9.609, Qs: Hebrew/PIE, OCR, Arabic Langs, Alsatian
linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Apr 24 11:39:59 UTC 1998
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-609. Fri Apr 24 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.
Subject: 9.609, Qs: Hebrew/PIE, OCR, Arabic Langs, Alsatian
Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
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Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 00:27:20 PDT
From: "Nick G" <revobs at hotmail.com>
Subject: Hebrew / PIE differences
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:36:03 +0200
From: Marc Fryd <Marc.Fryd at mshs.univ-poitiers.fr>
Subject: OCR for IPA phonetics
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:26:32 +0100
From: Melissa Barkat <Melissa.Barkat at mrash.fr>
Subject: A computer database of Arabic, Berber and Hebrew dialects...
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 08:11:56 +0200
From: Erik Lennestal" <erik.lennestal at swipnet.se>
Subject: Alsatian
-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 00:27:20 PDT
From: "Nick G" <revobs at hotmail.com>
Subject: Hebrew / PIE differences
Does someone want to be referenced to in a book? I'm putting a book
together on later ancient Hebrew culture, and have had to stray into the
area of IE and linguistics.
I need a quote saying that Hebrew is not related to English (from
different language families and the like). Though, I can't find one, and
has left a big hole in a chapter I am writing.
If a linguist wants to write me a quote I can use, or can find one, I'll
put it into the book, and I'll reference you ;-)
Nick G
QUT, Brisbane, Australia
-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 12:36:03 +0200
From: Marc Fryd <Marc.Fryd at mshs.univ-poitiers.fr>
Subject: OCR for IPA phonetics
Is anyone aware of the existence of an OCR package that can do the job for
IPA phonetics characters? Ideally, all one should have to do is provide the
OCR package with a new personal dictionary consisting of the chosen IPA
font... but is it that simple?
-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 15:26:32 +0100
From: Melissa Barkat <Melissa.Barkat at mrash.fr>
Subject: A computer database of Arabic, Berber and Hebrew dialects...
As I tried to show in a paper presented during the 3rd International
Conference on Arabic Dialectology (AIDA) which was held in Malta (march,
28th - April 2nd), I am currently in the process of regrouping both
published and unpublished phonological analyses of Arabic, Berber and
Hebrew dialects in a computer database called "AraBer(ew ?)". Currently I
have entered 20 different systems for arabic languages.
Some of the participants already offered to send me either additional
bibliographical references as well as their own (published or unpublished)
analyses of phonological systems of this linguistic family.
I would bereally interested in finding other people who would be
interested in collaborating.
I am planning to circulate a reasonably complete version of this database
by early July and consequently would be very interested by your suggestion
either to indicate new additional (published or unpublished) references or
to send me sound resources which could be digitalized and linked to
phonological analyses.
If you are interested in collaborating, I will obviously be happy to send
you a copy of my database as soon as it is available.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any further information on
Looking forward to hear from you,
Melissa Barkat
Melissa BARKAT
Laboratoire de Dynamique Du Langage UMR 5596
Maison Rhone-Alpes des Sciences de l'Homme
14, Avenue Berthelot
69363 Lyon Cedex 07 (France)
Tel : 04 72 72 64 63
Fax : 04 72 72 65 90
e-mail : Melissa.Barkat at mrash.fr
-------------------------------- Message 4 -------------------------------
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 08:11:56 +0200
From: Erik Lennestal" <erik.lennestal at swipnet.se>
Subject: Alsatian
I am trying to investigate the special minority languages occurring
near the borders of two countries, such as Alsatian (Alsacien) in
France near the German border. I would appreciate any help in locating
more of these languages, and I am also wondering if there is any
proper group name for these languages, could you refer to Alsatian as
being a Germano-Romance language?
Erik Lennestal
LINGUIST List: Vol-9-609
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