8.1036, Books: Ling Theory
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Fri Jul 11 23:22:10 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1036. Fri Jul 11 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.1036, Books: Ling Theory
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.
John Benjamins Publishing would like to call your attention to the
following new titles in the field of Linguistic Theory:
George Wolf & Nigel Love (eds.)
1997 xxviii, 344 pp. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 148
US/Canada: Cloth: 1 55619 863 9 Price: $79.00
Rest of the world: Cloth: 90 272 3652 6 Price: Hfl. 140,--
John Benjamins Publishing web site: http://www.benjamins.com
For further information via e-mail: service at benjamins.com
Roy Harris's thoroughgoing attack on the presuppositions underpinning
the dominant traditions of Western thought about language, and his
advocacy of a radically reconceived linguistics focused on the idea
that the linguistic sign is contextually created and interpreted as a
function of the meaningful integration of communicative behaviour,
have made him one of the most controversial figures in the field
today. In the essays in this volume Naomi S. Baron, Bob Borsley,
Philip Carr, David Fleming, Rom Harre, Anthony Holiday, John
E. Joseph, Frederick J. Newmeyer, David R. Olson, Trevor Pateman, John
Soren Pettersson and John R. Taylor offer a critical examination of
various aspects and implications of Harris's views, in response to
which Harris contributes an article that both engages his critics and
develops some of the major themes of his work.
Susanne Niemeier & Rene Dirven
1997 xviii, 337 pp.
US/Canada: Cloth: 1 55619 514 1 Price: $94.00
Rest of the world: Cloth: 90 272 2160 X Price: Hfl. 160,--
John Benjamins Publishing web site: http://www.benjamins.com
For further information via e-mail: service at benjamins.com
Since the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Darwin's The
Language of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), emotionology has
become a respectable and even thriving research domain again. The
domain of human emotions is most important for mankind, emotions being
right in the center of our daily lives and interests. A key-role in
the interdisciplinary scientific debate about emotions has now been
accorded to the study of the language of emotions.
The present volume offers a new approach to the study of the language
of emotions insofar as it presents theories from very different
perspectives. It encompasses studies by scholars from diverse
disciplines such as linguistics, sociology, and psychology. The
topics of the contributions also cover a range of special fields of
interest in four major sections. In a first section, a discussion of
theoretical issues in the analysis of emotions is presented. The
conceptualization of emotions in specific cultures is analyzed in
section 2. Section 3 takes a different inroad into the language of
emotions by looking at developmental approaches giving evidence of the
fact that the acquisition of the language of emotions is a social
achievement that simultaneously determines our experience of these
emotions. Section 4 is devoted to emotional language in action, that
is, the contributions focus upon different types of texts and analyze
how emotions are referred to and expressed in discourse.
Angeliki Athanasiadou & Rene Dirven
1997 viii, 414 pp. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 143
US/Canada: Cloth: 1 55619 598 2 Price: $94.00
Rest of the world: Cloth: 90 272 3647 X Price: Hfl. 160,--
John Benjamins Publishing web site: http://www.benjamins.com
For further information via e-mail: service at benjamins.com
This volume brings together a selection of papers from a symposium on
Conditionality held in the University of Duisburg on 25-26 March 1994.
Ten years after the Stanford symposium, the Proceedings of which were
edited by Traugott et al. (1986), the area of conditionality is
revisited in a synthesis of issues and aspects with insights drawn
from the wider framework of general processes of
conceptualisation. One major question is therefore what conceptual
categories fall under conditionality or how far the notion of
conditionality can be extended. The volume represents the up-to-date
research on most aspects of conditionality some of which include the
relationship between conditionality, hypotheticality and
counterfactuality, polarity, historical perspectives, concessives, the
acquisition of conditionals. Contributions by: N. Akatsuka;
A. Athanasiadou; O. Dahl; E.L. Delgado; R. Dirven; C. Ford;
D. Katis; R. Langacker; E. Montolio; H. Seiler; E. Tabakowska;
J. Taylor; E. Closs Traugott; J. Tynan; J. van der Auwera;
P. Werth; A. Wierzbicka; Y. Ziv.
Elena Anagnostopoulou, Henk van Riemsdijk & Frans Zwarts
1997 x, 374 pp. Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 14
US/Canada: Cloth: 1 55619 233 9 Price: $86.00
Rest of the world: Cloth: 90 272 2735 7 Price: Hfl. 145,--
John Benjamins Publishing web site: http://www.benjamins.com
For further information via e-mail: service at benjamins.com
Materials on Left Dislocation consists of two parts. Part I contains a
selection of the main texts on which our present understanding of the
Left Dislocation construction is based. For various reasons most of
these texts had never been published, or are published in obsolete
places. These articles, by Van Riemsdijk & Zwarts, Rodman,
Hirschbuehler, Vat, Cinque and Zaenen, contain the first arguments
that pertain to the major questions about Left Dislocation (for
example whether movement or base-generation is involved), and they
present the rationale for the now standard distinctions between
Hanging Topic LD, Contrastive LD, and Clitic LD.
In Part II a number of recent contributions to the grammar of Left
Dislocation are brought together. In these articles, by
Anagnostpoulou, Demirdache, Escobar, Van Hoof and Wiltschko, new
aspects are being explored such as the relationship between LD and the
grammar of focus and the role of clitic doubling and its semantic
effects in Clitic LD. Furthermore, the empirical basis is broadened to
encompass more languages. Finally, these articles explore the
relationship between LD and a number of apparently unrelated
constructions such as split topicalization. The book constitutes an
indispensable tool for any linguist who seriously works on dislocation
For further information please e-mail
Bernadette Keck: service at benjamins.com
- ---------------------Publisher's backlists-----------------------
The following contributing LINGUIST publishers have made their
backlists available on the World Wide Web:
Cascadilla Press:
Cornell University Linguistics Dept:
CSLI Publications:
Holland Academic Graphics (HAG)
John Benjamins:
Kluwer Academic Publishers:
Lawrence Erlbaum:
MIT Working papers in Linguistics:
Mouton de Gruyter
U. of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association:
Pacific Linguistics:
Summer Institute of Linguistics:
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