8.747, Sum: Speech analysis tools
linguist at linguistlist.org
linguist at linguistlist.org
Sat May 17 17:02:26 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-747. Sat May 17 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.747, Sum: Speech analysis tools
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Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 20:12:01 +0800
From: Charles Chien-Jer Lin <charlesl at hp.iis.sinica.edu.tw>
Subject: Sum: Speech Analysis Tools
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 20:12:01 +0800
From: Charles Chien-Jer Lin <charlesl at hp.iis.sinica.edu.tw>
Subject: Sum: Speech Analysis Tools
Dear Subscribers,
A long time ago, I posted a query on speech synthesis tools or
softwares on the internet. I received some responses and here they
are. I am extremely sorry for the delay of the summary, and grateful
to those who have kindly responded.
>I have been looking for useful speech analysis softwares which
>produces waveforms, spectographs, pitch, frequency and so on. Is
>there any web page where I could download the programs directly? Or
>is there any useful software in the market? Your kindness to provide
>some clues will be of great help and appreciated.
Charles Lin
<< CspeechSP >>
There is a software called CspeechSP which provides all the functions
that you mentioned in your message. You can purchase it directly from
Prof. Paul Milendovic, 118 Shiloh Dr., Madison, WI 53705-2433 U.S.A.
It can be intalled under Win 95 and would drive a Sound Blaster 16
card. The cost is 495 U.S. dollars for a basic version, and 995 for a
Laboratory automation version. His e-mail is
milendovic at engr.wisc.edu. The phone number is (608) 833-7956.
Good Luck.
Ho-hsien Pan
Return-Path: <hhpan at ccserv2.cc.nctu.edu.tw>
<< Signalyze program on Macintosh >>
At our department we are using Eric Keller's Signalyze program on
Macintosh. Maybe you could have a look at:
Good luck!
Wim van Dommelen
Department of Linguistics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
N-7055 Dragvoll Norway
email: wim.van.dommelen at hf.ntnu.no
tel: +47 73 596527
fax: +47 73 596119
www: http://pan.avh.unit.no/ling/homepage.html
Dear Charles:
About two years ago someone had a similar query and posted to
the LINGUIST list a summary of his findings that contained a wealth of
information. Such summary must be in the LINGUIST archives. I suggest
that you try to access it, because it is really useful.
As for specific software, I know of Signalyze, a package that
was developed at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, that works on a
Macintosh, and that does all you indicate in your message. Of course,
this and the other packeges listed in that summary, are commercial and
rather expensive.
Good luck in your search!
| Alfredo B. Torrejon E-mail: torreal at mail.auburn.edu
| Auburn University Voice: (334) 844-6358
| Dept. of Foreign Languages FAX: (334) 844-6378
| 6030 Haley Center WWW:
| Auburn Univ., AL 36849-2504
| U. S. A.
<< Kay >> << Dr. Speech package >>
Hi, dear Charles, I'm Zuo Yan, now a Ph. D. student in Peking UNiv. It
so happens that I have been thinking of sending a message to the LIST
asking for information about speech analysis tool, for I'm now
preparing my doctoral dissertation on prosody, when I read your
message first today. I'm sorry to say that I may not have much to
offer: still, I know, in addition to the Kay spectrography, which is
now a little bit outdated, two sofeware packages that might be of some
use to you, one is the visual-pitch 4300 program and the other id the
so-called Dr. Speech package (developed by the Tiger electronic
company, U.S.A). Hope this would at least be of some use to you.
Also, I would appreciate it very much to get a copy of the summary
from you in due course. And any discussion between us would be
welcomed on my part.
Best, Zuo Yan
Return-Path: <yystud at ibmstone.pku.edu.cn>
<< Dr. Chiu-yu Tseng >>
I saw your message on Linguist. I worked at Academia Sinica a
couple of years ago doing Acoustic Phonetics with Dr. Chiu-yu Tseng in
the Institute of History and Philology, and I know Dr. Tseng has a
software written by her programmer then, which is very useful and easy
to learn in doing Speech Analysis. You can perhaps try to ask her.
Good luck!
Yi-ching Su
Dept. of Linguistics
Univ. of Maryland, College Park
Return-Path: <yiching at wam.umd.edu>
<< Speech by Dr. Millenkovic >>
There are many softwares in the market for acoustic analysis. The one
that I personally use is called CSpeech. It was written by a speech
scientist at Purdue University in the US, Dr. Millenkovic. and it has
all the functions you outlined and more. Let me know if you want to
pursue this option and I'd try to look for Dr. Millenkovic's address for
you to contact him directly.
Amebu Sedo, Ph.D.
Return-Path: <sseddoh at blue.weeg.uiowa.edu>
<< WinPitch >>
Yes there is such a web page. The URL is
"www.winpitch.com". and you can directly download a demo from
there. The program, called "WinPitch", runs under Windows 3.1/95/NT
and does many things: real time spectrograms, pitch analysis,
synthesis, etc. I believe the actual cost of the complete version is
about US$200.
Philippe Martin
Return-Path: <76633.440 at CompuServe.COM>
<< Oregon Graduate Institute >>
The Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology has a
very nice toolkit for speech analysis. it can be found:
this toolkit includes much more than just spectrograms. You can
actually build your own speech recognition system with them. But
the speech display tools are a part of the package if that is all
you are interested in.
A new form of spectrogram is very nearly ready to be released if
it is not already released. It is worth the wait.
Another place that has free software is SIL. They have okay
spectrograms, too. Not as good as our new ones, though.
SIL has the benifit of running under the Windows and Macintosh
Our spectrograms run under the UNIX platform. We're working on the
Windows platform.
hope that helps.
Return-Path: <tlander at cse.ogi.edu>
<< Signalise for MAC Unice for PC >>
Do you know the following sofwares ?
"Signalise" (signal analise) for Mac and Unice for PC. I think they are
the best sofware on the market.
I worked 2 years ago with "Signalise" and I've been very satisfied...
I don't know if you can obtain a version and if you're working with
Macintosh, but if you're interested, I could perhaps send it to you on
attachment (only If you have Eudora...)
Isabelle LEGLISE
Universite Paris 7
UFRL, Case 7003, ADL 7, rue Boucicaut Tour Centrale, piece
911 75015 PARIS2, place Jussieu
75251 Paris Cedex 05 01 45 54 33 20
!! Thank you all very much !!
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