8.130, Books: Sociolinguistics
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Thu Jan 30 05:22:15 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-130. Thu Jan 30 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.130, Books: Sociolinguistics
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor: Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>
Technical Editor: Ron Reck <ron at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Additional information on the following books, as well as a short
backlist of the publisher's titles, may be available from the
Listserv. Instructions for retrieving publishers' backlists appear at
the end of this issue.
Newman, Michael; Epicene Pronouns: The Linguistics of a
Prescriptive Problem; 0-8153-2554-1, cloth; 260 pages, $66;
Garland Publishing
Few usage issues have proven as persistent and as troublesome as
epicene pronouns (i.e., pronouns coreferent with singular
antecedents and with referents of unknown or indistinct
sex). Previous studies have examined the issue from an
exclusively social perspective, focusing on sexism or
prescription. While these studies have raised speakers' and
writers' awareness of the issue, they have not forged a
consensus about appropriate usage. Instead they have given the
impression that the problem is irresolvable and is due to a flaw
in the English pronoun paradigm: the lack of a dedicated epicene
This study makes a fresh start by examining, for the first time,
the linguistic facts that lie behind the use of these
pronouns. First, an account of these previous studies reveals
the assumption of the traditional understanding of pronouns as
substitutes for full noun phrases. An examination of modern
pronoun theory reveals, however, that such a view is
linguistically implausible. Scholars from diverse schools of
linguistics coincide in concluding that anaphoric pronouns are
more dynamic elements, with complex semantic properties. A study
of usage in television talk shows examines this semantics in
epicene contexts. It found that speakers use different pronouns
to indicate particular referential perspectives, signaling sex
bias, number, and, degree of individuation imputed to a
referent. In terms of usage, the perceived need for a single
epicene pronoun is an artifact of tacit assumption of a
simplistic theory of pronouns and agreement.
E-mail: info at garland.com
-----------------------How to get a publisher's backlist-----------------------
Simply send a message to:
Listserv at listserv.tamu.edu (Internet)
The message should consist of the single line:
get publishername lst linguist
For example, to get more information on a book published by John
Benjamin, send the message:
get benjamin lst linguist
At the moment, the following lists are available:
Blackwel lst (Blackwell Publishers)
cornell lst (Cornell University Linguistics Dept.)
erlbaum lst (Lawrence Erlbaum)
benjamin lst (John Benjamin)
kluwer lst (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
mitwpl lst (MIT Working papers in Linguistics)
pacific lst (Pacific Linguistics Publications)
sil lst (Summer Institute of Linguistics)
glsa lst (U. of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association)
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-130
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