9.619, Confs: Minority Languages in Context

LINGUIST Network linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Apr 27 17:33:50 UTC 1998

LINGUIST List:  Vol-9-619. Mon Apr 27 1998. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 9.619, Confs: Minority Languages in Context

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Date:  Mon, 27 Apr 1998 01:04:05 +0200
From:  Lorenza Mondada <mondada at ubaclu.unibas.ch>
Subject:  Minority Languages in Context

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 27 Apr 1998 01:04:05 +0200
From:  Lorenza Mondada <mondada at ubaclu.unibas.ch>
Subject:  Minority Languages in Context

Minority Languages in Context
Diversity and Standardisation
Congress to be held in Chur (Switzerland), 21st - 23rd  September 1998

Provisional Program

Themes addressed by the congress

The aim of the congress is to stimulate the study and discussion of
contextual dimensions within which minority languages are spoken, shared
and taught. The congress will provide a forum for the exchange and
discussion of descriptive and comparative reports from a variety of
regional and national settings including those in Switzerland. The contexts
within which minority languages evolve can be described from differing
points of view along a continuum between two opposing poles. At one end of
the continuum lay attempts to achieve stability and homogeneity which are
usually articulated through projects aiming at the planning and
normalisation of minority languages in order to present these codes as
having equal status to adjacent majority languages. At the other end of the
continuum we find destabilisation and heterogeneity observable at points of
contact and overlap between minority and majority languages and often
leading to hybrid forms which challenge traditional notions of linguistic
code. These two poles involve a variety of actors and agents of differing
social and institutional status, all exercising varying degrees of
influence on the language situation in question. The congress will address
three thematic areas highlighting the full range of this continuum.

Thematic area one: Standardisation of Minority Languages

Thematic area two: Minority and Majority Languages: coexistence,
relationships and overlap.

Thematic area three: Minority Languages at School

*******Congress events********

**** Keynote speakers
Florian Coulmas (Tokyo) for theme 1; Bernard Poche (Grenoble) and Ben
Rampton (London) for theme 2; Mehandra Verma (York) for theme 3.
**** Sessions
The thematic development of each day will be provided by speakers reporting
on data and research from numerous and diverse linguistic situations around
the world.
Titles of contributions
E. Agurtzane (Eusal Herriko Unibertsitatea), Compensatory linguistic
strategies in the gradual death process of a minority language: Evidence
from some dying dialects of Basque
M. Auzanneau (Paris 5), Pluralit et dynamiques socio-culturelles et
linguistiques  Saint-Louis du Sngal
R. Bernardi (SPELL Urtiyei), SPELL - Standardisierungsprojekt der
ladinischen Idiome in den Dolomiten
D. Bradley (La Trobe), Standardisation of Transnational Minority Languages
in Asia: Lisu and Lahu
R. Cathomas (Fribourg), Spracherhaltung und Immersion?
R. Coray (Fribourg),"Sprachliche Minderheiten" - eine sozialhistorische
Analyse eines Grundbegriffs der schweizerischen Sprachenpolitik
H. Correia (Paris 5), Regards croiss sur une varit migrante : le portugais
S. Dal Negro (Bergamo), Il ruolo dell'italiano in alcuni sviluppi della
morfosintassi walser
J.-F. De Pietro, C. de Goumons, D. Jeannot, C. Perregaux, A.-M. Broi (IRDP
Neuchtel), Des activits d'veil au langage et d'ouverture aux langues
l'cole: vers une prise en compte des langues minoritaires
S. Dingwall, H. Murray (Zrich), The future of English in Switzerland: a
majority/minority problem?
A. Duchne, F. Rosenbaum (Neuchtel), La consultation logopdique comme
espace de rencontre des langues minoritaires et majoritaires
E.M. Eckkrammer (Salzburg), The standardization of Papiamentu: New trends,
problems and perspectives
L. Elle (Bautzen), Mehrsprachige Kommunikation aus der Sicht einer
Kleinsprachen Sorbisch im Alltag der Lausitz
R. Franceschini (Basel), La creativit dei margini linguistici di una
citt: quali competenze di lingue minoritarie presso gli 'indigeni'?
G. Fuchs (Bern), "... un pas vers la remise en cause du statut linguistique
de notre commune". Reaktionen auf die Einfhrung von Projekten mit
zweisprachingen Unterricht ab Kindergarten- und Grundschulstufe
J. Fnfschilling, L. Mondada, K. Mller (Basel), Les processus de
majorisation/minorisation dans des interactions scientifiques plurilingues
J.-J. Furer (Roveredo) Effets de la langue d'enseignement sur la diffusion
et l'ancrage du romanche dans son aire traditionnelle
R. Furness, J. Suls (Barcelona), The Occitan language on both sides of the
Franco-Spanisch border: Problems in Aranese Occitan language codification
M. Heller, N. Labrie, C. Quell, S. Roy (Toronto), Prise de parole : la
mondialisation et la transformation des discours identitaires chez une
minorit linguistique
C. M. Kieffer (Paris), Die arabische Minderheitssprache in Baktrien
C. Leralu (Argizabal), Attitudes envers le basque dans le pays basque franais
M. Maquillo Larruy (Poitiers), Les choix linguistiques de la minorit
lusophone en Andorre
M. Matthey (Neuchtel), Le code-switching rig en norme?: A propos de
H.-P. Meier-Dallach (Zrich), Kleinsprachen in der touristischen Marketing
J. Mills (Luton), Cornish Lexicography in the Twentieth Century:
Standardisation and Divergence
C. D. Pusch (Freiburg), Die Standardisierung des Aranesischen - Zur
Komplexitt der Sprachplanung in einer romanischen Kleinsprache,
dargestellt an der Verschriftungspraxis
C. Riatsch (Bern), Literarische Reaktionen auf puristischen Normdruck im
S. M. Shannon (Denver), Changing status of Irish as experienced through the
All-Irish Schools movement:  Implications for minority/majority language
G. Vermes, E. Huet (Paris 8), Problmes de comptences mtalinguistiques en
langue minorise et difficults d'apprentissage de la lecture en langue

**** Activities of the Lia Rumantscha and other projects from the
Graubnden region of Switzerland
The Lia Rumantscha will organise a visit to their institute where they will
present their current theoretical and practical research projects
addressing languages and education in Graubnden.
***** Activities of the Swiss Association of Applied Linguistics (VALS/ASLA)
During the congress the Association will hold its annual general meeting.
The VALS/ASLA special interests groups (SIGs) will organise parallel
sessions focussing on their own topics: SIG Teaching languages for academic
purposes: Anton Lachner (anton.lachner at aal.unibe.ch-
http://www.aal.unibe.ch/vals); SIG Fachsprachenforschung: Jrg Niederhauser
(juerg.niederhauser at germ.unibe.ch); SIG Lehrwerkautoren: Francesca
Roncoroni (francesca.roncoroni at aal.unibe.ch).
***** A report from the Federal Commission on Language Learning and
Teaching in Switzerland
This commission was set up to investigate language learning and teaching in
Switzerland and make specific recommendations for the future to the
cantonal education authorities. During the congress the commission will
present its final report.
(see: http://www.romsem.unibas.ch/sprachenkonzept/)
****** Activities of the Fondazione Lingue e Culture
This foundation will present its manifesto on languages and cultures in the
multilingual and multicultural Switzerland.

*********************Practical organisation

**** Dates / Venue: 21st - 23rd September 1998, Regional Assembly Building
in Chur (Switzerland)
**** Accommodation: Participants are kindly requested to book their own
hotel rooms. The enclosed brochure lists hotels and prices. Further
information can be obtained through Chur Turismus, Grabenstrasse 5, CH 7002
Chur, tel. +41/81/252.18.18, fax. + 41/81/252.90.76.
***** Enrolment: Students: 70.-; members of VALS/ASLA: 110.-; non-members:
130.-; dinner on Tuesday evening : 50.-. Please pay using the the enclosed
payment slip (within Switzerland) or by bank transfer to the Post Giro
Account of the VALS/ASLA: Post Office account no. 45-311-4.
***** Definitive Program
The definitive program will be sent out to all those who have enroled by
around mid June. It will contain summaries of the all contributions as well
as a detailed description of all other congress events.
***** For more informations, contact:
Lorenza Mondada, Romanisches Seminar, Stapfelberg 7/9, CH 4051 Basel.
Fax: +41/61/267.12.86, email: mondada at ubaclu.unibas.ch


Minority Languages in Context
Diversity and Standardisation

21st - 23rd  September 1998, Chur, Switzerland

Office Address:
Private Address:

I enrol as:
[  ] student (70.- Chfr.)
[  ] member of VALS/ASLA (110.- Chfr)
[  ] non-member   (130.- Chfr)

[  ] I will attend dinner on Tuesday evening (50.- Chfr)

Total payable to VALS/ASLA:...........
Post Office account no. 45-311-4.

Date: 	Signature:	........................

Please return this form to:
Lorenza Mondada
Romanisches Seminar / Stapfelberg 7/9 / CH 4051 Basel
or email: mondada at ubaclu.unibas.ch

LINGUIST List: Vol-9-619

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