8.1585, Calls: Natural Lang,Semantic,MachineTranslation,German
linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue Nov 4 15:30:50 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1585. Tue Nov 4 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.1585, Calls: calls
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editors: Martin Jacobsen <marty at linguistlist.org>
Brett Churchill <brett at linguistlist.org>
Anita Huang <anita at linguistlist.org>
Julie Wilson <julie at linguistlist.org>
Elaine Halleck <elaine at linguistlist.org>
Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>
Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Elaine Halleck <elaine at linguistlist.org>
Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms for your conference unless
you explain them in your text. Many people outside your area of
specialization will not recognize them. Also, if you are posting a
second call for the same event, please keep the message short. Thank
you for your cooperation.
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 14:54:19 +1030
From: David Powers <powers at ist.flinders.edu.au>
Subject: Call for Participation/Program/Proceedings: Australian NLP Fortnight
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 16:15:22 +0000
From: WLSS98 <wlss98 at alphalinguistica.sns.it>
Subject: Workshop on Lexical Semantic Systems--Papers
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 17:42:08 +0100
From: Laura e Frank Van Eynde <fralau at iol.it>
Subject: Machine translation workshop--10th European Summer School in
Logic, Language & Information
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:01:51 +0100 (MET)
From: Detmar Meurers <dm at sfs.nphil.uni-tuebingen.de>
Subject: Germanic Syntax Workshop at 10th European Summer School in
Logic, Language & Information
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 14:54:19 +1030
From: David Powers <powers at ist.flinders.edu.au>
Subject: Call for Participation/Program/Proceedings: Australian NLP Fortnight
Call for Participation/Program/Proceedings: Australian NLP Fortnight
ANLPF: Australian Natural Language Processing Fortnight
The Program for the combined CoNLL98 and NeMLaP3 being held in
Sydney, January 11th to 17th January 1998, is now available and
we invite your partipation. Registration forms are available
as HTML+JavaScript forms (we recommend Netscape4/Communicator),
as well as in ASCII and PostScript. The EARLY BIRD and AUTHOR
registration close on November 15 for the main conference and/or
In Sydney we have thirty conference papers, two invited talks
and four tutorials, and there are four other events spread around
the country - three workshops and a tutorial.
Note that proceedings may also be ordered using the registration
forms if you are unable to attend.
Calls for papers are current for the three workshops which are being
held as part of the fortnight, the Australian Natural Language
Processing Graduate Workshop (ANLPW: closing date October 31 - NOW),
the workshop on Human Computer Communication being held in conjunction
with the Loebner Prize (HCC: closing date for two page abstracts and
offers of demonstrations: November 24) and the workshop on Paradigms
and Grounding in Language Learning (PaGiLL: closing date for
two page abstracts: November24). EARLY BIRD and AUTHOR registration for
the workshops closes on December 1.
Main Page:
Selected Subpages:
Australian Natural Language Processing Graduate Workshop:
Loebner Prize Competition and Demonstrations:
- powers at acm.org http://www.cs.flinders.edu.au/people/DMWPowers.html
Associate Professor David M. W. Powers David.Powers at flinders.edu.au
ACM SIGART Editor, ACL SIGNLL ImPastPresident Facsimile: +61-8-8201-3626
Director, AI Lab, Dept of Computer Science UniOffice: +61-8-8201-3663
The Flinders University of South Australia Secretary: +61-8-8201-2662
GPO Box 2100, Adelaide South Australia 5001 HomePhone: +61-8-8357-4220
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 16:15:22 +0000
From: WLSS98 <wlss98 at alphalinguistica.sns.it>
Subject: Workshop on Lexical Semantic Systems--Papers
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Pisa, 19-20 March 1998
Scuola Normale Superiore
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Organized by CELI, ILC, ITC-IRST and Scuola Normale Superiore
With the support of University of Pisa and Xerox Research
Centre Europe
(provisional list)
Gennaro Chierchia (University of Milan)
Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton University)
Ewan Klein (University of Edimburgh)
Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI, Saarbrucken)
WLSS98 is organized by Centro per l'Elaborazione del Linguaggio ed
Informazione (CELI), Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC),
Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologia (ITC-IRST) and Scuola
Normale Superiore (Pisa), and will take place in Pisa on the 19-20
March 1998.
WLSS workshops aim at bringing together Italian and international
scholars, active in both theoretical and applicative domains of
research in lexical semantics, with the goals of:
- providing an overview of the state of the art and exchanging
information on ongoing and planned activities;
- bridging the gap and enhance the trade-off between theoretical
models of lexical knowledge and applications in NLP systems.
These goals are justified:
- by the increasingly central position that lexical knowledge, and in
particular lexical semantics, is assuming within the general
architecture of cognitive systems, both as a dynamic module which
interact with other non-linguistic sources of knowledge, and as a
component playing a major role in interfacing syntax and semantics;
- by the fact that lexical resources (such as tagged corpora,
computational dictionaries, Machine Readable Dictionaries, WordNets)
are among the most crucial aspects of practical NLP systems. Issues
concerning the structure, the representation, the development, and the
acquisition of lexical knowledge are thus of the uttermost importance
when building NLP systems. Lexical systems also play a crucial role
in the design and construction of multilingual systems, a key feature
at least for applications designed to operate in a distributed, non-
centralized environment such as the World Wide Web.
This second edition of WLSS will focus on the portability and
reusability of lexical systems, and on the issue of word sense
disambiguation and semantic tagging. We also encourage the submission
of papers concerning more general issues about linguistic lexical
semantics and its interaction with computational lexicography.
Abstracts are invited for 30-minute talks. Here follows a non-
exhaustive list of topics which could be addressed:
* Lexical resources for semantic tagging and word sense
* Use of lexicons and thesauruses to improve information
retrieval / extraction techniques.
* Automatic acquisition and management of lexical resources.
* Reusability and tuning of existing lexical resources for
novel tasks.
* Trade offs between generic and domain specific lexical
* Multilingual lexical resources.
* Description and evaluation of existing tools and systems.
* Evaluation of different representation formats.
* Issues in computational lexical semantics and
computational lexicography.
* Issues in the design, construction and use of lexical
* Architecture for a cognitive plausible lexicon
* Lexical representation and the interface with syntactic
Only electronic submissions are accepted. Abstracts should not exceed
2 pages in length, in Postscript or ASCII format, and should be sent
to the following address:
wlss98 at celi.sns.it.
Separate information should be sent, including the title of the talk,
author's name, address and affiliation. Submissions must be limited to
a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author. The
deadline is December 15. The Program Committee intends to publish a
selection of the papers presented at the conference.
Submission of abstracts: 15 December 1997
Notification of acceptance: 31 January 1998
Conference: 19-20 March 1998
Pier Marco Bertinetto (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Nicoletta Calzolari (ILC)
Luca Dini(CELI)
Vittorio Di Tomaso (CELI)
Alessandro Lenci (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Bernardo Magnini (IRST)
Fabio Pianesi (IRST)
Frederique Segond (XRCE)
Antonio Zampolli (ILC)
For every further information please contact the conference
Vittorio Di Tomaso
ditomaso at sns.it
Alessandro Lenci
Scuola Normale Superiore
lenci at alphalinguistica.sns.it
Scuola Normale Superiore
Laboratorio di linguistica
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7
56126 PISA (Italy)
Tel. +39 50 509219
Fax: +39 50 563513
More information on the Workshop and a copy of this call for
papers is available on the Web at the following address:
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 17:42:08 +0100
From: Laura e Frank Van Eynde <fralau at iol.it>
Subject: Machine translation workshop--10th European Summer School in
Logic, Language & Information
ESSLLI-98 Workshop on
August 24 - 28, 1998
A workshop held as part of the
10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
August 17 - 28, 1998, Saarbruecken, Germany
ORGANIZER: Frank Van Eynde (K.U. Leuven)
Web site: http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~esslli98/workshops.html
The Programme of ESSLLI-98 (Saarbruecken, August 17-28, 1998) features a
workshop on Machine Translation, to be held during the second week of the
School. As in the case of the other ESSLLI workshops its main aim is to
provide a forum for advanced Ph.D. students and other researchers to
present and discuss their work.
Machine Translation is, of course, a rather large topic. In a sense, there
is not a single branch of computational or formal linguistics which is not
directly or indirectly relevant to it. In order to arrive at a reasonably
coherent programme for the workshop it is therefore proposed to focus on a
limited number of topics.
1. Formal Theories of Translation
There are many theories of translation (esp. in literary criticism), but
few of the theories are sufficiently explicit and formalized to provide a
useful frame of reference for MT. A notable exception is the one presented
in M.T. Rosetta. Compositional Translation (Kluwer, 1994), recently
reviewed in JoLLI. Contributions on this theme can take the form of
replies to M.T. Rosetta or of presentations of an alternative formal
theory of translation.
2. Computational Semantics and Machine Translation
The importation of methods and analyses from formal and computational
semantics has proved useful for modeling the translation of such
notoriously difficult expressions as determiners, pronouns, negation and
tense/aspect markers. Of potential interest for MT is also the recent
attention in computational semantics for the modeling of reasoning on the
basis of underspecified representations. The contextual disambiguation of
word senses, for instance, could be seen as a form of reasoning with
underspecified semantic representations. Presentations on this theme can
take the form of new contributions in one of these areas.
3. Competence-based vs. performance-based models for MT
As in other fields of natural language processing, there has been a growing
interest in the use of probabilistic techniques during the last decade,
leading to a shift from rule- or constraint-based models to corpus-based or
example-based models. Contributions are invited which report on the use of
probabilistic techniques in translation systems (notice the emphasis on MT,
rather than on NLP in general).
4. Machine Translation of Spoken Language
Till a few years ago, virtually all MT efforts concerned the translation of
written language, but the recent rise of interest (and funding) in speech
processing has changed this: most of the currently started MT efforts
explicitly aim at the translation of spoken language. Contributions on
this theme should report on work in this field, preferably on those aspects
which are in the intersection of speech processing and MT (rather in their
5. Translator's tools
There is a school of thought in MT which dismisses the efforts to arrive at
Fully Automatic High Quality Translation (FAHQT) as misguided and wasteful.
What should be aimed at instead is the development of tools for human
translators, such as smart text editors, on-line access to multilingual
dictionaries and term banks, automatic recognition of multi-word units, and
the like. A recent survey of this work can be found in the special issue
of Machine Translation on New Tools for Human Translators (Volume 12, nos.
1-2, 1997). Contributions on this topic should report on original work in
this field.
For all five of the topics, but especially for the last three, contributors
are encouraged to include a demo, either as part of the presentation, or as
an extra, at the end of the session.
There will be 5 sessions of 90 minutes, each containing three slots of 30
minutes. Some of these slots will be assigned to invited speakers, but the
large majority will be assigned on the basis of submitted proposals.
All researchers in the area, but especially Ph.D. students and young
researchers, are encouraged to submit a proposal. Proposals should include
1. Name, affiliation, address, e-mail of the submitter(s)
2. An indication of which of the 5 themes will be addressed
3. Two-page abstract of a paper
4. If applicable, requirements for the demo
They should be sent to
Frank Van Eynde
Centrum voor Computerlinguistiek - K.U.Leuven
Maria-Theresiastraat 21, B - 3000 Leuven, Belgium
frank.vaneynde at ccl.kuleuven.ac.be
fralau at iol.it
fax : +32/16/325098
Workshop contributors will be required to register for ESSLLI-98, but they
will be eligible for a reduced registration fee.
Feb 15, 98: Deadline for submissions
Apr 15, 98: Notification of acceptance
May 15, 98: Deadline for final copy
Aug 24, 98: Start of workshop
To obtain further information about ESSLLI-98 please visit the ESSLLI-98
home page at http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/esslli
-------------------------------- Message 4 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 11:01:51 +0100 (MET)
From: Detmar Meurers <dm at sfs.nphil.uni-tuebingen.de>
Subject: Germanic Syntax Workshop at 10th European Summer School in
Logic, Language & Information
ESSLLI-98 Workshop on
August 17 - 21, 1998
A workshop held as part of the
10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information
August 17 - 28, 1998, Saarbrueken, Germany
ORGANIZERS: Tibor Kiss and Detmar Meurers (IBM Germany and Univ. Tuebingen)
Web site: http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/~esslli98/workshops.html
A number of approaches to Germanic languages (excluding English) have been
developed in constraint-based theories like HPSG and LFG. Apart from the
issue of empirical adequacy, formal issues were raised, among them:
- the nature of complex predicates and the mechanisms used to
formalize them
- linearization versus movement analyses of various phenomena
- the nature of functional projections
- configurational and non-configurational properties of scope
The idea of this workshop is to provide a forum to present and discuss
current approaches exploring such empirical and formal issues of the syntax
of Germanic languages (excluding English). Focusing on Germanic rather
than on a particular syntactic theory is intended to allow for more
inter-framework discussion.
The workshop will consist of five sessions, with two 30+10-minute
presentations in each session.
All researchers in the area, but especially Ph.D. students and young
researchers, are encouraged to submit an extended abstract of 2000-3000
words either as hardcopy or electronically (postscript only).
The accepted papers will be made available in a summer school reader. If
sufficiently many high-quality papers are submitted, we intend to publish
them in an edited volume.
Submissions should be sent before 15 February 1998 to one of the following
two organizers:
Tibor Kiss Detmar Meurers
IBM Germany Universitaet Tuebingen
Vangerowstr. 18 Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft
D-69115 Heidelberg Kleine Wilhelmstr. 113
Germany D-72074 Tuebingen
tibor at heidelbg.ibm.com dm at sfs.nphil.uni-tuebingen.de
Workshop contributors will be required to register for ESSLLI-98, but they
will be eligible for a reduced registration fee.
Feb 15, 98: Deadline for submissions
Apr 15, 98: Notification of acceptance
May 15, 98: Deadline for final copy
Aug 17, 98: Start of workshop
To obtain further information about ESSLLI-98 please visit the ESSLLI-98
home page at http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/esslli
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