8.189, Qs: Morphemes, Prefix "co-", Anaphor

linguist at linguistlist.org linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Feb 7 19:32:05 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-189. Fri Feb 7 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.189, Qs: Morphemes, Prefix "co-", Anaphor

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
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                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

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Editor for this issue: Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>

We'd like to remind readers that the responses to queries are usually
best posted to the individual asking the question. That individual is
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Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 97 09:28:42 +1000
From:  "Knut Olawsky" <olawsky at phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de>
Subject:  Qs: Morphemes and tones

Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 1997 13:38:48 GMT
From:  mluisa.marti at uam.es
Subject:  Query: the prefix "co-" in Spanish and English

Date:  Thu, 6 Feb 1997 19:03:47 -0500
From:  Roland Stuckardt <106474.314 at compuserve.com>
Subject:  anaphor resolution - German test corpus

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 97 09:28:42 +1000
From:  "Knut Olawsky" <olawsky at phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de>
Subject:  Qs: Morphemes and tones

Dagbani (Gur, Niger-Congo) is a two-tone language of Northern Ghana.
Typical nouns have a monosyllabic or disyllabic stem plus a
(monosyllabic) nominal class suffix. It seems that each morpheme has
not more than one tone, at least on the surface, which spreads if
there is more than one TBU.  Are there other languages which
illustrate the "1 tone per morpheme" principle? If you know of any,
please let me know.  Thanks in advance,

Knut Olawsky

Knut J. Olawsky
Seminar fuer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf
Universitaetsstr. 1
D-40225 Duesseldorf / GERMANY
- ---------------------------
Phone:  xx49-211-81-14092
Fax:    xx49-211-81-15280
E-mail: olawsky at phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 1997 13:38:48 GMT
From:  mluisa.marti at uam.es
Subject:  Query: the prefix "co-" in Spanish and English

I would be very grateful if someone could help me with bibliography
about the prefix "co-" in Spanish and English, of the type in
"co-habitar" in Spanish. Thank you very much for your help.  Please
send your response directly to me at the following address:

Luisa Marti
C/ Ciudad Real, 26
Colmenar Viejo
28770 Madrid, Spain
e-mail: mluisa.marti at uam.es

-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 6 Feb 1997 19:03:47 -0500
From:  Roland Stuckardt <106474.314 at compuserve.com>
Subject:  anaphor resolution - German test corpus

For an evaluation of different anaphor resolution algorithms on German
text, I'm looking for a test corpus which is annotated with
coreference information created by human analysis. I know about the
corpus which has been developed for the coreference task evaluation
during Message Understanding Conference 6 (MUC 6), but it's in English
language and hence not suitable for my aims.

Does anybody know about a similar corpus for the German language?
Thanks a lot for yuor help.

Roland Stuckardt

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-189

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