8.951, Calls: Sociolinguistics Symposium 12 UPDATE
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Sat Jun 28 02:14:43 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-951. Fri Jun 27 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.951, Calls: fj
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
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area of specialization will not recognize them. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 97 16:30:20 -0400
From: E.Reid at ioe.ac.uk (Euan Reid)
Subject: Sociolinguistics Symposium 12 UPDATE
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 97 16:30:20 -0400
From: E.Reid at ioe.ac.uk (Euan Reid)
Subject: Sociolinguistics Symposium 12 UPDATE
at the
University of London
Thursday 26th MARCH (mid-day)
Saturday 28th MARCH (mid-day)
Plenaries Colloquia Papers in Parallel Sessions
Short 'Work in Progress' Reports Poster Presentations
Publishers Displays Social Events
British Sign Language Interpretation available to SS12 participants
who request this in advance.
Academic Organising Committee
Professor Jenny Cheshire, Queen Mary & Westfield College, University
of London; Professor Jennifer Coates, Roehampton Institute London; Dr
Penelope Gardner-Chloros, Birkbeck College, University of London; Dr
Ben Rampton & Celia Roberts, Thames Valley University; Euan Reid,
Institute of Education, University of London.; Professor Brian Street,
King's College, University of London.
The following speakers have accepted invitations to give plenary
presentations: titles are in some cases provisional, as they are for
the colloquia listed below.
Professor Jan BLOMMAERT (University of Antwerp/International
Pragmatics Association): Reconstructing the Sociolinguistic Image of
Africa: Grassroots Writing in Shaba, Congo.
Professor Debbie CAMERON (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow), Good to
Talk? The Discourse and Practice of Communication Skills.
Professor Penny ECKERT (Stanford University) Variation, Style &
Professor Susan GAL (University of Chicago) Language Ideologies and
Linguistic boundaries: the Semiotics of Differentiation.
will include the following
Maintaining Indigenous Languages, with special reference to Latin
America - State Planning vs Grass-roots Initiatives: Jane Freeland
(Portsmouth) & Rosaleen Howard-Malverde (Liverpool) contact:
jane.freeland at port.ac.uk
Speech Representation & Institutional Discourse: Stef Slembrouck
(Gent) & Mike Baynham (Sydney) contact: stef.slembrouck at rug.ac.be
The Sociolinguistics of Computer-Mediated Communication: Simeon Yates
(Open University) contact: s.j.yates at open.ac.uk
Oral Narratives across Contexts & Cultures Shoshana Blum-Kulka (Hebrew
University, Jerusalem) & Alexandra Georgakopolou (King's College,
London) contacts:. mskcusb at pluto.mscc.huji.ac.il or
alexandra.georgakopoulou at kcl.ac.uk.
The organisers are also discussing further ideas for Colloquia on
Gerontolinguistics, on the Sociolinguistics of Sign Languages, on
Language & Multimodality, on Academic Literacies, on Language &
Sexuality and on Code-mixing and Code-switching. In all cases we are
encouraging maximum interactivity, and openness to unsolicited
contributions. Contact Ben.Rampton at tvu.ac.uk FURTHER DETAILS ON
We intend to complete the programme-planning as far as we can by
mid-November 1997, and to let speakers have details at that time. The
full programme will then be sent by post to all registered
participants, along with local travel details, by January 1998. [The
text of this posting is also available in printed form from our
Conference Office - see below.]
Our website will be set up in the next few days, and will be updated
regularly with programme and participant details:
The Academic Organising Committee invites offers of papers in any area
of sociolinguistics.
Our intention for SS12 is to accept rather fewer papers than at some
recent meetings in the series. The offers should indicate clearly if
they are for the regular 35-minute slots ('Papers': where presenters
will be encouraged to speak for no more than c20 minutes, leaving c15
minutes for questions and discussion), for the shorter 15 minute slots
('Reports' on work in progress), for 'Colloquia' where preliminary
contact should have been made with convenors, or for 'Posters', where
a specified display space, and if necessary time-slot will be offered.
The criteria for selection will be: originality, significance,
estimated contribution to conceptual development of the field,
All submissions, (except those for the Colloquia, which we need by
31st July 1997) should arrive at our Conference Office by 31st August
1997 They will be reviewed anonymously by members of the committee
during September and October 1997, with the help of Colloquium
convenors where appropriate.
Send 2 copies by post (not email, please): ONE of these only should
have your name, address etc on it.
Your proposal should consist of the following
(i) the title of the abstract, along with up to 5 keywords;
(ii) the category of proposal you are making: either a 35 minute paper
for one of the parallel sessions, a 15 minute report on work in
progress, a contribution to one of the Colloquia, or a poster
presentation: the organisers may propose that your presentation be
included in a different category.
(iii) an abstract of 200-300 words, strictly limited to one
double-spaced page;
(iv) ON ONE COPY ONLY all of the above, with, in addition: author's
name, postal address, telephone & fax numbers, and email address
wherever available; where a private address is given, also indicate
your institutional affiliation, and your status - academic staff,
student, other.
All of the above should be sent, separate from any administrative or
registration enquiries, to The Conference Officer, Institute of
Education, 20 Bedford Way, LONDON WC1H OAL. Please mark the outside
of the envelope 'SS12 ABSTRACT', and send it in good time to meet our
submission receipt deadlines of 31st July 1997 (for Colloquia papers)
or 31st August 1997 (everything else).
Early Symposium Fee - 120 pounds sterling
(for bookings received by December 31, 1997)
Standard Symposium Fee - 140 pounds sterling
Late Symposium Fee - 160 pounds sterling
(for bookings received after February 27, 1998)
Student/Unwaged Symposium Fee - 95 pounds sterling
(on production of satisfactory evidence of status, and only for bookings
received by December 31)
Day Symposium Fees
Thursday 26th March -45 pounds sterling
Friday 27th March - 90 pounds sterling
Saturday 28th March - 45 pounds sterling.
Late & day bookings are subject to availability of places after the
standard booking period ends on February 27 1998.
A limited number of scholarships is available, on a competitive basis,
for students whose papers are accepted at SS12. These scholarships
will cover the Conference Fee & Accommodation costs for two nights in
the student hall of residence, if you don't live in London. You will
need to find travel costs from other sources. Submit your Abstract in
the usual way, but add a letter indicating that you wish to apply for
a scholarship, with a supporting letter from the institution where you
are studying.
The form below is only about registration for the Symposium itself,
administered by the Institute of Education's Conference Office Payment
of the appropriate Symposium Fee is obligatory, and will entitle you
to all documents for the meeting (programme, abstracts of papers,
participants list), and to a badge giving admission to sessions,
tea/coffee etc at breaks, and buffet lunches.
Please complete the following, either returning it electronically to
the Conference Office (c.bird at ioe.ac.uk), or printing it off and
sending it with your sterling cheque. Insert the personal details as
you would like them to appear on the participants' list & on the SS12
badge we shall prepare for you. Enter one person only on each form:
Your title: (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof/.....)
Your family name:
Your other name(s):
Your institution & departmental address:
Phone and fax numbers for communication (say if work or private):
Your email address:
Address for correspondence if different from your institution:
EITHER for the whole meeting
@ early discount rate of 120 pounds
or @ standard rate of 140 pounds or @ late rate of 160 pounds
OR for one or two days
Thursday 26/3 @ 45 pounds Friday 27/3 @ 90 pounds Saturday 28/3 @ 45
Completed Registration Formson paper, and sterling cheques
(non-sterling cheques add 10% please) payable to 'Institute of
Education - SS12', should be sent to The Conference Office (SS12),
Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, UK. Booking
Enquiries can be made to the Conference Officer there, Cathy Bird
(c.bird at ioe.ac.uk), Tel: +44.171.612.6017....Fax: +44.171.612.6402.
She will also pass on academic enquiries.
Bookings can be made through Hotelscene, a reservation service
offering discounted accommodation with a range of hotels etc within a
few minutes walk from the Institute of Education in the Bloomsbury
district of London. Hotelscene information will be sent on receipt of
registration forms. Single room and breakfast prices will be from
about 20 pounds per night in a student hall of residence, to about 100
pounds per night in a first class hotel, less per head in double
Euan Reid
Culture, Communication and Societies
Institute of Education
University of London
20 Bedford Way
Tel: + 44 171 612 6524/Fax: + 44 171 612 6177
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-951
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