8.720, Confs: Grammar Development, Generative Ling
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Thu May 15 02:37:31 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-720. Wed May 14 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.720, Confs: Grammar Development, Generative Ling
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 09:25:50 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Alberto Lavelli <lavelli at itc.it>
Subject: ACL workshop on Environments for Grammar Development
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 16:08:00 +100
From: "M. Everaert" <M.Everaert at nias.knaw.nl>
Subject: Empirical Contribution of Generative Linguistics
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 09:25:50 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Alberto Lavelli <lavelli at itc.it>
Subject: ACL workshop on Environments for Grammar Development
*Please post* *Please post* *Please post* *Please post*
ACL'97 / EACL'97 Workshop
12 July, 1997
Madrid, Spain
With a growing number of NLP applications going beyond the status of
simple research systems, there is also a more evident need for better
methods, tools and environments to support the development and reuse
of large scale linguistic resources and efficient processors. Some of
the most prominent examples of development environments within this
new area of research, often referred to as Linguistic Engineering, are
ALEP, GATE, GWB, PAGE, and many others.
However, while these platforms and components typically provide fairly
clean formalisms, processing components and data, it is not yet clear
to which extent current results and approaches fit the requirements
for scale development and deployment of real NLP applications.
In this connection, a number of pending issues need be addressed, the
relevance of which becomes particularly clear when the focus is
shifted from linguistic formalism to usability and user/application
The workshop will be the occasion to discuss the results achieved and
the most promising directions and to highlight pending problems.
The reviewing process, given the many workshop submissions, was highly
competitive (each paper was evaluated by 3 referees) and the following
15 papers were selected:
Axel Theofilidis (IAI, Saarbruecken),
Paul Schmidt (University of Mainz) -
"ALEP-based Distributed Grammar Engineering"
John Bateman (University of Sterling) -
"Some Apparently Disjoint Amis and Requirements for Grammar Development
Environments: The Case of Natural Language Generation"
David Carter (SRI International, Cambridge) -
"The TreeBanker: A Tool for Supervised Training of Parsed Corpora"
Fabio Ciravegna, Alberto Lavelli, Daniela Petrelli,
Fabio Pianesi (IRST, Trento) -
"Participatory Design for Linguistic Engineering:
the Case of the Geppetto Development Environment"
Luca Dini, Giampaolo Mazzini (CELI, Torino) -
"Hypertextual Grammar Development"
Christine Doran, Beth Ann Hockey, Philip Hopely, Joseph Rosenzewieg,
Anoop Sarkar, B. Srinivas, Fei Xia (University of Pennsylvania),
Owen Rambow and Alexis Nasr (Cogentex) -
"Maintaining the Forest and Burning out the Underbrush in XTAG"
Thilo Goetz, Detmar Meurers (University of Tuebingen) -
"The ConTroll System as Large Grammar Development Platform"
Renate Henschel (University of Edinburgh) -
John Bateman (University of Sterling),
"Application-driven Automatic Subgrammar Extraction"
Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Yasunobu Kawaguchi, Manabu Okumura
(Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) -
"Exploiting Contextual Information in Hypothesis Selection for Grammar
Martin Volk (University of Zurich),
Dirk Richarz (University of Koblenz-Landau) -
"Experiences with the GTU Grammar Development Environment"
Ronald M. Kaplan, Paula S. Newman (Xerox PARC) -
"Lexical Resource Reconciliation in the Xerox Linguistic Environment"
Jerome Vapillon, Xavier Briffault,
Gerard Sabah, Karim Chibout (LIMSI-CNRS) -
"An Object-Oriented Linguistic Engineering Environment using LFG and CG"
Gertjan van Noord, Gosse Bouma (University of Groningen) -
"Hdrug. A Flexible and Extendable Environment for Natural Language
Gerald Penn (University of Tuebingen),
Octav Popescu (Carnegie Mellon University) -
"Head-Driven Generation and Indexing in ALE"
Lena Stromback (Linkoping University) -
"EFLUF - an Implementation of a FLexible Unification Formalism"
In addition, the workshop programme will feature an invited talk by Hans
Uszkoreit: "Reference Data and Grammar Development Environments"; and a
final plenary discussion.
The registration fee for the workshop is 60 US dollars and includes
a copy of the proceedings, lunch and refreshments. Participants can
pre-register (please use the registration form below) or register
on site. Given the limit on the number of workshop participants,
pre-registration is recommended. (Pre-registration will proceed
on a first-come, first-served basis). Please note that according to the
ACL rules, workshop participants must register for the main conference
as well.
Please send a hard copy of your registration form (with an enclosed
cheque if you pay by cheque; do not forget to sign if you choose to
pay by credit card) to
ACL phone +1-908-873-3898
Priscilla Rasmussen fax +1-908-873-0014
P.O. Box 6090 acl at bellcore.com
Somerset, NJ 08875, USA
and an Email a copy of it to pianesi at irst.itc.it
ACL'97 / EACL'97 Workshop
11 July, 1997
Madrid, Spain
Affiliation: (for badge)
Telephone, Fax:
Email address:
Registration Fee 60 (sixty) US dollars
Method of payment:
[ ] Visa or MasterCard:
Expiry date (month, year)
Name as it appears on card:
I wish to pay the sum of 60 US dollars.
[ ] Attached cheque payable to Association for
Computational Linguistics or ACL
Dominique Estival
Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
University of Melbourne
Parkville Victoria 3052
tel: +61-3-9344-4227
fax: +61-3-9349-4326
e-mail: D.Estival at linguistics.unimelb.edu.au
Alberto Lavelli
IRST - Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
I-38050 Povo TN
tel: +39-461-314-517
fax: +39-461-302-040
e-mail: lavelli at irst.itc.it
Klaus Netter
Computational Linguistics Lab
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbr|cken
Tel: +49 681 302 5283
Fax: +49 681 302 5338
email: netter at dfki.uni-sb.de
Fabio Pianesi
IRST - Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
38050, Povo
Trento, Italy
tel: +461-314327
fax: +461-302040
e-mail: pianesi at irst.itc.it
For further information concerning the workshop, please contact
the organisers. To see the original call for papers, visit
For information about the main ACL'97/EACL'97 conference, see
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 16:08:00 +100
From: "M. Everaert" <M.Everaert at nias.knaw.nl>
Subject: Empirical Contribution of Generative Linguistics
What is the Empirical Contribution of Generative Linguistics?
Research in generative syntax, which has seen an explosive growth over
the past thirty years, is in urgent need of being systematized. For
several reasons it has become the rule rather than the exception that
relevant existing research results are not adequately taken into
consideration in current work. Similarly, there is no guarantee that
students, even those graduating from the best programs, will share a
reasonable amount of knowledge about standard syntactic analyses. In
short, it is obvious that a survey of results, a 'standard', is needed
in syntax. By doing so it will become clear what the empirical
contribution of generative linguistics is.
This idea is the basis for the currently active group of researchers
at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and
Social Sciences working on a Syntactician's Companion (SynCom). This
group, together with a balanced international forum of researchers,
will try to create a responsible consensus about the main empirical
and conceptual achievements results of syntactic theorizing. The
SynCom should provide the reader with a complete and coherent
description of what may be considered to be the core results of
syntactic research during the last thirty years. It will contain a
collection of cases which are recognized as valuable in the scientific
community, and which might well serve as points of reference in the
development of theories, and in scientific education. As such it will
serve as an adequate research tools for theoretical linguists,
psycholinguists, computational linguists, sociolinguists, etc.
As part of this enterprise, the workshop "What is the Empirical
Contribution of Generative Linguistics?" is organized on June 27&28
1997 at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities
and Social Sciences, Wassenaar, the Netherlands
Organizers: Henk van Riemsdijk & Martin Everaert
Josep Bayer (Jena) Reineke Bok-Bennema (Groningen)
Hagit Borer (UMass Amherst) Norbert Corver (Tilburg)
Denis Delfitto (Utrecht) Carmen Sorin (Paris)
Martin Everaert (Utrecht) Joseph Emonds (Durham)
Gisbert Fanselow (Potsdam) Hubert Haider (Salzburg)
Hilda Koopman (UCLA) Itziar Laka (Bilbao)
James McCloskey (UCSC) Hans Georg Obenauer (Paris)
Eric Reuland (Utrecht) Henk van Riemsdijk (Tilburg)
Ian Roberts (Stuttgart) Ken Safir (Rutgers)
Tim Stowell (UCLA) Anna Szabolsci (UCLA)
Sten Vikner (Stuttgart)
A final programme will soon be available. For further information
about registration, lodging, etc, write/mail to:
Anneke Vrins/Martin Everaert
Meijboomlaan 1
2242 PR Wassenaar
The Netherlands
tel: 31-70-5122700
fax: 31-705117162
e-mail: syncom at nias.knaw.nl
For further information about the SynCom project:
Martin Everaert
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities
and Social Sciences (till 1/7/97)
Meijboomlaan 1, 2242 PR Wassenaar, The Netherlands
31-70-5122700 (tel)/5117162(fax) everaert at nias.knaw.nl
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