8.1042, Calls: Neural Models, Australian Lx Society
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Sun Jul 13 00:19:26 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1042. Sat Jul 12 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.1042, Calls: Neural Models, Australian Lx Society
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
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your cooperation.
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 11:21:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gabriele Scheler <scheler at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: NIPS Workshop: Neural Models of Concept Learning
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 14:57:39 +1000 (EST)
From: peterw at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au (Peter White)
Subject: CFP: Australian Linguistics Society Conference
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 11:21:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Gabriele Scheler <scheler at ICSI.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: NIPS Workshop: Neural Models of Concept Learning
Call For Contributions
NIPS'97 Workshop
Neural Models of Concept Learning
Neuronal models of lexical acquisition and semantic processing have
been addressed in the context of connectionist models of
categorization, including self-organizing maps, constraint
satisfaction networks and multilayer feedforward networks. However,
recently a number of suggestions and proposals have been forthcoming,
which put research on lexical meaning in context with concept
learning, language development and statistical induction. These
approaches relate to the disciplines of
cognitive psychology of concept learning
statistical lexical acquisition
emergentist approaches to language development
It seems that a theory of conceptual semantics is forthcoming which
pushes beyond the limits of connectionist models by incorporating
strands from dynamic system theory (attractor networks, catastrophe
theory) and statistical induction (Kolmogorov complexity, MDL
The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for an interchange of
methodologies, research directions and theoretical discussion. The
format will consist of introductory statements from panelists, group
discussion and individual position paper presentations.
Abstracts (500 - 1000 words) are solicited from all prospective
participants as a brief description of their ongoing work in the
context of this workshop. Please send your abstract by e-mail to
scheler at icsi.berkeley.edu or georg at ai.univie.ac.at by the end of July.
Prospective Participants:
D. Clouse, UCSD
G. Dorffner, University of Vienna and OEFAI
M. Gasser, Indiana University
C. Harris, Boston University
J. Kruschke, Indiana University
S. Quartz, Salk Institute
M. Raijmakers, University of Amsterdam
T. Regier, University of Chicago
G. Scheler, Munich University of Technology
P. Schyns, University of Glasgow
J. Tenenbaum, MIT
Workshop Home Page:
Workshop Organization:
Gabriele Scheler, Munich University of Technology and ICSI, Berkeley
Georg Dorffner, University of Vienna and Austrian Research Insitite
for Artificial Intelligence
Conference Site:
The workshop will be held in conjunction with NIPS'97 in Breckenridge,
Colorado on December 5 or 6, 1997.
We envisage about 20-30 participants with about 10 individual paper
presentations of 15-20 minutes and a number of panelists to lead group
discussion. Publication/Dissemination: Electronic publication of
submitted abstracts will be realized on the workshop website
(www.ai.univie.ac.at/~georg/nips-ws/abstracts). A book publication by
Springer or another major publisher in 1998 based on full papers from
workshop participants and additional contributions by other
researchers is anticipated.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997 14:57:39 +1000 (EST)
From: peterw at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au (Peter White)
Subject: CFP: Australian Linguistics Society Conference
Australian Linguistics Society Conference
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia, July 3-5, 1998
To be held in conjunction with the Australian Linguistics
Institute(ALI-98) July 6-16, 1998 Brisbane, Australia.
The Conference Organizers invite submissions on any area
of contemporary Linguistic research. Proposals for oral
presentations (30 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions)
and poster sessions are welcomed. Abstracts should be 300-500
words (single page) and will be competitively reviewed.
ALS-98 will directly precede ALI-98, a symposium of research
and course work by leading scholars, including:
*Cynthia Allen,
*Adriana Belletti,
*Mary Beckman,
*Anthony Blackhouse,
*Joan Bresnan,
*Wallace Chafe,
*Anna Uhl Chamot,
*Jenny Cheshire,
*Stephen Crain,
*Terry Crowley,
*Domimique Estival,
*Robert Dale,
*Tony Diller,
*Michael Harrington,
*Janet Holmes,
*Maya Honda,
*Rodney Huddleston,
*Richard Hudson,
*Harold Koch,
*Wilaiwan Khanittanan,
*Diane Larson-Freeman,
*Claire Lefebvre,
*Beth Levin,
*K.P. Mohanan,
*Tara Mohanan,
*Wayne O'Niel,
*Anne Pauwels,
*Luigi Rizzi,
*Eva Sweetser,
*Arie Verhagen,
*Michael Walsh.
Email submission of abstracts is preferred to:
als98 at cltr.uq.edu.au
Otherwise, mail abstracts to:
The Organizers, ALS-98
Department of English
University of Queensland
Brisbane, 4072, AUSTRALIA
FAX: +61 7 3365 2799
For further information and updates, the ALS 98 Web site will be available
shortly at: http://www.cltr.uq.edu.au:8000/als98
Important dates:
Deadline for receipt of abstracts: December 30, 1997
Notification of acceptance and preliminary program: March, 1998.
Dr John Ingram
Department of English
University of Queensland
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1042
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