8.124, Calls: Linguistique romane, Comp phonology
linguist at linguistlist.org
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Jan 28 18:33:34 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-124. Tue Jan 28 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.124, Calls: Linguistique romane, Comp phonology
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
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Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>
Editor for this issue: Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text. Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:44:04 +0100
From: congres at romane.ulb.ac.be (congres romane (Annick Englebert))
Subject: XXIIe Congres Linguistique romane, Bruxelles, 23-29 juillet 1998
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 18:06:57 +0000
From: John Coleman <jsc at Indy.phon.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Call for papers
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 10:44:04 +0100
From: congres at romane.ulb.ac.be (congres romane (Annick Englebert))
Subject: XXIIe Congres Linguistique romane, Bruxelles, 23-29 juillet 1998
Le XXIIe Congres international de la Societe de Linguistique romane
(Paris) aura lieu a Bruxelles du 23 au 29 juillet 1998.
Le Prof. Marc WILMET en assure la coordination, au sein des Comites
scienti- fique et d'organisation. Le Comiti scientifique se compose de
membres des Univeristes belges.
Comite scientifique : -Michel Bastiaensen (Bruxelles)
-Annie Boone (Brussel)
-Elsa Dehennin (Bruxelles)
-Andre Goosse (Louvain)
-Jean Klein (Louvain)
-Beatrice Lamiroy (Leuven)
-Georges Legros (Namur)
-Ludo Melis (Leuven)
-Marie-Louise Moreau (Mons)
-Eugene Roegiest (Bruxelles)
-Rika Van Deyck (Gent)
-Theo Venckeleer (Antwerpen)
-Dominique Willems (Gent)
Secritaire du Comiti scientifique : Michel Pierrard (Brussel)
Les travaux seront repartis en neuf sections. Leurs presidents,
designes par le Comite scientifique, auront la responsabilite
d'examiner les propositions de communications et d'etablir le
programme definitif des seances.
1. Histoire de la linguistique
2. Linguistique diachronique
3. Dialectologie, geolinguistique, sociolinguistique
4. Lexicologie, lexicographie, onomastique, toponymie
5. Philologie, codicologie, editions de textes
6. Morphologie et syntaxe
7. Semantique et pragmatique
8. Rhetorique, semiotique, stylistique
9. Enseignement-apprentissage des langues, creolistique
Le Congres se fixe comme objectif general d'aboutir a un bilan de la
linguistique romane au XXe siecle.
Les congressistes desireux de proposer une communication auront la
possibilite de marquer leur preference pour une presentation orale ou
ecrite (les textes seront disponibles durant le Congres sur le reseau
Internet). Le titre de la communication devra etre fourni au
secretariat du Congres avant le 31 mars 1997, ainsi qu'un resume d'une
page (format A4) en trois exemplaires joint a un document separe
reprenant clairement le nom, le prenom, l'adresse complete, les
numeros de telephoe et fax, l'adresse electronique, le souhait de
prendre part au Congres comme participant (4000,- BEF*) ou comme jeune
chercheur (- 35 ans : 3000,- BEF*), de venir accompagne ou non
(preciser le nom du ou des accompa- gnateur(s), -trice(s)), la section
a laquelle se rattacherait la communication, son titre, le mode de
presentation choisi. Les communications orales n'excederont pas 20
minutes. Elles seront suivies d'une discussion de 10 minutes.
(*) Le paiement de ce droit d'inscription donne droit de participer a
toutes les manifestations prevues dans le programme definitif
(receptions, excursion en Wallonie) a l'exception du banquet.
La deuxieme circulaire comprendra la liste des communications retenues
et sera envoyee a la fin 1997 a tous les participants qui se seront
inscrits avant le 31 mars. Les presidents des differentes sections
attendent les textes complets avant le 30 avril 1998.
Le secretariat se tient des a present a la disposition de celles et
ceux qui souhaiteraient des informations supplementaires.
La correspondance doit etre adressee a :
XXIIe Congres International de Linguistique et Philologie romanes
CP 175 / Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
50 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tel.: ++ 32 2 650 24 36
Fax : ++ 32 2 384 04 83
e-mail : congres at romane.ulb.ac.be
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 18:06:57 +0000
From: John Coleman <jsc at Indy.phon.ox.ac.uk>
Subject: Call for papers
Third Meeting of the ACL Special Interest Group
in Computational Phonology (SIGPHON 97)
In conjunction with
ACL'97/EACL'97 Joint Conference
Madrid, Spain, 11th [or 12th?] July 1997
A. Description of the workshop
The workshop will be devoted to all areas of computation, as applied
to contemporary phonology. Papers will be on substantial, original,
and unpublished research on any aspect of computational phonology,
including (but not limited to) finite-state, connectionist and logical
techniques; formalisms, implementations and complexity results;
computational, mathematical and psychological models; and the
integration of phonology with grammar and speech. Theoretical and
applied studies are equally welcome.
The workshop will occupy the whole day, with c. 10-12 papers, and a
general discussion to conclude.
B. Organizing committee and program committee.
The organizing committee will consist of the following members of the
SIGPHON executive:
John Coleman (University of Oxford)
Steven Bird (University of Edinburgh)
Bob Berwick (MIT)
Andras Kornai (IBM Almaden Research Center)
The program committee will consist of the executive plus other members
whom the executive may invite to strengthen the referee pool in
particular areas. External referees will be invited for any paper
submitted by a member of the program committee.
C. Primary contact
All correspondence should be sent to:
John Coleman
Oxford University Phonetics Laboratory
41 Wellington Square
Oxford OX1 2JF, UK
Tel. +44 (1865) 270444
Fax. +44 (1865) 270445
email: john.coleman at phonetics.oxford.ac.uk
D. Submission of papers
Papers should describe unique work; completed work is preferable to
intended work, but in any event the paper should clearly indicate the
state of completion of the reported results. Papers must not exceed
10 printed A4 pages.
The entire process from initial submission, to reviewing and final
submission will be handled electronically. The initial submission may
either be in plain ascii, compressed postscript, or else should follow
the ACL submission style (aclsub.sty) retrievable from the ACL
LISTSERV server (access to which is described below) which requires
TeX 3.14 or LaTeX 2.09. (La)TeX submissions that include (possibly)
separate postscript figure files must be packaged using the
aclpkg.script (also available from the LISTSERV). ASCII or postscript
is preferred, however.
Final accepted versions MUST be (la)tex files following aclsub.sty, if
necessary packaged using aclpkg.script.
A title page containing the title, a short abstract, author names and
addresses, should be attached to the submission. Postscript figures
following psfig.sty may be included.
Submissions should be sent via email to:
john.coleman at phonetics.oxford.ac.uk Acknowledgment of receipt will be
sent to the first author of the paper.
MARCH 31, 1997 Initial submissions due
APRIL 25, 1997. Notification of acceptance
MAY 25, 1997. Receipt of final accepted papers
E. Registration
As the costs of the workshop have not yet been finalized, registration
information will be sent out later. Note that all participants must
register for the main ACL/EACL conference. Information about the main
conference is available from the URL http://horacio.ieec.uned.ed/cl97/
There will be an additional registration fee for the workshop of
approximately US $35, which will include a copy of the workshop
ACL/EACL reserves the right to cancel any workshop if the number of
participants is below 25 persons.
An overhead projector will be available. Requests for other A/V
equipment should be directed to sigphon96 at research.att.com
LISTSERV is a facility set up at Columbia University's Department of
Computer Science to allow access to an electronic document archive by
electronic mail. Requests for files from the archive should be sent as
e-mail messages to:
listserv at cs.columbia.edu
with an empty subject field and the message body containing the
request com- mand. The most useful requests are "help" for general
help on using LISTSERV, "index ACL96" for the current contents of the
ACL archive and "get ACL96 <file>" to get a particular file named
<file> from the archive. For example, to get the ACL96 modelsub.tex
file, send a message with the following body:
get ACL96 modelsub.tex
Answers to requests are returned by e-mail. Since the server may have
many requests for different archives to process, requests are queued
up and may take awhile (say, overnight) to be fulfilled. The ACL
archive can also be accessed by anonymous FTP. Here is an example of
how to get the same file by FTP:
$ ftp cs.columbia.edu
Name(cs.columbia.edu:trisha): anonymous
Password:trisha at cis.upenn.edu < not echoed >
ftp> cd ACL96
ftp> get modelsub.tex.Z
ftp> quit
$ uncompress modelsub.tex.Z
John Coleman
Director, Oxford University Phonetics Laboratory
41 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JF, UK
Home page: http://www.phon.ox.ac.uk/
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