8.138, FYI: Baltic Studies, SCIE-97
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Thu Jan 30 19:06:34 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-138. Thu Jan 30 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.138, FYI: Baltic Studies, SCIE-97
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Susan Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:29:27 -0600
From: Giedrius Subacius <subacius at uic.edu>
Subject: The Fourth Baltic Studies Summer Institute
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 11:41:04 +0100
From: Summer School on Information Extraction <kerberos.info.utovrm.it at kerberos.info.utovrm.it>
Subject: SCIE97 1st announcement
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 08:29:27 -0600
From: Giedrius Subacius <subacius at uic.edu>
Subject: The Fourth Baltic Studies Summer Institute
The Fourth Baltic Studies Summer Institute will take place at the
University of Illinois at Chicago June 16 to August 8. 1997.
Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian languages will be offered.
Intensive first year of each language in 8 weeks!
Cultural enrichment will consist of Baltic Culture (first 4 weeks)
and Baltic History (second 4 weeks).
There will also be a variety of guest lecturers from all over North
America, an opportunity to live in downtown Chicago close to the
ethnic communities and their museums, archives and cultural life,
participation in various exciting events.
Students can enroll for language courses in Estonian or Latvian or
Lithuanian (101 and 102) for credit in two parts of 4 credits each.
Recipients of fellowships (for language study only) will be required
to audit culture and/or history (3 credits each) as well to get an
overview of the folklore, mythology, prehistory, literature and film
and gain an understanding of the historical context of all three
Language classes will run concurrently 4 hours a day 9:00 a.m. to 1:00
Culture and History will be 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.
Tuition is $118.- per credit plus a non-refundable registration fee of
UIC Dormitory housing is available at $21.- a day. Sublets in the
neighborhoods or youth hostel-type housing also available.
Fellowship applications require: grade transcripts, 2 recommendations
and a letter describing reasons for study to be sent as soon as
possible to:
Prof. Violeta Kelertas,
Endowed Chair of Lithuanian Studies,
Director BALSSI 1997,
Dept. of Slavic and Baltic Languages (m/c 306),
1610 University Hall,
University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 S. Morgan St.,
Chicago IL 60607-7112. USA
Telephone: (312) 996-4412 Fax (312) 996-0953
E-mail kelertas at uicvm.uic.edu
All inquiries regarding academic matters should also be addressed to
the Director.
Brochures will be mailed out to those who request them and send their
mailing address as soon as they become available.
Registration is being handled by the Office of Continuing Education and
Public Service (m/c 165), 1033 West Van Buren St., Suite 700N, Chicago
IL 60607-2919.
A Fax-on-demand 800 number for registration will be in-place soon.
There will be information on Balt-L regularly, but fellowships will
be decided early on, so don't delay, make your Baltic summer plans now!
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 11:41:04 +0100
From: Summer School on Information Extraction <kerberos.info.utovrm.it at kerberos.info.utovrm.it>
Subject: SCIE97 1st announcement
University of Roma, Tor Vergata, Villa Mondragone
Frascati, Roma, Italy, 14-19 July 1997
The Artificial Intelligence group of the Department of Computer
Science, Systems and Production of the University of Roma, Tor
Vergata, in cooperation with the Italian Association of
Artifical Intelligence (AI*IA), is pleased to announce the first
Summer School on Information Extraction 1997 (SCIE-97), to be
held in Frascati, Roma, Italy, on 14-19, July .
Aim of the school is to bring together researchers and
practicioners of the different scientific areas involved in
Information Extraction (Natural Language Processing, Information
Retrieval, Machine Learning, Statistics, ...) to stress its
multidisciplinary nature.
The increasing availability of new information trasmission
technologies demands new and more personal information filtering
methods: in fact it is obvious that it is not the amount of
information that gives the value but the possibility to access
it at the right time and in the most suitable form.
The need of users to have filtered access to a mass of
multi-media information by means of a personalised information
profile, induced a growing effort in industries and state-owned
organizations (e.g. academia) in launching projects to develop
systems satisfying these requirements. Fully developed systems
should provide the user with filtered information, that is
direct access to pertinent data among huge data flows. This has
the benefits, from the users' viewpoint, to dramatically reduce
the necessary browsing time.
Information extraction is a crucial need in several IT areas
(e.g. document management, access to full text databases, or
navigation in texts) and its successful application will be a
relevant progress towards the future information society.
The Summer School on Information Extraction (SCIE-97) aims to
put together advanced contributions to studies and projects on
Information Extraction from the different involved areas.
The school is organized as a set of technical courses held by
international experts in the field, on the main scientific IE
themes. Technical demonstrations of current IE technologies and
systems will be also held at the school. Specific workshops are
planned to favor the cooperative discussion among specialists
and fellows.
A preliminary list of invited teachers as well as the related
course subjects follows:
1)-Yorick Wilks (University of Sheffield)
"Information Extraction: methodological and technological issues"
2)-Bran Boguraev (Apple Computer -Cupertino)
"Terminology identification and extraction"
3)-Greg Grefenstette (Rank Xerox Research -Grenoble, France )
"Quantitative methods for NLP driven IR"
4)-Ralph Grishman (University of New York)
"Processing sublanguages"
5)-Alan Smeaton (University of Dublino)
"Language processing and Large scale Information retrieval"
6)-Nicola Guarino (LADSEB-CNR Padova)
"Formal onthology for knowledge sharing and integration"
English Lit., Comp. Lit. or Linguistics
7)-Lorenza Saitta (University of Torino)
"Unsupervised and Supervised learning"
8)-Sophie Cluet (INRIA, Parigi)
"Methods and tools for data base management of structured documents"
The Program Commettee is composed by:
# prof. Maristella Agosti (Univ. of Padova)
# prof. Paolo Atzeni (Univ. of Roma III)
# prof. Luigia Carlucci Aiello (Univ. of Roma "La Sapienza")
# prof. Floriana Esposito (Univ. of Bari)
# prof. Maria Teresa Pazienza (Univ. of Roma, Tor Vergata) (chair)
The following institutions already confirmed their support to SCIE-97 :
- ESA (European Space Agency)
- Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
- Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA)
Other institutions are planning a specific support:
- European Community (EC)
- National Research Council - CNR
Participants will be fully informed about the current status of
the art during one week of plenary courses and workshops in the
pleasant atmosphere of the historical city of Frascati (very
close to Rome - Italy).
>>From February 1997 onwards the final programme will be
available.Keep checking our w3 pages
Local Organization
- R. Basili (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
- M. Di Nanni (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
- G. Pedani (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
- M. Vindigni (Univ. Roma Tor Vergata)
School e-mail: scie97 at info.utovrm.it
- -----------------------------------------
Summer School on Information Extraction
University of Roma, Tor Vergata
Via della Ricerca Scientifica
00133 ROMA (ITALY)
tel +39 6 72594488/4484
fax +39 6 2020519
mailto:scie97 at info.utovrm.it
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