8.650, Confs: ACL/EACL 97 Workshop Announcement

linguist at linguistlist.org linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat May 3 00:37:08 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-650. Fri May 2 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.650, Confs: ACL/EACL 97 Workshop Announcement

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor:  Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

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  LINGUIST via the Cascadilla Press web site:
  If you believe LINGUIST is a valuable service, please contribute to
  the LINGUIST Editorial Support Fund, which pays our student editors.


Editor for this issue: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>

We'd appreciate your limiting conference announcements to 150 lines,
so that we can post more than 1 per issue.  Please consider omitting
information useful only to attendees, such as information on housing,
transportation, or rooms and times of sessions.  Please do not use
abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless you explain
them in your text.  Many people outside your area of specialization
will not recognize them.   Thank you for your cooperation.


Date:  Thu, 1 May 1997 10:12:35 -0400
From:  jburstein at ets.org (Jill C Burstein)
Subject:  ACL/EACL 97 Workshop Announcement: "From Research to Commercial

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 1 May 1997 10:12:35 -0400
From:  jburstein at ets.org (Jill C Burstein)
Subject:  ACL/EACL 97 Workshop Announcement: "From Research to Commercial

		"From Research to Commercial Applications:
		Making NLP Technology Work in Practice"
		ACL'97/EACL'97 Workshop Announcement
			Saturday, July 12, 1997
	    Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
			    Madrid, Spain

Workshop Description:

Success in the marketplace is one form of validation for NLP
techniques and underlying theories. The workshop
will bring together researchers to discuss commercial or
commercial-bound systems that use NLP for either text or speech.
Systems will be discussed that show re-use of
NLP techniques, and that illustrate industry-based practical
considerations involving NLP technology.
Experiences and problems -- technical, logistic, or cultural --
among people working on operational and commercial NLP applications
will be discussed. Discussion of the issues above will
create connections between both academic and industry-based
research efforts to build a solid infrastructure for NLP
technology re-use and lead to a deeper understanding of commercial
NLP potential.


Workshop Program:

9:00 - 9:30 (Coffee and Registration)

Session I

9:30 - 10:00: "Re-Use of a Proper Noun Recognition System
in Commercial and Operational NLP Applications" (Chinatsu Aone and
J. Maloney, SRA )

10:00 - 10:30: "Developing a new grammar checker for English as
a second language" (Cornelia Tschichold, Franck Bodmer,
Etienne Cornu, Francois Grosjean, Lysiane Grojean,
Natalie Kubler, Nicolas Lewy and Corinne Tschumi,
Universite of Neuchatel)

10:30 - 11:00: "Software Re-Use and Evolution in Text
Generation Applications" (Karen Kukich and Rebecca
Passaneau, Bellcore; Kathleen McKeown, Dragomir Radev,
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou and Hongyan Jing, Columbia University)

11:00 - 11:20: Coffee Break

11:20 - 11:50: "Estimating the True Performance of Classification-Based
NLP Technology" (James Nolan, Siena College)

11:50 - 12:20: "Tailored patient information: some issues and questions"
(Ehud Reiter and Liesl Osman, University of Aberdeen)

12:20 - 1:30: Lunch Break

1:30 - 2:00: "Practical Considerations in Building a Multi-Lingual
Authoring System for Business Letters" (John Tait and Huw
Sanderson,University of Sunderland; Jeremy Ellman, MARI Computer
Systems, Ana Maria Martinez San Jose, Sistemas y Tratamiento
de Informacion, SA; Peter Hellwig, University of Heidelberg;
Periklis Tsagheas, SENA, SA)

2:00 - 2:30: "A Language Identification Application Built on the
Java Client/Server Platform" (Gary Adams, Sun MicroSystems Labs. and
Philip Resnik, University of Maryland)

2:30 - 3:00: "Practical Experience with Grammar Sharing in
Multilingual NLP" (Michael Gamon, Carmen Lozano, Jessie
Pinkham and Tom Reutter,Microsoft Corp.)

3:00 - 3:20: Coffee Break

3:20 - 3:50: "NLP and Industry: Transfer and Reuse of Technolgies"
(Leo Obrst and Krishna Jha, Boeing Defense and Space Group)

3:50 - 4:20: "Recycling Lingware in a Multilingual MT System" (Manny
Rayner and David Carter, SRI; Ivan Bretan, Roberts Eklund and Mats
Wiren, Telia Research; Steffen Leo Hansen, Sabine Kirchmeier-Andersen,
Finn Sorensen and Hanne Erdman Thomsen,Handelshojskolen i Kobenhavn,
Institut for Datalingvistik)

4:20 - 5:00: Follow-up Discussion



Jill Burstein, Educational Testing Service
Claudia Leacock, Princeton University


Jared Bernstein, Ordinate Corporation
Andrew Golding, Mitsubishi Electric
Mary Dee Harris, Language Technology, Inc.
Kevin Knight, USC/ISI
Karen Kukich, Bellcore
Lisa Rau, SRA International
Yael Ravin, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center
Susanne Wolff, Educational Testing Service
Wlodek Zadrozny, IBM, T.J. Watson Research Center


Information about Workshop Registration:

Please note that if you would like to attend
the workshop, you must register for the workshop
and the main conference.  There are a limited
number of spaces in the workshop.

Registration materials for the main conference and
the workshop are below.

- ----------------------->8---cut---here--->8-------------------------

   35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
		8th Conference of theEuropean Chapter of the
		 Association for Computational Linguistics
7-12 July 1997, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid, Spain

NAME _______________________________________________________________________
		Last			First			Middle

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________

AFFILIATION (for badge) ____________________________________________________

TELEPHONE __________________________________________________________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________

NOTE:  Only those whose ACL membership is paid for the 1997 calendar year
can register as members; if you have not, register at the ``non-member'' rate.


by Feb. 28 	$200 		$275 	 $100		$140
late/onsite 	$260 		$335 	 $120 		$160

*Non-member registration fee includes ACL membership for 1997; do not pay
 non-member fee for BOTH the registration and the tutorials.

To attend two tutorials, pay twice the amount shown.

EACH Tutorial:
by Feb. 28 	$125 		$185  	 $85 		$125
late/onsite	$150 		$210 	 $95 		$135

*Non-member registration fee includes ACL membership; do not pay the
 non-member fee for BOTH the registration and the tutorials.

Monday morning tutorials -- select at most ONE:
[  ] Machine Learning of Natural Language
[  ] Information Retrieval from a Linguist's Perspective
   Monday afternoon tutorials -- select at most ONE:
[  ] Maximum Entropy Modeling for Natural Language
[  ] Logical Approaches to Syntactic Theories

BANQUET TICKETS  ($50 each):  $____________________

MEAL CHOICE:  [  ]  Vegetarian;   [  ]  Non-Vegetarian

STUDENT MEMBER LUNCH:  [  ]  Will attend    [  ]  Will not attend
  Note: only open to student members or regular members who are students.

EXTRA PROCEEDINGS for REGISTRANTS  ($30 each): $__________________

PROCEEDINGS ONLY ($30 members; $60 others): $____________________
NOTE: there is no deadline for Proceedings Only orders (August 1997 delivery)

TOTAL PAYMENT --- MUST BE INCLUDED:  $____________________________
(Registration, tutorials, banquet, extra proceedings)

[   ]  Visa or MasterCard:  Number________________________________________

       Expiration Date   __________/___________
			    month /    year

       Name as it appears on card: ______________________________________

[   ]  Attached check payable to Association for Computational Linguistics
       or ACL


ACL						phone +1-908-873-3898
Priscilla Rasmussen				fax   +1-908-873-0014
P.O. Box 6090					acl at bellcore.com
Somerset, NJ 08875, USA


Registrations via email to acl at bellcore.com are strongly
preferred. Please note that the cutoff date for pre-registration
is May 31 .

The registration fee is US $60.  Workshop attendees must be
registered for the conference.  Acceptable forms of payment are
cheques in US dollars payable to ``ACL'' or credit card
(VISA/Mastercard) payment. Please submit the following form with
payment indicating the workshop you are interested in.


Institution: (for name tag)______________________________________________

Postal Address:__________________________________________________________


Phone and Fax:___________________________________________________________

[X] From Research to Commercial Applications:  Making NLP Technology Work
    in Practice

Payment:  specify cheque or credit card
Credit card type:  (Visa/Mastercard only)________________________________
Credit card info:
name on card, 		card number, 				expir date
Dietary requirements:  vegetarian, etc.

  Please send to:

  Priscilla Rasmussen          		phone:  +1-908-873-3898
  P. O. Box 6090			fax:    +1-908-873-0014
  Somerset, NJ 08875, USA		email:  acl at bellcore.com


LINGUIST List: Vol-8-650

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