8.1139, Jobs: UCLA Job and Fellowship Bulletin

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Tue Aug 5 04:53:42 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-1139. Tue Aug 5 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.1139, Jobs: UCLA Job and Fellowship Bulletin

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
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                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

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Editor for this issue: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>


Date:  Mon, 4 Aug 1997 03:04:04 -0700 (PDT)
From:  alan harris <vcspc005 at email.csun.edu>
Subject:  UCLA Dept. of Linguistics 96-97 job & fellowship bulletin #27 (fwd)

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 4 Aug 1997 03:04:04 -0700 (PDT)
From:  alan harris <vcspc005 at email.csun.edu>
Subject:  UCLA Dept. of Linguistics 96-97 job & fellowship bulletin #27 (fwd)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Some of these jobs have already been posted to the list.

August 1, 1997


267. BEN-GURION UNIVERSITY.  Postdoc at Ben-Gurion University,
Beer-Sheva, Israel: to work with Nomi Erteschik-Shir and Tova Rapoport
on verbal projection and focus. Project funded by the Israel Science
Foundation.  Preference for candidate with an interest in the
syntax/lexical-semantics interface.  Beginning November 1st, 1997 for
one to two years.  Applicants should send (by e-mail) CV, names of
three references, and samples of their work to: Nomi Erteschik-Shir,
Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben Gurion
University of the Negev, P.O.Box 653, Beer Sheva, Israel home:
972-7-6469482 work: 972-7-6461117 or 972-7-6461128 fax: 972-7-6472907

268. LANCASTER UNIVERSITY.  The Lancaster University consortium -
Universities of Central Lancashire, Lancaster, Sheffield, University
College of St. Martin, Lancaster and Homerton College, Cambridge - has
been awarded 247k from the H.e.f.c.e F.D.T.L. for a 3-year project on
'Developing inter-cultural and socio-linguistic competence in
university students undertaking periods of study and work abroad: the
identification and dissemination of good practice'.  Suitably
quali-fied graduates wishing to pursue a 3-year Ph.D. research
programme monitoring /analysing the project are invited to apply for a
research studentship of 5000 + fees p.a. for the year beginning 1
October 1997, at Lancaster University. Appli-cations by 25 August to
R.H. Crawshaw, French Studies, Lancaster Univ., LA1 4YN, England.
Further details from Rosemary Anderson at the same address - 01524
592669 - e-mail r.anderson at lancs.ac.uk

269. LANCASTER UNIVERSITY.  The Lancaster University Consortium -
Universities of Central Lancashire, Lancaster, Sheffield, University
College of St. Martin, Lancaster and Homerton College, Cambridge - has
been awarded 247,000 from the H.e.f.c.e. F.D.T.L. for a 3-year project
on 'Developing inter-cultural and socio-linguistic competence for
periods of study and work abroad: the identification and dissemination
of good practice in student support and guidance'. Applications are
invited for two posts of Project Officer, one full-time, one 0.5-time,
starting 1 September 1997 or soon after. Project Officers will be
based at Lancaster and responsible, under the Director, for
administering and helping devise the project. Together with experience
of residence in Europe and fluency in at least one of French, German,
Spanish or Italian, the ideal candidates will also have computer and
communication skills and organisational experience. Initial salary
15,159 pounds. Applications, by 18 August, to Personnel Services,
Lancaster Univ., LA1 4YW, from whom also further particulars are

Korean for Language Development Location : IEPER (BELGIUM) Function:
This person will assist in the development of text-to-speech systems
and derived applications and/or in other projects in the field of
natural language processing and speech technology.  He/she will work
in different language groups and report to a group leader and to the
Language Development manager. Profile: * university degree in
philology or linguistics, or equivalent; * excellent knowledge of
Korean (native or near native command of the language); * interest in
the linguistic aspects of Korean and/or other languages; * at least a
basic experience with and interest in computers; * good knowledge
and/or experience in one or more of the following areas are considered
an asset: - speech processing, esp. text-to-speech synthesis; -
phonetics; - computer linguistics; - natural language processing
(NLP); - spoken dialog systems; - computer technology; - use of
standard software packages; - programming; - other languages than the
target language; * ability to work in a team and independently; *
persever-ance, accuracy and thoroughness; * good social and
communicative abilities; * fluent in English (working language); *
willingness to travel abroad for limited periods of time.  Lernout &
Hauspie Speech Products is premier provider of speech technology
worldwide.  Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products is an international
leader in the development of advanced speech technology for various
commercial applications and products.  Lernout & Hauspie is the only
company offering a full range of speech technologies (text-to-speech,
speech-to-text, speech-to-speech and text-to-text) on multiple
platforms in multiple languages. L&H's four core techno-logies,
(automatic speech recognition, txt-to-speech conversion, digital
speech compression and language translation) are licensed to some of
the world's best-known companies in the telecommunications,
computers/multimedia, consumer electronics and automotive
industries. We can offer you a challenging job with a fast growing
Belgian company with a remuneration matching your qualifications.  You
can contact us by mail : Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products, Personnel
Department, attn. Patrick Thomas, Sint-Krispijnstraat 7, 8900 IEPER
BELGIUM by Fax : +32-(0)57-208489 by email : job-announce at lhs.be (with
automatic reply) more info about L&H can be found at

271. MICROSOFT.  The NLP Group in Microsoft Research is looking for a
computational grammarian for French.  The position will be located on
the Microsoft central campus in Redmond, Washington, USA.  This is a
great oppor- tunity to work with a dedicated group of researchers who
are creating a system for unrestricted text understanding and
generation, and integrating that technology into Microsoft products
that are sold around the world.  Responsibilities: The primary
responsibility will be designing and writing critique rules for a
grammar checker.  The rules are based on the output of our French
language parser, so the critique rule writer will become intimately
familiar with the Microsoft natural language system, and will then
enhance the system by creating rules to flag grammatical errors and
suggest alternatives. Qualifications: The qualifications should
include experience in linguistic research and software development;
familiarity with natural language processing; a flexible approach to
linguistic theory; and an advanced degree in linguistics, computer
science, or a closely related discipline.  Native proficiency in
French is assumed; practical experience with NLP implementation issues
or grammar checkers is highly desirable.  About the Microsoft NLP
Research Group: We are in the process of designing and building a
system to analyze unrestricted natural language, taking input text,
and moving from lexical/morphological analysis through syntax,
semantics, and eventually pragmatics and discourse.  A generation
component is also planned.  As part of Microsoft Research, we work
toward the long-term goal of broad coverage language analysis:
however, we also work close-ly with product groups to integrate our
technology into Microsoft products.  In Microsoft Office '97, the
English grammar checker is based on our technology.  We are ready to
develop the same system for French.  We are empirically oriented, and
are happy to use good linguistic ideas wherever they can be found.  A
reason-able first-version summary of our techniques and some of our
experience can be found in the book "Natural Language Processing: The
PLNLP Approach," Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1993.  For more
information about the NLP group, connect to our home page on the
WWW. http://www.research.Microsoft.com/nlp Contact: Please send
resumes, cover letters, and any additional materials to: Steven Clyne,
Human Resources, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA
98052 USA email: stevecl at microsoft.com

272. UCLA.  The UCLA Dept.of Linguistics expects to have several
SHORT-TERM jobs available teaching various courses in the coming
academic year (1997-98). Most of the positions are in the area of
SYNTAX, though we will hire in other areas too.  These are all
replacement positions, for faculty who are on leave, and there is no
realistic prospect of any of them developing into permanent positions.
Some of the courses that need to be taught are undergraduate classes,
while others are graduate classes.At least three,and possibly as many
as five courses will involve SYNTAX courses at various levels, ranging
from introductory undergraduate syntactic analysis to advanced
graduate seminars.  Our most pressing need in these areas is during
the Fall and Winter quarters (see below for an outline of quarter
dates).  In addition, we may need an instructor for two lower-division
introductory courses in GENERAL LINGUISTICS in the Winter and/or
Spring quarters; one of these is a generic Intro to Linguistics; the
other is a course surveying the Languages Spoken in the USA, including
immigrant languages, American Indian languages, and dialects of
English and Spanish, covering phonetics, history,and sociolinguistic
issues, among others. Finally,we will have openings for advanced
graduate courses in SOME of the subfields represented in our
department--such as phonology, phon-etics, psycholinguistics,
computational ling., syntax, semantics, specific language areas (such
as African, American Indian, etc.)For these advanced graduate courses,
we are primarily interested in hiring relatively senior people with
established repu-tations (e.g.  people who are on leave and who are
interested in visiting UCLA), though more junior applicants will also
be considered.  Because we have a large number of courses available
for visitors to teach next year, we are quite flexible in terms of the
type and level of appointments.  In particular, we may be interested
in hiring some people for single-course lectureships (paying in the
neighborhood of $7,000 to $10,000 per 10-week course, depending on
seniority); we may also consider full-time appointments for periods of
one or two terms, with a courseload of 2 courses per term, and pay
levels per course roughly comparable to those mentioned above.
Finally, we may make appointments with less than full-time teaching
loads (e.g. teaching one course and co-teaching another).  These
visiting positions are not restricted as to rank. We are especially
interested in hiring faculty from other universities who plan to be on
leave during (part of) the coming academic year and who may be
interested in visiting our department for part of the year and
teaching a course (or two) while they are here.  Each course runs for
ten weeks (with two 2-hour lectures per week) followed by an exam
week.  Appli- cants should send a letter of application, including a
CV, a statement of previous teaching experience, as well as the names,
addresses, and phone numbers of three recommenders to: Tim Stowell
(Chair), Dept. of Linguistics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
90095-1543. (Actual letters of recommendation should NOT be sent at
this time;likewise candidates should not send voluminous dossiers of
publications, etc.)  Applications for fall quarter courses should be
received by Aug.15 1997, and applications for winter and spring
quarter courses should be received by Sept. 10 1997, though late
applications will also be considered as long as the positions remain
unfilled.  Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to inform us
by e-mail, as soon as possible, of their intention to apply for these
positions. Initial inquiries by email may be directed to Tim Stowell
(stowell at ucla.edu) or to Anna Meyer (meyer at humnet.ucla.edu).  EOE.

FYI ("for your information")// cheers, ach
    Alan C. Harris, Ph. D.          TELNOS: main off:  818-677-2853
    Professor, Communication/Linguistics  direct off:  818-677-2874
    Speech Communication Department
    California State University, Northridge     home:  818-366-3165
    SPCH CSUN                                    FAX:  818-677-2663
    Northridge, CA 91330-8257 INTERNET  email: ALAN.HARRIS at CSUN.EDU
                 WWW homepage: http://www.csun.edu/~vcspc005

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1139

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