7.945, Books: Neurolinguistics, Dialectology, Sociolinguistics
The Linguist List
linguist at tam2000.tamu.edu
Fri Jun 28 21:45:04 UTC 1996
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-945. Fri Jun 28 1996. ISSN: 1068-4875. Lines: 284
Subject: 7.945, Books: Neurolinguistics, Dialectology, Sociolinguistics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at emunix.emich.edu> (On Leave)
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <dseely at emunix.emich.edu>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <lveselin at emunix.emich.edu>
Assistant Editors: Ron Reck <rreck at emunix.emich.edu>
Ann Dizdar <dizdar at tam2000.tamu.edu>
Annemarie Valdez <avaldez at emunix.emich.edu>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: lveselin at emunix.emich.edu (Ljuba Veselinova)
Additional information on the following books, as well as a short backlist
of the publisher's titles, may be available from the Listserv. Instructions
for retrieving publishers' backlists appear at the end of this issue.
------------------------------New Books-------------------------------------
New Books from John Benjamins
Aphasia Research
Non-fluent Aphasia in a Multilingual World
Following up on the monumental Agrammatic Aphasia: A Cross-Language
Narrative Sourcebook, a three volume reference work also published by
John Benjamins, Non-fluent Aphasia in a Multilingual World now
provides an up-to-date, concise introduction to the language of
patients with non-fluent aphasia. Recent research in languages other
than English has challenged our old descriptions of aphasia syndromes:
while their patterns can be recognized across languages, the structure
of each language has a profound effect on the symptoms of aphasic
speech. However, the basic linguistic concepts needed to understand
these effects in languages other than English have rarely been part of
the training of the clinician.Non-fluent Aphasia in a Multilingual
World introduces these concepts plainly and concretely, in the context
of dozens of examples from the narratives and conversations of
patients speaking most of the major languages of Europe, North America
and Asia. Linguistic and clinical terms are carefully defined and kept
as theory neutral as possible.Non-Fluent Aphasia in a Multilingual
World is especially useful for speech-language pathologists whose
patients are immigrants and guestworkers, and for the clinician who
must deal creatively with the challenges of providing aphasia
diagnosis and therapy in a multicultural, multidialectical setting.
xvii, 212 pp.
US & Canada:Hb:1 55619 391 2 US$65.00 / Pb: 1 55619 392 0 US$24.95
Rest of World:Hb: 90 272 4335 2 Hfl.110,-- / Pb: 90 272 4336 0 Hfl.50,--
Focus on the USA
University of Regensburg
This volume presents 15 original research papers by renowned
specialists in their respective fields. A variety of research
traditions are included, such as dialect geography and
sociolinguistics, but also smaller sub-fields such as the study of
slang and perceptual dialectology. Varieties studied include the
South, the Eastern Seaboard, the Middle West, African American
English, Cuban English, and others. A growing sense of unity in the
discipline is reflected by recurring topics and methods across earlier
boundaries between sub-disciplines. For instance, computerized data
and statistical analyses are standard tools nowadays, and a few papers
explicitly address the possibilities and limitations of these
methods. The study of variation and change of linguistic varieties has
largely replaced earlier, monolithic notions of dialect, and the
question of change in dialects, the erosion of traditional speech
forms under the impact of modem communication patterns and
socio-economic developments, is investigated in several
contributions. In general, a recent orientation towards the history
and development of nonstandard varieties is reflected in the book --
several papers study diffusion patterns of linguistic forms, or
discuss the emergence of individual dialects or dialectal forms in a
language contact framework. Altogether, the papers provide a lively
illustration of and a fairly representative selection from ongoing
high-quality linguistic research into American English.
Varieties of English Around the World, G16 vi, 368 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1 55619 447 1 US$ 74.00
Rest of World: 90 272 4874 5 Hfl.125,--
Focus on South Africa
Vivian de Klerk (ed.)
This volume brings together a range of studies on various aspects of
English and its use in Southern Africa. Experts in their field have
written chapters on topics including the history and development of
English in South Africa, the characteristics of particular pan-ethnic
varieties of English which have evolved in South Africa (including
black, Indian and colored varieties) as well as the unique features of
the English of South Africa's southern neighbors: Swaziland, Zimbabwe,
Zambia and Malawi. Other contributions focus on English in relation to
issues such as standardization, lexicography, education, language
planning, language attitudes and interpersonal interaction
patterns. The book will be of primary interest to students of
linguistics and language, but should also be relevant to
educationists, sociologists and historians.
Varieties of English Around the World, G15 330 pp.
US & Canada:HB: 1 55619 446 3 US$74.00
Rest of World: 90 272 4873 7 Hfl.130,--
More Englishes.
New studies in varieties of English 1988-1994.
This collection of 8 papers is a continuation of Manfred Goerlach's
previous collection "Englishes" with the author's most influential
writings in the field of varieties of EnglishContents: Preface/More
Englishes; Varietas delectat: forms and functions of English around
the world; Innovation in new Englishes; Word-formation and the ENL:
ESL: EFL distinction; Heteronymy in International English;
Dictionaries of transplanted Englishes; Irish English and Irish
culture in dictionaries of English; Text types and Indian English;
Sociolinguistic determinants for literature in dialects and minority
languages: Max and Moritz in Scots.
Varieties of English Around the World, G13 276 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1 55619 444 7 US$49.00
Rest of World: 90 272 4871 0 Hfl.90,--
Scots and its Literature.
Among the topics treated in Scots and its Literature are the status of
Scots as a national language; the orthography of Scots; the actual and
potential degree of standardization of Scots; the debt of the
vocabulary of Scots to Gaelic; the use of Scots in fictional dialogue;
and the development of Scots as a poetic medium in the modern
period. All fourteen articles, written and published between 1979 and
1988, have been rescrutinised for this collection and extensively
updated.J. Derrick McClure is a senior lecturer in the English
Department at Aberdeen University and a well-known authority on the
history of Scots.
Varieties of English Around the World, No. G14 vi, 218 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1-55619-445-5 US$52.00
Rest of World:Hb: 90 272 4872 9 Hfl.90,--
Towards a Critical Sociolinguistics.
This collection of twelve essays, some of which have been written
specifically for this volume by well-known European and North-American
sociolinguists, reflects an increasing recognition within the field
that sociological and theoretical innocence can no longer be
countenanced, and offers a multi-pronged and multi-methodological way
to move towards a critical, reflexive, and theoretically responsible
socio-linguistics. It explores, with courage and sensitivity, some
very important areas in the enormous space between Bloomfieldian
'idiolect' and Chomskyan 'UG' in order to situate the human linguistic
enterprise, and offers valuable insights into human linguisticality
and sociality. These explorations expose the limits of correlationism,
determinism, and positivistic reificationism, and offer new ways of
doing sociolinguistics.Intended for both practicing and future
sociolinguists, this is an ideal text-book for the times, particularly
for graduate and advanced undergraduate students.
Contents: B.R. Lavandera: Where does the sociolinguistic variable
stop?; J. Harris: Syntactic variation; R. Singh and J.K. Lele: The
autonomy of social variables; R. Fasold: The quiet demise of variable
rules; S. Romaine: The status of sociological models and categories;
N. Dittmar: Descriptive and explanatory power of rules in
sociolinguistics; D. Hymes: Report from an underdeveloped country;
W.U. Dressler: Language death; D. Zimmerman and C. West: Sex roles,
interruptions, and silence; R. Singh, J.K. Lele, and G. Martohardjono:
Communication in a multilingual society; B. Urciuoli: The political
topography of Spanish and English; G. Williams: Language planning as
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory,125 x 332 pp. + index
US & Canada:Hb 1-55619-579-6 US$85.00
Rest of World: 90272 3628 3 Hfl.150,00
Language International World Directory of Sociolinguistic and Language
Planning Organizations. Francesc DOMINGUEZ, and Nuria LOPEZ (comps.)
This directory gives guidance in the complicated world of
sociolinguistic and language planning organizations, giving structural
information on regional, national, provincial and community level,
both public and private. Each entry gives full details, including full
addresses, phone/fax numbers, Director's name, and information on the
organization's activities, programs, publications, work in progress
and plans for the future.|"...it offers the opportunity to
systematically study the question at which levels research is
undertaken that relates to language planning....this directory opens
up new possibilities of investigation and thus makes a genuine
contribution to pursuing the unended quest of how - rather than
whether - language can be planned." (Florian Coulmas, Sociolinguistic
and Language Planning Organizations, Preface).
Language International World Directories, No. 1 xx, 530 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1 55619 740 3 US$130.00
Rest of World: 90 272 1951 6 Hfl.220,00
Romani in Contact
The history, structure and sociology of a language
YARON MATRAS (ed.) (University of Hamburg)
A language of Indic origin heavily influenced by European idioms for
many centuries now, Romani provides an interesting experimental field
for students of language contact, linguistic minorities,
standardization, and typology. Approaching the language as a language
in contact, the volume gives expression to part of the wide range of
research represented in today's field of Romani
linguistics. Contributions focus on problems in typological change and
structural borrowing, lexical borrowing and lexical reconstruction,
the Iranian influence on the language, interdialectal interference,
language mixing, Romani influences on slang and argot, grammatical
categories in discourse, standardization and literacy in a
multilingual community, and plagiarism of data in older sources. The
authors discuss dialects spoken in the Czech and Slovak Republics,
Serbia, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, and Romania, as well as related
varieties in Spain and the Middle East.
Contributors: Vit Bubenik; Ian Hancock; Victor A. Friedman; Norbert
Boretzky; Milena H=FCbschmannov=E1, Peter Bakker, Anthony Grant, Yaron
Matras, Corinna Leschber.
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 126 xvii, 208 pp.
US & Canada:Hb: 1 55619 580 X US$55.00
Rest of World: 90 272 3629 1 Hlf.95,00
Paul Peranteau (paul at benjamins.com)
John Benjamins searchable ONLINE catalogue:
*via WWW -- gopher://Benjamins.titlenet.com:6400
*via gopher -- gopher Benjamins.titlenet.com 6400
-----------------------How to get a publisher's backlist-----------------------
Simply send a message to:
Listserv at tamvm1.tamu.edu (Internet)
Listserv at tamvm1 (Bitnet)
The message should consist of the single line:
get publishername lst linguist
For example, to get more information on a book published by Mouton
de Gruyter, send the message:
get mouton lst linguist
At the moment, the following lists are available:
benjamin lst (John Benjamins)
Blackwel lst (Blackwell Publishers)
erlbaum lst (Lawrence Erlbaum)
kluwer lst (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
mouton lst (Mouton de Gruyter)
sil lst (Summer Institute of Linguistics)
ucp lst (University of Chicago Press)
glsa lst (U. of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association)
osuwpl lst (Ohio State Working Papers in Linguistics)
cornell lst (Cornell University Linguistics Dept.)
USC lst (U. of S. California Dissertation List)
CSLI lst (CSLI List)
holland lst (Holland Academic Graphics)
LINGUIST List: Vol-7-945.
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