, University of Califonia, Berkeley, USA
                A semantical route to the minimalist program
10.30   Reinhard Muskens, Tilburg University
                Underspecification, Anaphora, and Reasoning
11.30   Aarne Ranta, University of Helsinki
                Context-relative syntactic categories
14.00   Klaus von Heusinger, University of Konstanz
                The reference of indefinites
15.30   Yoad Winter, Utrecht University
                Choice functions and the scopal semantics of indefinites
16.30   Elena Paducheva, Russian Academy of Science, Moskow
                Indefinite reference in Russian
                                        * * *
        Saturday 15. 6. 1996    Crossing the scope boundaries
        Location:       G 307
9.00    B. H. Slater, University of Western Australien Nedlands, Australien
                The Grammar of the Attitudes
10.30   Ede Zimmermann & Rob van der Rooy, University of Stuttgart
                Anaphoric relation accross attitude reports
11.30   Jaap van der Does, University of Amsterdam
                Scope Extension and the Interpretation of Anaphora
13.30   Henriette de Swart, Stanford University, USA
                Scope ambiguities with negative quantifiers
15.00   Donka Farkas, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
                Scope Matters
16.00   Arnim von Stechow, Eberhard-Karls-University, Tuebingen
                Choice Functions and LF-Movement (Reconstruction Data)
17.00           final discussion
Date:  Fri, 07 Jun 1996 08:19:35 +0200
From:  romamasf at aau.dk (Milea Angela Froes)
Subject:  Conf: Language Origins Society - In:PSYCHE-D Digest - 4 Jun 1996 to 6
	  Jun 1996 (fwd)
From: patrickw at cs.monash.edu.au (   Patrick Wilken)
Subject: Conference: Language Origins Society, July 11-15, U of Maryland
From: catania at umbc.edu ("A. Charles Catania")
            The 1996 Annual Meeting of the Language Origins Society
                               July 11-15, 1996
You are invited to attend the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Language
Origins Society. The meeting will begin at approximately 1:00 p.m. on
July 11 and end at approximately 1:00 p.m. on July 15 at UMBC
(University of Maryland Baltimore County). The five day program will
include papers on all aspects of the origins and evolution of spoken,
written, and signed languages. What we know about evolutionary,
developmental, social, and linguistic processes places severe
constraints upon plausible scenarios for the origins and evolution of
language, and several papers will be explicitly concerned with defining
these constraints. As in past LOS meetings and consistent with its
multidisciplinary character, a broad range of disciplines will be
represented. The program is co-sponsored by UMBC and by the following
UMBC academic departments: Ancient Studies, Biology, English, History,
Interdisciplinary Studies, Modern Language and Linguistics, Philosophy,
Psychology, and Sociology and Anthropology.
A keynote lecture in honor of the late Jan Wind, founder of the LOS,
will be presented by Stevan Harnad, editor of the journal, BEHAVIORAL
AND BRAIN SCIENCES, and co-editor, with Steklis and Lancaster, of the
seminal volume, "Origins and evolution of language and speech" (ANNALS
OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, No. 280, 1976). Robert R. Provine
of the UMBC Department of Psychology will speak on laughter as an
approach to the mechanisms and evolution of vocal production,
perception and social behavior, following upon work presented in
AMERICAN SCIENTIST (1996, Vol. 84, 38-45).
                              Preliminary Program
Jan Wind Memorial Lecture:  From praxis to pantomime to propositions:
Communicative continuum or cognitive hurtles? Stevan Harnad
(Southampton, UK)
Invited Lecture: Laughter in humans and chimpanzees: Insights into
language evolution Robert Provine (Baltimore, MD, USA)
The role of language - Robin Allott (Seaford, E. Sussex, UK)
Three branches of the Cro-Magnon protolanguage - Nicholas D. Andreyev
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
The complexity criterion in linguistics - Bernard H. Bichakjian
(Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Language as an evolutionary product of cognition - Angelo Cangelosi
(Genoa, Italy) and Domenico Parisi (Rome, Italy)
A systematic language and notation for the natural sciences: An
emerging hypothesis - Jerry L. R. Chandler (Bethesda, MD, USA)
Right-left cerebral asymmetry: Innateness, experience, adaptation -
Tatiana V. Chernigovskaya (St. Petersburg, Russia)
A possible "ideal structure" in Latin, Old Irish, & Old English -
Robert Payson Creed (Amherst, MA, USA)
Ontogenetic integration of the affective and linguistic components of
speech: Cerebral dominance inversion as a cause of speech pathology -
Elena S. Dmitrieva and Kira A. Zaitseva (St. Petersburg, Russia)
[And many more lectures which had to be omitted for brevity. --ed.]
The standard registration fee for the 1996 LOS Conference will be US
$50 (US $30 for students). This fee will include the entire academic
program as well as a Welcome Reception on Thursday evening and a
special LOS Dinner on Sunday evening. For those interested in
attending a single day's session, the registration fee will be $15.
The single day fee is for sessions only. There will be an additional
charge for the Welcome Reception on Thursday and the LOS dinner on
Additional detailed information and directions to the campus will be
provided with confirmation of your registration. Directions to UMBC and
campus information are available on the internet (http://www.umbc.edu/).
For additional information, contact Brian Bartholomay at the above
address or via email at: bartholo at umbc.edu
        Rio .       Milea Angela Froes    ::    Associate Professor
      .  ~  . `de     >>Aarhus University,  Romance Languages Dept.
    .        `.   ` .    Niels Juels Gade 84, 8200 Aarhus N, DENMARK
   /           . .   ~ ~  .   tel[+45]89421923  :  fax[+45]86163861
  /             .           .   >>Universidade Catolica de Brasilia
 .               .   Janeiro  .    QS07-L01, Taguatinga, D.F. BRAZIL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> E-MAIL: romamasf at aau.dk <<~~~~~~
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-839.

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