8.1083, Calls: Algonquian, WorldCALL
linguist at linguistlist.org
linguist at linguistlist.org
Wed Jul 23 22:47:32 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1083. Wed Jul 23 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.1083, Calls: Algonquian, WorldCALL
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference
unless you explain them in your text. Many people outside your
area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 7:01:03 EST5EDT
From: "John O'Meara" <JOMEARA at Mist.Lakeheadu.Ca>
Subject: 29th Algonquian Conference
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 08:14:33 +1000 (EST)
From: peterw at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au (Peter White)
Subject: 2nd CFP: WorldCALL
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 7:01:03 EST5EDT
From: "John O'Meara" <JOMEARA at Mist.Lakeheadu.Ca>
Subject: 29th Algonquian Conference
OCTOBER 24-26, 1997
The 29th Algonquian Conference will take place from October 24-26 1997
in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The conference is being organized by
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay.
The organizers welcome topics from all disciplines relating to the
Algonquian peoples (Ojibwe, Cree, Micmac, Delaware, Blackfoot,
Shawnee, Fox, and others). The Conference traditionally deals with
art, archaeology, ethnology, history, linguistics, music, literature,
religion, and other areas. Contributors are encouraged to make their
findings comprehensible to scholars in other disciplines. Papers may
be delivered in English or French. Each paper will be allocated 20
minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
The organizers are planning several plenary sessions. Please indicate
if you would be interested in presenting a paper which is suitable for
a plenary session.
Registration fees before October 1, 1997 are $40 Canadian ($35 US) for
non-students, $25 ($20 US) for students; after October 1
they are $45 ($40 US) for non-students, $30 ($25 US) for students.
Please make cheques / money orders payable to LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY.
Contributors should send titles and an abstract of no more than 100
words by
September 1, 1997 to:
John O'Meara
Faculty of Education
Lakehead University
For further information, please contact John O'Meara at the above
telephone 807-343-8054; fax 807-346-7746; or e-mail
John.Omeara at lakeheadu.ca
Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________ Fax: ________________
E-mail: ____________________
Title of Presentation:
Abstract: ________Enclosed ________To Follow
Please indicate any equipment required. Please let us know in advance
what your requirements are.
Cheque /Money Order For Registration Fee Enclosed:
Before October 1: ________Non-student ($40 CDN/$35 US)
________Student ($25 CDN/$20 US)
After October 1: ________Non-student ($45 CDN/$40 US)
________Student ($30 CDN/$25 US)
Travel and accomidation information is available on our Web site
(http://www.lakeheadu.ca/~AlgConf97); information will be
updated as it becomes available.
John O'Meara
Native Language Instructors' Program, Faculty of Education
Lakehead University
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1 Canada
E-mail: john.omeara at Lakeheadu.ca Phone: 807-343-8054 FAX: 807-346-7746
(WWW: personal) http://www.lakeheadu.ca/~jomeara
(WWW: Native Languages) http://www.lakeheadu.ca/~nlpwww
(WWW: 1997 Algonquian Conference) http://www.lakeheadu.ca/~AlgConf97
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 08:14:33 +1000 (EST)
From: peterw at lingua.cltr.uq.oz.au (Peter White)
Subject: 2nd CFP: WorldCALL
CALL to Creativity
13 - 17 July 1998
Inaugural World Conference on Computer-Assisted Language Learning
Venue: The University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor Ben Shneiderman, world expert in human-computer interface
design, will be a Keynote Speaker at WorldCALL!
Call for Papers has been extended! Owing to many requests, the
closing date for submission of abstracts is now 15 October 1997.
Notification of acceptance will be made by 1 December 1997.
About WorldCALL
Objective: To promote and develop national and international networks
for CALL research and practice.
Theme: "CALL to Creativity" This reflects the organisers' desire to
provide a forum for discussion of some of the pressing educational,
social and political issues associated with the development of CALL.
Audience: WorldCALL will bring together experts and practitioners in
Computer-Assisted Language Learning from around the world and will
offer unprecedented access to innovators, educators and entrepreneurs
in the field.
Goals: WorldCALL will provide a number of scholarships for
professional development, offering those who have worked with CALL in
developing countries the opportunity to attend this Conference and
benefit from the exchange of ideas and contact with leaders in the
field. Further information regarding scholarships can be obtained
from Claire Bradin (bradincl at pilot.msu.edu).
- CALL as a catalyst for change
- Motivating language acquisition through CALL
- Interdisciplinary perspectives in CALL
- The relationship between theory and practice
- New models of evaluation and assessment
- CALL in the developing world
- New identities, new communities
- New literacies, new genres
- Learner autonomy versus learner dependence
- Transparent technologies
Keynote speakers to date:
John Barson, USA
Chris Candlin, Australia
Graham Davies, UK
Madanmohan Rao, India
Ben Shneiderman, USA
Submission of abstracts:
Deadline for receipt - 15 October 1997
Abstracts should be sent to the Conference Secretariat and should be
submitted on disk with a hard copy attached, or by email. Papers will
be of 30 minutes duration followed by 10 minutes of question-time.
Abstracts may be no longer than 200 words and should include the
author's name, contact details, paper title and an indication of the
topic to which the paper relates. The abstract should be exported or
saved as a text only unformatted file. Bio-data of no more than 50
words should accompany the abstract.
Confirmation of acceptance will be made by 1 December 1997.
Program to date:
Sunday 12 July Welcome Reception and Registration
Monday 13 July Conference Program including
Tuesday 14 July Keynote and Paper Presentations
Wednesday 15 July Workshops/Symposia
Thursday 16 July Conference Program resumes
Conference Dinner
Friday 17 July Keynote and Paper presentations
Special Keynote Panel Discussion
Conference Closes Midday
Educational Post Conference Tours
Registration: Registration includes: Opening Reception; Conference
program with morning/afternoon teas and lunches on three days;
Delegates kit including book of abstracts; entry to workshops/symposia
on Wednesday 15 July; access to displays. AND Two publications:
Conference Proceedings (800-word summaries of all papers presented),
Special Volume of selected papers from the Conference.
Early bird registration AUD $550. Full registration (after 31 March
1998) AUD $650. Registration brochures will be available from early
1998, but you can register now using the form below - just fax or
email your details, including payment information.
Further details can also be obtained from the Conference Secretariat
on fauroy at ozemail.com.au or www.arts.unimelb.edu.au/~hlc/worldcall
Social Activities:
Sociocultural events included in registration fee:
Opening Reception on Sunday 12 July
Bastille Day Celebration
Dramatic Presentation by German Dept, Melbourne University
Post Conference Educational Tours
Conference Dinner onThursday 16 July is at an additional charge of AUD
$90 per person.
Key dates:
Deadline for receipt of abstracts 15 October 1997
Notification of acceptance 1 December 1997
Hard Copy Registration forms available early 1998
Early bird registration closes 31 March 1998
Submission of papers for Proceedings 30 June 1998
Audio visual facilities for Presenters: Each presentation room is
equipped with the following: PC. Mac. Video Projection. VCR
(PAL/SECAM/NTSC). Slide Projector. Overhead Projector. Audio
Cassette Player. Audio Loop. Please advise of any additional
requirements. It may be necessary for you to bring unusual equipment.
WorldCALL Exhibition/Display Opportunities
nb. Space will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Exhibition: The number of exhibitors will be limited to ensure maximum
exposure to delegates. The exhibition will be held in the main
concourse of the conference where refreshements will be served and
close to the main plenary and seminar rooms. Packages are offered as
Display Table and Board for duration of Conference (four and half
days); powerpoint and signage. AUD $450. Any additional requirements
ie. phone/modem lines etc, additional power will be at cost.
(KM: these two sections should appear together whenever they occur)
CourseWare Fair - non commercial displays only To allow demonstrations
of concepts/programs relevant to CALL by non-commercial individuals,
display space will be allocated on Wednesday 15 July for a one day
Fair allowing access to all delegates. Please indicate your interest
in this opportunity specifying your product/program and its
objectives, your target audience, practical requirements of display (a
table and two chairs will be provided). Phone lines/modem access will
be chargeable. All demonstration equipment must be supplied by the
CourseWare Fair participant.
Accommodation and Travel: Special travel and accommodation rates have
been negotiated for delegates to WorldCALL. These will be constantly
updated and monitored to ensure the best available rates at the time
of the Conference.
Accommodation is offered at Melbourne University (rates start at AUD
$50 per night) and a range of other options are available upon
About Melbourne: Melbourne is the capital of Victoria and home to more
than 3 million people. Awarded the title 'World's most liveable
city', Melbourne is the gateway to regional Victoria and beyond that,
the great expanse of Australia. Melbourne is close to beaches,
ski-fields, desert and lush valleys. Melbourne enjoys moderate
weather, during winter (June - August) temperatures range from 7oC to
Early Bird Registration:
I would like to take advantage of the early bird registration fee
of AUD $550
I will/will not be submitting a paper
I am interested in attending WorldCALL - please send more information
- Exhibition
- CourseWare Fair
- Accommodation
- Discount Flights
- Pre-, Post Tours
Family Name:
Given Name:
Title (Mr, Mrs, etc):
Languages Spoken Other Than English:
I would like to attend the Conference Dinner on Thursday 15 July at AUD $90
Guest Name(s)
Special Dietary Requirements: Vegetarian, Pritikin, Vegan, Other
I enclose payment in Australian Dollars as follows:
Amount enclosed:
Cheque (made out to Melbourne University):
Credit Card: Mastercard Visacard Bankcard
Card Number:
Expiry Date
Full Name on card
International payments must be made by Bank draft in Australian dollars.
No personal cheques will be accepted.
Refund Policy
No Refund on registration fees will be offered after 6 July although
substitutes are welcome. An administration charge may be levied.
Conference committees
Organising Committee: June Gassin (Chair), Denis Cunningham, Robert
Debski, Mike Levy, Iain Morrison, Mike Smith
Program Committee: Sue Otto (Chair), Robert Debski, Mike Levy
Scholarship Committee: Claire Bradin, Graham Davies, Peter Liddell,
Sofus Simonsen
Steering Committee: Richard Baldauf, John Barson, Keith Cameron, Chris
Candlin, Carol Chapelle, Graham Chesters, Mary-Louise Craven, Graham
Davies, Uschi Felix, Nina Garrett, Ana Gimeno-Sanz, Henry Hamburger,
David Herren, Udo Jung, Mike Levy, Peter Liddell, Brian McCarthy,
Kazunori Nozawa, Gudrun, Oberprieler, Sue Otto, Peter Patrikis, Bernd
Rueschoff, Kari Sajavaara, Roly Sussex, June Thompson, Mark
Warschauer, Peter White
Supporting organisations
Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA); International
Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA); Canada CALL (CCALL);
EUROCALL; International Federation of Language Teachers (FIPLV);
International Association of Learning Laboratories (IALL); Teachers of
English to Speakers of Other Languages, CALL Interest Section (TESOL
CALL-IS); Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning
Sponsoring organisations
Apple Computer Inc.
Australian Technology Enhanced Language Learning Consortium (ATELL)
Victorian Multimedia Centre LTD (eMERGE)
The University of Melbourne
Further details may be obtained from:
The Conference Secretariat, Fauth Royale & Associates Pty Ltd, P.O. Box
895, North Sydney NSW 2060, Australia. Tel: 61 2 9954 4544 Fax: 61 2 9954
4964. Email fauroy at ozemail.com.au
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1083
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