8.712, FYI: Sealang-l, Nastaliq font for Macintosh
linguist at linguistlist.org
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue May 13 14:15:06 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-712. Tue May 13 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.712, FYI: Sealang-l, Nastaliq font for Macintosh
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Editor for this issue: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 22:09:07 +0700 (GMT+0700)
From: Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong <yui at nucleus.nectec.or.th>
Subject: Announcement: sealang-l revived
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 11:17:56 -0500
From: "Evan L. Antworth" <Evan.Antworth at SIL.ORG>
Subject: Nastaliq font for Macintosh
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 22:09:07 +0700 (GMT+0700)
From: Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong <yui at nucleus.nectec.or.th>
Subject: Announcement: sealang-l revived
For those familiar with sealang-l which has disappeared since
January due to technical problems, sealang-l is now revived and
back at its old home. For those who subscribed recently to
sealang at searc, your names& addresses are automatically moved to
sealang-l at nectec.
I have included info about sealang-l and subscription with this
announcement plus a list of current subscribers.
SEALANG-L is a non-moderated mailing list originally founded
by Gwyn Williams and Trin Tantsetthi in 1994, and devoted to
scholarly discussion relevant to Southeast Asian languages. The
core SEA languages belong to five major families: Austronesian
(AN); Mon-Khmer (Austro-Asiatic; AA, including Munda); Tai-Kadai
(TK); Tibeto-Burman (TB; a branch of Sino-Tibetan ST); and
Hmong-Mien (HM; also known as Miao-Yao). SEALANG-L interests
also extend to languages of the Sino-Tibetan family, as well as
the Austronesian family, spoken in Vietnam and Cambodia,
Malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia, Java, and the
Micronesian, Melanesian, Polynesian, and Madagascar regions.
Languages of historical importance, particularly Pali and
Sanskrit, and more recent European languages (eg. English) are
included in the discussion to the extent to which they bear on
Send a message to:
majordomo at nectec.or.th
In the body of your letter, include the line:
subscribe sealang-l your_email_address
Send your message to:
sealang-l at nectec.or.th
CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS (as of May 12, 1997)
Here are the list of current subscribers of sealang-l mailing
list reestablished at NECTEC.
>>>> who sealang-l
Members of list 'sealang-l':
Marut Buranarach <marut at nectec.or.th>
a.jones at cet.usyd.edu.au
A.Jukes at linguistics.unimelb.edu.au
abramson at uconnvm.uconn.edu
alanking at bigfoot.com
anthony.diller at anu.edu.au
artfkhl at chulkn.car.chula.ac.th
artmmi at au.ac.th
bedell at icu.ac.jp
bgzimmer at midway.uchicago.edu
boyle at netcom.com
brempt at rempt.xs4all.nl
ctrandy at cityu.edu.hk
daniel.duffy at yale.edu
DavidNAB_Thomas at sil.org
delancey at darkwing.uoregon.edu
dinpling at pretty.anu.edu.au
dkaufman at rahul.net
Dorothea.Polonyi at library.anu.edu.au
doug at nwg.nectec.or.th
eewsyw at cpccux0.cityu.edu.hk
egcathyw at polyu.edu.hk
EricSchiller at linguist.chessworks.com
fleeuw at arbo-adam.nl
FMGOTAMA at ccvax.fullerton.edu
frmcr at mahidol.ac.th
gaijin at apple.com
gb661 at csc.albany.edu
grahamt at csufresno.edu
grimes at hawaii.edu
gwade at hkucc.hku.hk
james at seasrc.th.net
Jan-Olof.Svantesson at ling.lu.se
janevis at hkusua.hku.hk
jmwied at rullet.leidenuniv.nl
jr at cphling.dk
kimpope at hawaii.edu
kitano at intcul.tohoku.ac.jp
kmsnyder at ling.upenn.edu
lvhayes at worldnet.att.net
LVO at nervm.nerdc.ufl.edu
Lynn_Conver at sil.org
mahdi at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
mchale at AI.RL.AF.MIL
Michael_Boutin at sil.org
nguyen2 at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
patchew at uclink2.berkeley.edu
pojanart at bunyip.bhs.mq.edu.au
PROTO-LANGUAGE at worldnet.att.net
pwd at ruf.rice.edu
rgoetz at umich.edu
rscook at world.std.com
sagart at ehess.fr
schilkej at ohsu.EDU
seap at niu.edu
seasrc at seasrc.th.net
stephen.oppenheimer at paediatrics.ox.ac.uk
thepsurs at gusun.georgetown.edu
therapan at chulkn.car.chula.ac.th
tsuchida at tooyoo.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp
w.behr at em.uni-frankfurt.d400.de
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 11:17:56 -0500
From: "Evan L. Antworth" <Evan.Antworth at SIL.ORG>
Subject: Nastaliq font for Macintosh
Announcing Nastaliq Navees, a Nastaliq font for Macintosh
QuickDraw GX.
The Nastaliq Navees font package is now available as shareware
(US $75). This package, in conjunction with Apple's QuickDraw
GX graphics system and GX-based application software, allows
Arabic, Urdu, and similar languages to be written using the
elegant Nastaliq style of calligraphy.
Nastaliq Navees was designed and implemented by Jonathan Kew for
the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL).
For more information about Nastaliq Navees, and to download it
using your Web browser, go to this page:
To download it using a command-line FTP client:
FTP to ftp.sil.org and log in as anonymous.
Do these commands:
cd [.fonts.mac]
get nastaliqnavees_sea.hqx
To obtain it by e-mail, send a message to mailserv at sil.org
containing the command:
send [ftp.fonts.mac]nastaliqnavees_sea.hqx
To order it on diskette, please contact nrsi at sil.org.
- Evan Antworth
<Evan.Antworth at sil.org>
SIL Home: <http://www.sil.org>
- Evan Antworth
<Evan.Antworth at sil.org>
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-712
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