8.387, Sum: Bibliography on SLA

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Tue Mar 18 23:45:59 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-387. Tue Mar 18 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.387, Sum: Bibliography on SLA

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Date:  Thu, 13 Mar 1997 22:42:02 -0600
From:  Ronald Ross <rross at cariari.ucr.ac.cr>
Subject:  Re: Biblio

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 13 Mar 1997 22:42:02 -0600
From:  Ronald Ross <rross at cariari.ucr.ac.cr>
Subject:  Re: Biblio

This is the complete list of bibliography on SLA I received as a
result of my request posted on LINGUIST.LIST.  I have made no effort
to edit the accompanying information.  Some of the information is in
Spanish and I am sending it out as is.  Because of the large number of
people who have requested this information, I am unable to send it out
in a variety of formats as some have asked.  The URL for the journal
Studies in Second Language Acquisition I think is very useful, and can
be classified by author, topic or title.  I hope this information is
useful to all who have requested it.

Ron Ross
Department of Linguistics
University of Costa Rica

Cook, V. (1993) Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition,
Cook, V. (1991) Second LAnguage Learning and Language TeachingLondon:
Edward Arnold.
Cook, V. & Newson (1996) Chomsky's Universal Grammar, Oxford:
Gass, S. & J. Shachter (1989) Linguistic Perspectives on Second
LAnguage Acquisition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Dear professor Ross,
  You may tell your student that the complete listings of the journal
of=20 Studies in Second Language Acquisition can now be accessed via
our web page.  Address: http://ezinfo.ucs.indiana.edu/~ssla/

That should be easier than downloading the document I sent.

Best wishes,

- ----------------------------------------
Maez, Lento F (1983) The acquisition of noun and verb morphology in
18-24 month old Spanish speaking children. The Journal for the
National Association for Bilingual Education 7, 53-68.

Perez-Pereira, Miguel (1989) The acquisition of Morphemes: some
evidence from Spanish. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

Kvaal, Joy, Nancy Shipstead-Cox, Susan Nevitt, Barbara Hodson and
Patricia Launer (1988) The acquisition of 10 Spanish Morphemes by
Spanish-Speaking Children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in
Schools 19, 384-394.

Gonzales, Gustavo (1976) The Acquisition of Grammatical Structures by
Mexican-American children. El lenguaje de los chicano edited by E.
Hernandes-Chavez, 220-256. Arlington: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Hernandez Pina, Fuensanta (1984) 3.3.2 Adquisicion semantactica del
espanol Teorias psico-sociolinguisticas y su aplicacion a la
adquisicion del espanol como lengua materna, 184-281. Madrid:Siglo

Clark, Eve V. (1985) 7 The Acquisition of Romance, with Special
Reference to French The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition:
Volume 1: The Data edited by Dan I. Slobin, 687-782. Hillsdale:
Lawrence Erlbaum Association.

Boyd, Patricia A. (1975) The Development of Grammar Categories in
Spanish by Anglo Children Learning a Second Language. Tesol Quaterly
9, 125-135.

Dato, Daniel P. (1975) On Psycholinguistic universals in children's
learning of Spanish Developmental Linguistics: Theory and Applications
edited by Daniel P. Dato, 235-254. Washington: Georgetown University

Naerssen, Margaret van (1986) Hipotesis sobre la adquisicion de una
segunda lengua, consideraciones inter-lenguaje: comprobacion en el
espanol.  Adquisicion de lenguaje / Aquisi=E7ao da linguagem edited
by Jurgen M.  Meisel, 139-155. Frankfurt: Vervuert.

Gonzalez, Gustavo (1983) Expressing Time through Verb Tenses and
Temporal Expressions in Spanish: Age 2.0-4.6.  The Journal for the
National Association for Bilingual Education 7, 69-82.

Andersen, Roger W. (1986) El desarrollo de la morfologia verbal en el
espanol como segundo idioma. Adquisicion de lenguaje / Aquisi=E7ao da
linguagem edited by Jurgen Meisel, 115-137. Frankfurt: Vervuert.

Blake, Robert (1983) Mood Selection among Spanish-speaking children,
ages 4 to 12. Bilingual Review 10, 21-32.

Jacobsen, Teresa (1986) Aspecto antes que tiempo? Una mirada a la
adquisicion temprana del espanol. Adquisicion de lenguaje / Aquisi=E7=
ao da linguagem edited by Jurgen Meisel, 97-113. Frankfurt:

Brisk, Maria Estela (1976) The acquisition of Spanish gender by first
grade Spanish-speaking children Bilingualism in bicentennial and
beyond edited by G.D. Keller, R.V. Teschner and S. Viera, 143-160. New
York: Bilingual Review Press.

Andersen, Roger W. (1984) What's Gender Good For, Anyway? Second
Languages: A cross-linguistic perspective edited by Roger Andersen,
77-100. Rowley: Newbury House Publishers.

Cain, Jaqueline, Marcia Weber-Olsen, Rosslyn Smith (1987) Acquisition
strategies in a first and second language: are they the same? Journal
of Child Language 14, 333-352.

Peronard, Marianne (1985) Spanish prepositions introducing adverbial
constructions. Journal of Child Language 12, 95-108.

Escobar, Anna Mar=EDa (1989) Biling=FCismo: castellano bilingue y
proceso de adquisicion Temas de linguistica aplicada edited by Luis
Enrique Lopez, In=E9s Pozzi-Escot, Madeleine Z=FA=F1iga,
157-166. Lima: CONCYTEC / GTZ.

Padilla, Amado M. and Kathryn Lindholm (1976) Acquisition of
bilingualism: A descriptive analysis of the linguistic structures of
Spanish/English speaking children. Bilingualism in bicentennial and
beyond edited by G.  D.  Keller, R. V. Teschner and S. Viera,
97-142. New York: Bilingual Review Press.

Padilla, Amado M. and Kathryn J. Lindholm (1976) Development of
interrogative, negative and possesive forms in the speech of young
Spanish/English bilinguals. Bilingual Review 3, 122-152.

Floyd, Mary-Beth (1990) Sentence complexity and clause subordination
in children's Spanish. Hispania 73, 488-497.

Keller, Gary D. (1976) Acquisition of the English and Spanish passive
voices among bilingual children. Bilingualism in bicentennial and
beyond edited by G. D. Keller, R. V. Teschner and S. Viera,
161-168. New York: Bilingual Review Press.

Echevarria, Max S. (1986) Decodificacion infantil de estructuras
sint=E1cticas del espanol. Actas del V Congreso Internacional de la
ALFAL, 310-319.  Caracas: Universidad Central.

Estimados colegas,

cuatro sugerencias muy rapidamente:

aunque un poco anticuado ya, pero aun importante, el volumen de
Larsen-Freeman y Long An Introduction to SLA research, Longman.

Tambien Glass and Selinker Second Language Acquisition An Introductory
course, de LEA.

Especificamente para espannol, se estan preparando dos volumenes, los
editores son William R Glass y Ana Teresa Perez-Leroux, publicado por
Cascadilla Press, Boston.  El titulo es contemporary Perspectives on
the Acquisition of Spanish.

Los volumenes editados por Bill Vanpatten y otros titulados Foreign
Language Learning y Second Language Acquisition/Foreign Language
Learning, el primero en Newbury House y el segundo en Multilingual
Matters contienen capitulos sobre la adquisicion del espannol como L2.


Here's what I got off of the MLA bibiography, for Spanish and
Acquisition.  The MLA database is far from perfect.  If you'd like me
to do more searches, I can, they're rather easy.

David Gohre

1 of 6
TI: The Development of Analogical Reading in Spanish
AU: Sebastian-Galles,-Nuria; Parreno-Vacchiano,-Ana
SO: Reading-and-Writing:-An-Interdisciplinary-Journal, Dordrecht,
Netherlands (R&W). 1995 Mar, 7:1, 23-38
IS: 0922-4777
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1995
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; reading-; analogical-reasoning; in
reading-acquisition; in Spanish-language
SN: 95-3-2049
UD: 9504
AN: 95091221

2 of 6
TI: The Acquisition of Morphemes: Some Evidence from Spanish
AU: Perez-Periera,-Miguel
SO: Journal-of-Psycholinguistic-Research, New York, NY (JPsyR). 1989
18:3, 289-312
IS: 0090-6905
LA: English
PT: journal-article
PY: 1989
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; development-of-language;
morpheme-acquisition; in Spanish-language
SN: 90-3-1143
UD: 9001
AN: 90010196

3 of 6
TI: Second Language Acquisition: Spanish Grammar and Pronunciation in
Adult Native Speakers of English
AU: Yager,-Kent-David
SO: Dissertation-Abstracts-International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1989
49:8, 2205A
IS: Pt. A, 0419-4209; Pt. B, 0419-4217; Pt. C, 1042-7279
LA: English
PT: dissertation-abstract
PY: 1989
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; second-language-learning;
pronunciation-; in Spanish-language-learning; by adults-;
SN: 89-3-2111
UD: 8901
AN: 89075342

4 of 6
TI: L'Acquisition du lexique en francais par des adultes hispanophones
AU: Cammarota,-Marie-Ange
SO: Langages, Montrouge, France (Langages). 1986 Dec., 84, 65-78
IS: 0458-726X
LA: French
PT: journal-article
PY: 1986
DE: French-language-Modern; lexicology-; relationship to=20
vocabulary-acquisition; by speakers-; of Spanish-language
SN: 87-3-9130
UD: 8701
AN: 87011839

5 of 6
TI: The Acquisition of Spanish Sounds in the Speech of Two-Year-Old
Chicano Children
AU: Gonzalez,-Gustavo
SO: 71-87 IN Padilla-Raymond-V. (ed.). Theory, Technology, and Public
Policy on Bilingual Education. Rosslyn, VA : Nat. Clearinghouse for
Bilingual Education, 1983. xiv, 426 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1983
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; development-of-language;
consonant-acquisition; in Spanish-language; of Mexican-American-children
SN: 84-3-1023
UD: 8401
AN: 84089856

6 of 6
TI: The Acquisition of Lexicon in the Speech of Bilingual Children
AU: Cornejo,-Ricardo-J.
SO: 141-167 IN Turner-Paul-R. (ed.). Bilingualism in the Southwest.
Tucson, Arizona : U of Arizona P, 1982. xiii, 352 pp.
LA: English
PT: book-article
PY: 1982
DE: language-; psycholinguistics-; development-of-language;
vocabulary-acquisition; by Mexican-American-children; study example
Spanish-language; English-language-Modern
SN: 82-3-1006
UD: 8201
AN: 82015453


Acquisition Order
Bailey, N., Madden, C., & Krashen, S.D.  (1974).  Is there a natural
sequence" in adult second language learning?  Language Learning.
24,  235-43.

Larsen-Freeman, D.  (1975).  An explanation for the morpheme acquisition
order of second  language learners.  Language Learning.  26, 125-34.

Affective Factors
Brown, H. D. (1973).  Affective variables in second language
acquisition.  Language  Learning.  23, 231-44.

Chastain, K.  (1975).  Affective and ability factors in second language
learning.  Language Learning.  25, 153-61.

Dornyei, Z.  (1990).  Conceptualizing motivation in foreign language
learning.  Language Learning.  40,  45-78.

Krashen, S.  (1973).  Lateralization, language learning, and the
critical period: Some new evidence.  Language Learning.  23, 63-74.

Krashen, S., Long, M., & Scarcella, R. C.  (1979).  Age, rate, and
eventual attainment in second language acquisition.  TESOL Quarterly.
13, 573-82.

Schumann, J.  (1976).  Research on the acculturation model for second
language learning. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, 7, 379-92.

Bardovi-Harlig, K. & Hartford, B.S.  (1995).  The construction of
discourse by nonnative  speakers: Introduction.  Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 17, 125-128.

Bardovi-Harlig, K. & Hartford, B.S.  (1993).  Learning the rules of
academic talk: A longitudinal study of pragmatic change.  Studies in
Second Language Acquisition, 15, 279-304.

Chaudron, C. & Parker, K.  (1990).  Discourse markedness and
structural markedness: The acquisition of English noun
phrases. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 12, 43-64.

Error analysis
Corder, S.P.  (1967).  The significance of learner's errors.
International Review of Applied Linguistics.  5, 161-70.

Schachter, J.  (1974).  An error in error analysis.  Language Learning.
24, 205-14.

Form and Meaning Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1992).  The relationship of form
and meaning: A cross-sectional study of tense and aspect in the
interlanguage of learners of English as a second language.  Applied
Linguistics.  13, 253-78.

Lightbown, P. & Spada, N. (1990).  Focus-on-form and corrective
feedback in communicative language teaching: Effects on second
language learning.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 12,

Input Bardovi-Harlig, K. & Hartford, B.S.  (in press).  Input in an
institutional setting. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 18 (2).

Hatch, E.  (1983).  Simplified input and SLA.  R. Anderson, (ed.).
Pidginization and creolization as language acquisition.  Rowley, MA:
Newbury House. 64-86.

Larsen-Freeman, D.  (1983).  The importance of input in second
language acquisition.

R. Anderson, (ed.).  Pidginization and creolization as language
acquisition.  Rowley, MA: Newbury House.  87-93.

Pidginization and Creolization Mufwene, S. S.  (1990).  Transfer and
the substrate hypothesis in creolistics.  Studies in Second Language
Acquisition, 12, 1-23.

Schumann, J. H. (1978). The relationship of pidginization,
creolization, and decreolization to second language acquisition.
Language Learning, 28 367-379.

Schumann, J. H. (1982).  Simplification, transfer, and relexification
as aspects of pidginization and early second language acquisition.
Language Learning, 32 337-366.

Valdman, A.  (1978).  On the relevance of the
pidginization-creolization model for second language learning.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1, 55-75.

Valdman, A.  (1980).  Creolization and Second language acquisition.
(Eds.). A. Valdman and A. Highfield.Theoretical orientations in creole
studies.  London: Academic Press.  297-311.

Valdman, A.  (1983).  Creolization and second language acquisition.
R.  Anderson, (ed.), Pidginization and creolization as language
acquisition.  Rowley, MA: Newbury House.  212-234.

Wode, H.  (1981).  Language acquisition, pidgins and creoles.  Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 3, 193-200.

Role of L1 Corder, S.  (1992/1983).  A role for the mother tongue.  In
S. Gass & Selinker, (Eds.). op.cit, 18-31.

Corder, S.  (1979).  Language distance and the magnitude of the
language learning task.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2,

Kellerman, E.  (1979).  Transfer and non-transfer: Where are we now?
Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 2, 37-57.

Theories Bardovi-Harlig, K.  (forthcoming).  The place of second
language=20 acquisition in language teacher preparation.  In K.
Bardovi-Harlig, & B.S. Hartford (Eds.).  Beyond Methods: Components of
Language-Teacher Education.

Long, M.  (1990).  The least a second language acquisition theory
needs to explain.  TESOL Quarterly, 24, 649-66.

McLaughlin, B.  (1987).  Theories of second language learning.
Chapter 1.

Typologies and Universals

Eckman, F.  (1977).  Markedness and the contrastive analysis
hypothesis. Language learning.  31:195-216.

Gass, S.  (1980).  An investigation of syntactic transfer in adult
second language learners. Scarcella & Krashen (Eds.). Research in SLA,

Gass, S.  (1983).  Language transfer and universal grammatical
relations.  S. Gass & L. Selinker (Eds.).  Language Transfer in
Language Learning, Chpt. 5.

Hartford, B.  (1995).  Zero-anaphora in nonnative texts: Null-object
anaphora in Nepali English.  Studies in Second Language Acquisition,
17, 245-62.


Dulay, H., Burt, M., & Krashen, S.  (1982).  Language Two.  Oxford:
Oxford University Press.


I read your request for bibliography on second language acquisition on
the linguist list. Here are some books which may be useful for your
student: Cook, V. (1993) Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition,
Basingstoke: MAcmillan.

Cook, V. (1991) Second LAnguage Learning and Language TeachingLondon:
Edward Arnold.

Cook, V. & Newson (1996) Chomsky's Universal Grammar, Oxford:
Blackwell.  Gass, S. & J. Shachter (1989) Linguistic Perspectives on
Second LAnguage Acquisition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-387

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