8.582, Calls: Cognitive Sc, Natural Lg Processing

linguist at linguistlist.org linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Apr 24 14:01:08 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-582. Thu Apr 24 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.582, Calls: Cognitive Sc, Natural Lg Processing

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor:  Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

  During the month of April, you may make credit card donations to
  LINGUIST via the Cascadilla Press web site:
  If you believe LINGUIST is a valuable service, please contribute to
  the LINGUIST Editorial Support Fund, which pays our student editors.

Editor for this issue: T. Daniel Seely <seely at linguistlist.org>

Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text.  Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them.   Thank you for
your cooperation.


Date:  Wed, 23 Apr 1997 15:15:40 +0300
From:  CogSci Summer School <school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg>
Subject:  Cognitive Science

Date:  Wed, 23 Apr 97 20:53 BST
From:  nicolas at cogs.susx.ac.uk (Nicolas Nicolov)
Subject:  Recent Advances in Natural Lg Processing

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 23 Apr 1997 15:15:40 +0300
From:  CogSci Summer School <school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg>
Subject:  Cognitive Science

4th International Summer School in
Cognitive Science
Sofia, July 14 - 26, 1997

Call for Papers and School Brochure

The Summer School features introductory and advanced courses in Cognitive
Science, participant symposia, panel discussions, student sessions, and
intensive informal discussions. Participants will include university
teachers and researchers, graduate and senior undergraduate students.

International Advisory Board

Elizabeth BATES (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Amedeo CAPPELLI (CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Cristiano CASTELFRANCHI (CNR, Roma, Italy)
Daniel DENNETT (Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA)
Ennio De RENZI (University of Modena, Italy)
Charles DE WEERT (University of Nijmegen, Holland )
Christian FREKSA (Hamburg University, Germany)
Dedre GENTNER (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA)
Christopher HABEL (Hamburg University, Germany)
Joachim HOHNSBEIN (Dortmund University, Germany)
Douglas HOFSTADTER (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
Keith HOLYOAK (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Mark KEANE (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Alan LESGOLD (University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
Willem LEVELT (Max-Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland)
David RUMELHART (Stanford University, California, USA)
Richard SHIFFRIN (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
Paul SMOLENSKY (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Chris THORNTON (University of Sussex, Brighton, England)
Carlo UMILTA' (University of Padova, Italy)
Eran ZAIDEL (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)


Dynamics of Change: Lessons from Human Development - Linda Smith (Indiana
University, USA)
Ecological Approaches to Human Memory - William Hirst (New School for
Social Research, USA)
Cognitive Approaches to Syntax - Robert Van Valin (State University of New
York at Buffalo, USA)
Culture and Cognition - Naomi Quinn (Duke University, USA)
Spatial Attention - Carlo Umilta' (University of Padova, Italy)
Cognitive modeling in ACT-R - Werner Tack (University of Saarlandes, Germany)
Spatial Concepts and Spatial Representation - Emile van der Zee (Hamburg
Brain Imaging Techniques for Cognitive Neurosciences - Joachim Hohnsbein
(University of Dortmund)

Participant Symposia

Participants are invited to submit papers reporting completed research
which will be presented (30 min) at the participant symposia. Authors
should send full papers (8 single spaced pages) in triplicate or
electronically (postscript, RTF, MS Word or plain ASCII) by May 1. Selected
papers will be published in the School's Proceedings. Only papers presented
at the School will be eligible for publication.

Student Session

Graduate students in Cognitive Science are invited to present their work at
the student session. Research in progress as well as research plans and
proposals for M.Sc. Theses and Ph.D. Theses will be discussed at the
student session. Papers will not be published in the School's Proceedings.

Panel Discussions

Cognitive Science in the 21st century
Cognition in Context: Social, Cutural, Physical, Developmental
Brain, Body, Environment, and Cognition
Dynamics of Cognition: Short-Term and Long-Term Dynamics

Local Organizers

New Bulgarian University, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgarian
Cognitive Science Society


TEMPUS SJEP 07272/94

Local Organizing Committee

Boicho Kokinov -  School Director, Elena Andonova, Guergana Yancheva, Iliana


Registration Form:			as soon as possible
Deadline for paper submission: 		May 15
Notification for acceptance:		June 1
Early registration:			June 5
Arrival date and on site registration	July 13
Summer School				July 14-25
Excursion				July 20
Departure date				July 26

Paper submission to:
Boicho Kokinov
Cognitive Science Department
New Bulgarian University
21, Montevideo Str.
Sofia 1635, Bulgaria
e-mail: school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg

Send your Registration Form to:
e-mail: school at cogs.nbu.acad.bg
(If you don't receive an aknowledgement within 3 days, send a message to
kokinov at bgearn.acad.bg)

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 23 Apr 97 20:53 BST
From:  nicolas at cogs.susx.ac.uk (Nicolas Nicolov)
Subject:  Recent Advances in Natural Lg Processing

(Appologies if you get multiple copies - you are on a lot of lists ;-)

           ###>>>   EXTENDED DEADLINE: 16 MAY 1997   <<<###

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         _/    _/   _/    _/ _/    _/_/  _/       _/
        _/     _/  _/    _/ _/      _/  _/_/_/_/ _/

   *                                                           *
   *           CFP: Second International Conference            *
   *                                                           *
   *                  11-13 September 1997                     *
   *                 Tzigov Chark, Bulgaria                    *
   *                                                           *
   *      http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/lab/nlp/ranlp/97.html     *
   *                                                           *


The first International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural
Languages Processing (RANLP) was held in 1995. Given the high quality
of the presented papers and the overall success of the event, we now
plan to organise the conference biennially.

Selected papers from the proceedings of the conference are published
as a book by John Benjamins as part of their Current Issues in
Linguistic Theory (CILT) series.


Papers reporting on recent advances in all aspects of Natural Language
Processing and Language Engineering are invited, including but not
limited to: pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax, and the lexicon;
phonetics, phonology, and morphology; text understanding and
generation; multilingual NLP; machine translation, machine-aided
translation, translation aids and tools; corpus-based language
processing; electronic dictionaries; written and spoken natural
language interfaces; knowledge acquisition; terminology; text
summarisation; message routing, text classification; computer-aided
language learning; language resources; evaluation, assessment and
standards in language engineering; and theoretical and
application-oriented papers related to NLP of every kind.

The conference also welcomes new results in NLP based on modern
alternative theories and methodologies to the mainstream techniques of
symbolic NLP such as analogy-based, statistical, connectionist as well
as hybrid and multimedia approaches.

In general, the conference especially welcomes any contribution to the
area of language processing in view of the imminent developments in
information technology.


Elisabeth Andre		(DFKI, Saarbruecken)
Branimir Boguraev	(Apple Computer, Cupertino)
Chris Brew		(University of Edinburgh)
John Carroll		(University of Sussex)
Robert Dale		(Microsoft Research Institute, Australia)
Rodolfo Delmonte	(Universira Ca' Foscari, Venice)
Tomaz Erjavec		(Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Steve Finch		(Thomson Technology, Rockville)
Guenter Goerz		(University of Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Eva Hajicova		(Charles University, Prague)
Ed Hovy			(ISI/University of Southern California)
Changning Huan		(Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Leonid Iomdin		(Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Pierre Isabelle		(CITI, Laval)
Aravind Joshi		(University of Pennsylvania)
Richard Kittredge	(University de Montreal)
Manfred Kudlek		(University of Hamburg)
Karen Kukich		(Bellcore, Morristown)
Geoffrey Leech		(Lancaster University)
Susann LuperFoy		(MITRE Corporation, McLean)
Carlos Martin Vide	(Universidad Rovira i Virgilli, Tarragona)
Yuji Matsumoto		(Nara Inst of Science & Technology)
Tony McEnery		(Lancaster University)
Ruslan Mitkov		(University of Wolverhampton)
Nicolas Nicolov		(University of Sussex)
Stephen Pullman		(SRI, Cambridge)
James Pustejovsky	(University of Brandeis)
Allan Ramsay		(UMIST, Manchester)
Harold Somers		(UMIST, Manchester)
Oliviero Stock		(IRST, Trento)
Isabelle Trancoso	(INESC, Lisbon)
Harald Trost		(Austrian Institute for AI, Vienna)
Benjamin Tsou		(City University of Hong Kong)
Dan Tufis		(Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
Jun-ichi Tsujii		(University of Tokyo/UMIST)
Atro Voutalainen	(University of Helsinki)
Yorick Wilks		(University of Sheffield)
David Yarowsky		(Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore)
Zaharin Yusoff		(University of Science Malaysia, Penang)
Michael Zock		(LIMSI, CNRS)



      Papers should not exceed 3500 words and should be less than
      10 pages. Format specifications and a LaTeX style sheet are
      available though the RANLP web site. Authors should send either
      hard copies or a PS file to the addresses specified below. In
      either case an info mail should be sent too.


      Four hard copies should be sent to:

         Ruslan Mitkov
         School of Languages and European Studies
         University of Wolverhampton
         Stafford Street
         Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, UK


      UNIX PS files should be sent to:
         Nicolas Nicolov (nicolas at cogs.susx.ac.uk)
         and a copy as an attached file to
         Ruslan Mitkov (r.mitkov at wlv.ac.uk)


      Authors should send an info email to Nicolas Nicolov
      (nicolas at cogs.susx.ac.uk) filling in the form below:

# NAME : Name of first author
# TITLE: Title of the paper
# PAGES: Number of pages
# FILES: Name of file (if also submitted electronically)
# NOTE : Anything you'd like to add
# KEYS : Keywords
# EMAIL: Email of the first author
#        Abstract of the paper
#        . . . . . .


   Paper Submission Deadline	16 May 1997
      (Hard Copy/Electronic)
   Paper Notification		25 Jun 1997
   Camera-Ready Papers Due	15 Jul 1997	
   RANLP Conference	     11-13 Sep 1997


The invited speakers of the conference are outstanding academics

  Yorick Wilks		(University of Sheffield)
  Sergei Nirenburg	(New Mexico State University)

Others are expected to confirm their participation soon.


Tzigov Chark is a beautiful resort in the Rhodope Mountains
surrounding the Batak Lake. It is approximately 145 km from Sofia, the
capital of Bulgaria. The local organisers will provide a daily shuttle
bus/conference taxi from Sofia airport to the conference location
at an inexpensive rate.


      Ruslan Mitkov   (University of Wolverhampton) - Chair
      Nicolas Nicolov (University of Sussex)        - Vice-Chair
      Manfred Kudlek  (University of Hamburg)
      Michael Zock    (LIMSI CNRS)

      Victoria Arranz  (UMIST, Manchester)
      Malgorzata Stys  (University of Cambridge)

      Nikolai Nikolov  (Incoma, Shumen) - Treasurer & Coordinator
      Iliana Raeva     (Technical University, Russe)
      Kalina Bontcheva (University of Shefield)
      Jordan Tabov     (Institute of Mathematics, Sofia)


Visit RANLP'97 home page at:

If you need additional information contact:

   Nicolas Nicolov
   Cognitive and Computing Sciences
   University of Sussex
   Brighton BN1 9QH, UK
   Tel: +44-1273 678408
   Fax: +44-1273 671320
   Email: nicolas at cogs.sussex.ac.uk


Conference participants are also invited to take part in the
International Summer School "Contemporary Topics in Computational
Linguistics", which will take place just before the conference in the
same location. Further information on the summer school can be
obtained from Victoria Arranz (victoria at ccl.umist.ac.uk) and
Malgorzata Stys (m.stys at cl.cam.ac.uk).


Industrial participants are invited to demonstrate their NLP-related
products as well as publishing companies to exhibit their new books
on NLP. Company representatives should inform Nicolas Nicolov
(nicolas at cogs.sussex.ac.uk) of their intention. Likewise for people
from academia who wish to make demos. Publishers wishing to exhibit/
promote books please contact Ruslan Mitkov (r.mitkov at wlv.ac.uk).


An alternative program can be arranged for persons accompanying
delegates. Among the places which can be visited is Plovdiv, the
second largest and oldest Bulgarian city, beautifully situated on
7 hills 75 km away from Tzigov Chark.


Call for participation, including the programme of the
conference, more information on invited talks, conference location
and accommodation, registration fees and bank accounts, will come out
at the end of June. The information on the web will be kept updated:

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-582

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