8.1407, Jobs: Semantics,Ling,Sound Structure
linguist at linguistlist.org
Thu Oct 2 13:23:21 UTC 1997
LINGUIST List: Vol-8-1407. Thu Oct 2 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 8.1407, Jobs: Semantics,Ling,Sound Structure
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>
Review Editor: Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>
Associate Editor: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
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Home Page: http://linguistlist.org/
Editor for this issue: Elaine Halleck <elaine at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 97 16:04:11 EDT
From: Diane Lillo-Martin <LILLOM at UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: Senior Position in Semantics at UCONN
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 97 12:23:31 MET
From: "Antje Hornscheidt" <antje=hornscheidt at rz.hu-berlin.de>
Subject: Linguistics/Scandinavian Langs
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 09:04:35 -0500
From: Beth Levin <beth at lex.ling.nwu.edu>
Subject: Sound Structure Position at Northwestern
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 97 16:04:11 EDT
From: Diane Lillo-Martin <LILLOM at UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
Subject: Senior Position in Semantics at UCONN
The Department of Linguistics at the University of Connecticut
anticipates a tenured position in Semantics to begin in the fall
semester of 1998 (salary negotiable). We hope to hire at the Full
Professor level, but highly qualified candidates at the Associate
Professor level will also be considered. We are interested in
candidates with specialization in formal semantics and the
syntax/semantics interface within Generative Grammar. Applicants
whose research interests interact well with those of the current
faculty are especially sought. Applicants should be prepared to
teach in the area of their specialization at the graduate level,
as well as more general linguistics courses at the undergraduate
level, including 'Language and Mind' and 'Principles of Linguistics.'
An applicant's ability to teach in more than one area will weigh in
our decision.
Applicants should send a complete dossier (letter of application,
curriculum vitae, samples of work in progress or published,
description of courses prepared to teach, and teaching evaluations
if available) and at least three letters of recommendation to:
Howard Lasnik, Chair
Semantics Search Committee
University of Connecticut
Department of Linguistics, U-145
341 Mansfield Road, Room 230
Storrs, CT 06269-1145
email: linqadm at uconnvm.uconn.edu
phone: (860) 486-4229
fax: (860) 486-0197
Applications received by December 1, 1997 will be given preference
in the screening process. Applications will be accepted until the
position is filled.
The University of Connecticut is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer. We encourage applications from under-represented
groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities.
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 97 12:23:31 MET
From: "Antje Hornscheidt" <antje=hornscheidt at rz.hu-berlin.de>
Subject: Linguistics/Scandinavian Langs
Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin
gesucht wird: ein/e wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiterin fuer Linguistik
mit 2/3-TeilzeitbeschEftigung zur Promotion fuer max. 5 Jahre
Vgr. IIa, BAT-O
Aufgabengebiet: Mitarbeit in Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der
skandinavischen Sprachwissenschaft
Anforderungen: Abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches Hochschulstudium:
Skandinavistik mit Schwerpunkt Sprachwissenschaft
Bewerbungen mit den ueblichen Unterlagen sind innerhalb von 4 Wochen unter
Angabe der Kennziffer AN/117/97 zu richten an die Humboldt-Universitaet zu
Berlin, Philosophische Fakultaet II, Nordeuropa-Institut, Dr. Tomas
Milosch, Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany
Nachfragen an Dr. T. Milosch, Tel. #30-20196 627
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 09:04:35 -0500
From: Beth Levin <beth at lex.ling.nwu.edu>
Subject: Sound Structure Position at Northwestern
The Department of Linguistics at Northwestern University announces a
full-time tenure-track position in sound structure at the assistant
professor level, pending final approval. The starting date for the
position is September 1, 1998.
We are seeking candidates who have analyzed primary data (experimental
data, field data, or natural language corpora) in order to address
theoretical issues. Candidates must hold a Ph.D.in linguistics or a
related field, such as psychology, speech and hearing, or speech
processing, by the starting date of the position. Preference will be
given to candidates with publications beyond the dissertation and
teaching skills of demonstrably high quality.
Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications.
To receive fullest consideration, applications should reach Northwestern
University by December 15, 1997. The application should include a CV
(indicating an e-mail address), a statement of research and teaching
interests, reprints or other written work, and teaching evaluations (if
available). Candidates should arrange to have three or four letters of
reference sent directly to the search committee. Send materials to:
Sound Structure Search Committee
Department of Linguistics
Northwestern University
2016 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-4090, USA
(Tel: 847-491-7020, Fax: 847-491-3770)
E-mail inquiries should be directed to Janet Pierrehumbert, chair of the
search committee, at jbp at nwu.edu. The web page for the Department is:
Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer, and applications from minority and women candidates are
especially welcome.
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