9.543, Sum: Literature on Sound Shifts vs. Analogy

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Wed Apr 8 10:37:16 UTC 1998

LINGUIST List:  Vol-9-543. Wed Apr 8 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 9.543, Sum: Literature on Sound Shifts vs. Analogy

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Date:  Wed, 08 Apr 1998 16:28:17 +0200
From:  "Homme A. Piest" <piest at pobox.leidenuniv.nl>
Subject:  Literature on Sound Shifts vs. Analogy

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Wed, 08 Apr 1998 16:28:17 +0200
From:  "Homme A. Piest" <piest at pobox.leidenuniv.nl>
Subject:  Literature on Sound Shifts vs. Analogy

Some weeks ago I asked for information on literature concerning sound
change/analogy. I received the following answers:

* Corey Miller:

Paul Kiparsky's article on phonological change in Goldsmith's Handbook
of Phonological Theory (1995)

Kiparsky's 1988 article in Newmeyer's survey of linguistics.

Labov's (1981) article in Language on Resolving the Neogrammarian
Controversy.  Also, his 1994 book, Principles of Linguistic Change.

* David Eddington:

"Analogical Modeling of Language" by Royal Skousen, published by
Kluwer, 1989.  His approach suggest that analogys, and not rules are
the basis for language, as well as historical shift.

* Charles Reiss:

"Should Output-Output Correspondence be Invoked to Account for
Analogy?" Charles Reiss, 1998

"The origin of the nn /  alternation in Old Icelandic" Charles Reiss.

* Antony Dubach Green:

Green, A. D. (1997). The Prosodic Structure of Irish, Scots Gaelic,
and Manx. PhD diss., Cornell University. [Available from CLC
Publications, books at plab.dmll.cornell.edu, for US$12 + postage.]

Bermudez-Otero, R. (1996). Stress and quantity in Old and early Middle
English: evidence for an Optimality-Theoretic model of language
change. Ms., University of Manchester/Universidad de Santiago de
Compostela.  ROA-136-0996, ruccs.rutgers.edu/roa.html.

Hale, M., M. Kissock & C. Reiss (1997). Output-output correspondence
in Optimality Theory. Ms., Concordia University and Oakland
University.  ROA-202-0697, ruccs.rutgers.edu/roa.html. To appear in

Ham, W. (to appear, maybe already published?). A new approach to an
old problem: gemination and constraint reranking in West
Germanic. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics.

Jacobs, H. (1995). Optimality Theory and sound change. NELS 25.2,

McCarthy, J. J. (1995). Extensions of faithfulness: Rotuman revisited.
Ms., UMass-Amherst. ROA-110-0000, ruccs.rutgers.edu/roa.html.

Reiss, C. (1997). Explaining analogy. Ms., Concordia University.
ROA-199-0597, ruccs.rutgers.edu/roa.html.

Thank you all very much!

- ---

User ID: "Homme A. Piest <piest at pobox.leidenuniv.nl>"
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LINGUIST List: Vol-9-543

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