8.1020, Sum: Empathetic deixis comments
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Mon Jul 7 12:50:22 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1020. Mon Jul 7 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.1020, Sum: Empathetic deixis comments
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Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 16:32:42 +0200
From: "Djordje Vidanovic" <djordjev at kalca.junis.ni.ac.yu>
Subject: Empathetic deixis comments
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 05 Jul 1997 16:32:42 +0200
From: "Djordje Vidanovic" <djordjev at kalca.junis.ni.ac.yu>
Subject: Empathetic deixis comments
On June 15 I posted a query about empathetic deixis. So far I've
received several suggestions and comments whose summary I'd like to
share with you and at the same time thank the people who helped.
The first to write back was Nik Gisborne of Cambridge
(nsg22 at cus.cam.ac.uk) who referred me to Sylvia Adamson's treatment of
empathetic narrative where she treats subjectivity as a species of
deixis (Susan Wright and Dieter Stein, eds. _Subjectivity and
Subjectivisation_ Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Dan Loehr of Georgetown University (loehrd at gsun.acc.georgetown.edu)
referred me to Buehler's _Theory of Language_ (Sprachtheorie), 1934
translated by D. Goodwin, John Benjamin, 1990; Fillmore, C. _Santa
Cruz Lectures on Deixis, Indiana University Lingusitics Club, 1975;
Lyons, John, _Deixis as the Source of Reference_, LAUT, Trier, 1973;
both Lyons' books Intro to Theoretical Linguistics and Semantics,
Vol.2; Lyons, J., "Deixis and Anaphora" in T.Myers, ed. _The
Development of Conversation and Discourse_, Edinburgh University
Press, 1979.
Lynne Hewitt (leh5 at psu.edu), and a little later, William Rapaport
(rapaport at cs.buffalo.edu) both pointed out that the texts in Duchan,
J., Bruder, G $ Hewitt, L. (eds.) _Deixis in narrative: A cognitive
science perspective_, Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Earlbaum, 1995 should be
taken a look at. In her chapter "Reduced Anaphor in Subjective
Contexts" Lynne analyzes the use of extended stretches of
pronominalization for purpose of indicating subjective contexts in
popular fiction. There are also chapters on unspeakable sentences
(Ann Banfield), empathy in syntax (Kuno), subjective contexts in
Japanese (Kuroda).
Anne Reboul (Anne.Reboul at loria.fr) wrote saying that she'd written
several papers on the topic, mainly centered on personal pronouns and
suggested consulting Casta*neda's work.
Lynne Hewitt added that Buehler's article translated into English as
"The deicitic field of language and deictic words" (R. Jarvella $ W.
Klein, _Speech, place and action: Studies in deixis and related
topics, pp. 9-30, Wiley) could be useful, as well as the books by
Jerome Bruner _Actual Minds, Possible Worlds_, Harvard University
Press, 1986, and Kaete Hamburger, Die Logik der Dichtung, Ernst Kleist
Verlag, 1957 tr. into English as _The Logic of Literature_, Indiana
University Press, 1973.
Finally I had Marcus Maia (maia at acd.ufrj.br) suggesting Lyons'
_Semantics_ (I presume Vol.2).
Sincere thanks to all.
Djordje Vidanovic, University of Nis.
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