8.79, Sum: Introductory syntax
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Thu Jan 23 04:38:19 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-79. Wed Jan 22 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.79, Sum: Introductory syntax
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 14:11:31 GMT +0200
From: "Nkonko Kamwangamalu" <kamwanga at MTB.und.ac.za>
Subject: Introductory syntax
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 14:11:31 GMT +0200
From: "Nkonko Kamwangamalu" <kamwanga at MTB.und.ac.za>
Subject: Introductory syntax
Dear Everyone
Last December I posted a request on the List for suggestions on an
accessible introductory syntax textbook. I would like to thank the
List for making it possible for me to unknowingly kill two birds with
one stone: I have not only received very useful suggestions, for which
I am grateful, but I have also renewed contacts with former University
of Illinois classmates who for the past 10 years didn't know where I
was. Many thanks to the following for responding to my call for
assistance. Sorry if I have inadvertently left out a name.
Kathleen Ward <kmward at ucdavis.edu>
Dorothea Kiefer <kiefer at ling.uni-potsdam.de>
Alan Smith <alan.smith at ncl.ac.uk>
James Yoon <jhsyoon at plaza.snu.ac.kr>
Jason Pontius <japontiu at midway.uchicago.edu>
Hidekazu Suzuki <hidekazu at mit.edu>
Charles T Scott <ctscott at facstaff.wisc.edu>
Carl Mills <carl.mills at uc.edu>
James F. Bisso <jbisso at us.oracle.com>
Roderick A. Jacobs <rjacobs at hawaii.edu>
Michael Newman <mn24 at is6.nyu.edu>
Ian Crookston <i.crookston at lmu.ac.uk>
Billy Clark <b.clark at mdx.ac.uk>
Julio Felix-Bradsderfer <felixbr at gusun.acc.georgetown.edu>
Ivan Birks <ibirks at pratique.fr>
The textbooks that have been recommended are listed below, with in
parentheses the number of linguists who have recommended them.
C. L. Baker. 1988/95. English syntax. MIT Press (2)
J. McCawley.1988. The syntactic phenomena of English. University of
Chicago Press (1).
R. Freidin. 1992. Foundations of Generative Syntax. MIT Press. (1)
N. Burton-Roberts. 1988. Analyzing sentences. Longman (2)
J.A. Roderick. 1995. English syntax. NY: OUP (2).
N. Fabb. 1994. Sentence structure. Routledge (3)
R. Wardhaugh. 1996. Understanding English grammar. Blackwell. (1)
E K Brown and J Miller. 1991. Syntax: A linguistic introduction to
sentence structure. Harper Collins (1)
L. Haegeman. 1994. Introduction to Government and Binding Theory.
Oxford: Blackwell. (2)
N Chomsky. 1996. Universal Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell (1)
Once again, thank you all for your assistance.
Nkonko M Kamwangamalu
Department of Linguistics
University of Natal
Durban, South Africa.
Nkonko Kamwangamalu <kamwanga at mtb.und.ac.za>
Dept of Linguistics Phone +27 (0)31 260 1123
University of Natal
Private Bag X10 http://www.und.ac.za/ling/kamwanga.html
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-79
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