8.1633, Confs: CLIN 97, The Yuen Ren Society

The LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Nov 13 23:14:19 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-1633. Thu Nov 13 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.1633, Confs: CLIN 97, The Yuen Ren Society

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Date:  Tue, 11 Nov 1997 15:38:29 +0200
From:  Lisanne Teunissen <l.teunissen at let.kun.nl>
Subject:  CLIN 97: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands

Date:  Wed, 12 Nov 1997 07:43:40 +0800 (CST)
From:  "Karen S. Chung" <karchung at ccms.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject:  Chinese Dialect Conference

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Tue, 11 Nov 1997 15:38:29 +0200
From:  Lisanne Teunissen <l.teunissen at let.kun.nl>
Subject:  CLIN 97: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands

			CLIN 97
    Preliminary Programme and Registration Information

	Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands
		   Eighth CLIN Meeting
               	Friday, 12 December, 1997
       	   Department for Language and Speech
	  	 University of Nijmegen

We are happy to announce the eighth CLIN meeting, which will be hosted by
the Department of Language and Speech of the University of Nijmegen.

The meeting will take place in the "Aula/Congresgebouw" of the University
of Nijmegen. The default language of the conference will be English.

The invited speaker of CLIN 97 is

                     Ted Briscoe
       	      University of Cambridge (UK)

	 "Language is a complex adaptive system"

The local organisers of this year's meeting are Peter-Arno Coppen, Hans van
Halteren and Lisanne Teunissen.


 9:00- 9:30 Registration, coffee

 9:30- 9:35 Opening

 9:35-10:45 Invited speaker: Ted Briscoe (University of Cambridge)
	    Language is a complex adaptive system

10:45-11:00 Coffee

11:00-11:30 Theo van den Heuvel
	    (Polderland Language and Speech Technology, Nijmegen)
	    Optimization of tag sets for bigram-taggers

	    Brigitte Schaffranietz (University of Bielefeld)
	    The influence of intonational information on the processing
	    of restrictive and non-restrictive German relative clauses:
	    experimental results

	    Pim van der Eijk (Cap Gemini ATS)
	    Controlled language authoring and translation

11:30-12:00 Svetlana Sheremetyeva, Sergei Nirenburg
	    (New Mexico State University)
	    Minimizing acquisition and development effort
	    in computational morphology

	    Erwin Marsi (University of Nijmegen)
	    A reusable syntactic generator for Dutch

	    Frank Grootjen, Vera Kamphuis, Janos Sarbo
	    (University of Nijmegen)
	    On the underlying nature of hierarchical structure
	    in language

12:00-12:30 Ivelin Stoianov, Huub Bouma, John Nerbonne
	    (University of Groningen)
	    Modelling the phonotactic structure of
	    natural language words with Simple Recurrent Networks

	    Miriam Eckert (University of Edinburgh)
	    Situational anaphora and null topics in German

	    Frank Van Eynde (University of Leuven)
	    The importance of being cross-categorial:
	    on the Immediate Dominance Schemata of HPSG

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-14:00 Bas van Bakel (University of Twente)
	    NLE in IR: generating structured index concepts

	    Shuly Wintner (University of Tuebingen)
	    The affixal nature of the definite article in Hebrew

	    Caspar Derksen, Kees Koster (University of Nijmegen)
	    Efficient and robust parsing in AGFL

14:00-14:30 Timo Lahtinen (University of Helsinki)
	    Index term corpus as a means to develop a tool
	    for extracting index terms

	    Amalia Todirascu (DFKI Saarbruecken)
	    Romanian clitic climbing

	    Reinier Boon (University of Twente)
	    Trema, a tool for tree manipulation

14:30-15:00 Djoerd Hiemstra (University of Twente)
	    Multilingual domain modeling in Twenty-One

	    Paola Monachesi (University of Utrecht)
	    A morphological analysis of Romanian clitization

	    Gertjan van Noord (University of Groningen)
	    A hybrid and robust parser for OVIS 2

15:00-15:15 Tea

15:15-15:45 Erwin Drenth (KPN Research Leidschendam)
	    Using a hybrid approach towards
	    Dutch part-of-speech tagging

	    Ineke Schuurman (University of Leuven)
	    How (not) to treat adjuncts in HPSG

	    Gregers Koch (Copenhagen University)
	    Montague's PTQ and inductive program synthesis

15:45-16:15 Walter Daelemans, Hans van Halteren, Jakub Zavrel
	    (Tilburg University, University of Nijmegen)
	    Using combining techniques in data driven systems:
  	    a pilot experiment involving wordclass tagging

	    Crit Cremers, Maarten Hijzelendoorn (University of Leiden)
	    Modelling and processing the Dutch verb cluster

	    Hugo ter Doest (University of Twente)
	    Weighted feature structures

16:15-16:45 Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, Niek van der Donk
	    (Tilburg University, KISS BV Erp)
	    Core semantic parsing in the wild:
	    supporting conceptual modelling with the Grammalizer(tm)

	    Gosse Bouma (University of Groningen)
	    A computational grammar for OVIS 2

	    Dirk Heylen (University of Utrecht)
	    Feature modalities and agreement

16:45-17:30 Drinks


Preregistration for CLIN 97 is necessary. Please register before December
8, 1997. The registration fee is Hfl. 50, payable either in advance
(information below) or at the registration desk (cash only). The
registration includes lunch, coffee/tea, drinks, and a copy of last year's
CLIN Proceedings (CLIN 96 was held at the IPO in Eindhoven).

We also offer a reduced registration fee for students (ID necessary) of
Hfl. 15. However, such a registration does not include lunch and the copy
of the proceedings.

You can register by sending us an e-mail clin97 at lands.let.kun.nl
(preferred), or a written note (CLIN 97, Dept for Language & Speech, P.O.
Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen) with the following information:

	Name (first and last)
	Postal Address
	Email Address

If you pay in advance, your payment must have reached us by Monday,
December 8, 1997. Payments should be sent to:

	KU Nijmegen, Fac. Letteren,
	Postgiro 2333985
	Re: "CLIN Congres" 23/870450

CLIN 97 is sponsored by:

- Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)  http://www.nwo.nl
- KISS BV, Erp  http://www.kiss.nl
- Polderland Language and Speech Technology, Nijmegen
- Computer Management Group (CMG)  http://www.cmg.nl

This and future information about CLIN 97 is made available on the CLIN
home page:


-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 12 Nov 1997 07:43:40 +0800 (CST)
From:  "Karen S. Chung" <karchung at ccms.ntu.edu.tw>
Subject:  Chinese Dialect Conference


      Yuen Ren Society for the Promotion of Chinese Dialect Fieldwork

                   Conferences on Fresh Dialect Fieldwork

                          Conference Announcement

   The Annual Conference of the The Yuen Ren Society will be held at the
   University of Washington in Seattle on 7-8 February, 1998. Please
   contact yuen.ren.society at bigfoot.com for more information, or use the
   regular mailing address below.

   The loose theme this year is features defined comparatively across
   various Chinese dialects. Abstracts will be posted before the end of
   January, 1998.

   The Yuen Ren Society for the Promotion of Chinese Dialect Fieldwork is
   dedicated to the study of diverse varieties of spoken Hann Chinese,
   with strong emphasis on descriptive fieldwork. It is the only academic
   organization of its kind in the world. The Society was founded in 1990
   at the University of Washington and is named after Yuen Ren Chao, a
   pioneer in descriptive Chinese linguistics. The Society's meetings are
   an occasional forum for distributing and discussing fresh dialect
   data. YRS meetings are typically small and rather cozy, and speakers
   are allowed at least 30 minutes per presentation. Our format is more
   flexible than most of other regular Chinese linguistics conferences,
   and we have a much narrower focus - we insist that all presentations
   be supported by abundant data. Each year a number of our presentations
   are usually devoted to reports on dialects that are poorly known.

   If you have any questions, or if you want more information, please
   contact us by email at yuen.ren.society at bigfoot.com or by regular mail
        The Yuen Ren Society,
             att'n: David Prager Branner
	440 Riverside Drive, #72
	New York, New York 10027  USA

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1633

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